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Oracle 10g OCP 042 题库 31-70 题 共168题

发布: 2016-06-07 17:10:47
1118 人浏览过

Oracle 10g OCP 042 题库 31-70 题 共168题

31. Which two statements are true regarding the database in ARCHIVELOG mode? (Choose two.)

A) You have to shut down the database to perform the backups.

B) Archiving information is written to the data files and redo log files.

C) You can perform complete database backups without closing the database.

D) Online redo log files have to be multiplexed before putting the database in ARCHIVELOG mode.

E) All the previous database backups become invalid after you configure the database to ARCHIVELOG mode.

答案:C E.

32.  You perform differential incremental level 1 backups of your database on each working day and level 0

backup on Sundays. Which two statements are true about the differential incremental backups? (Choose two.)

A) The backup performed on Sundays contains all the blocks that have ever been use in the database.

B) The backup performed on Sundays contains all the blocks that have changed since the last level 1 backup.

C) The backup performed on each working day contains all the blocks that have changed since the last level 0 or level

1 backup.

D) The backup performed on each working day contains all the blocks that have changed since the last level 0 backup.

答案: A C


33.  You require the Oracle server to manage the undo segments and space among various active sessions

automatically. You created an undo tablespace, UNDO_TBS1, in your database. Which two additional steps

would you perform to achieve this? (Choose two.)

A) Set the UNDO_RETENTION parameter to 900 or more.

B) Create an initial undo segment in the undo tablespace.

C) Enable the retention guarantee for the undo tablespace.

D) Set the UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter to UNDO_TBS1.

E) Set the UNDO_MANAGEMENT initialization parameter to AUTO.


Oracle undo 管理

34. Which two statements are true regarding a PL/SQL package body? (Choose two.)

A) It cannot be created without a package specification.

B) It cannot invoke subprograms defined in other packages.

C) It can contain only the subprograms defined in the package specification.

D) It can be changed and recompiled without making the package specification invalid.


35. User A executes the following command to update the TRANS table)

SQL> UPDATE B.trans SET tr_amt=tr_amt+500 WHERE c_code='C005';

Before user A issues a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command, user B executes the following command on the

TRANS table:

SQl> ALTER TABLE trans MODIFY (tr_type VARCHAR2 (3));

What would happen in this scenario?

A) The transaction for user A is rolled back.

B) The ALTER TABLE command modifies the column successfully.

C) The ALTER TABLE command fails due to the resource being busy.

D) The ALTER TABLE command waits until user A ends the transaction.


36. Which three statements are true regarding the fine-grained auditing (FGA)? (Choose three.)

A) FGA is possible on SELECT statements only.

B) The audit trail for FGA is stored in the FGA_LOG$ table.

C) The audit trail for FGA is stored in the AUD_LOG$ table.

D) FGA enables a SQL predicate to define when to audit an event.

E) FGA audits DELETE statements only when audit columns are specified.

F) FGA includes the SQL statement used by the user as part of the audit event entry.

答案:B D F

理解的也不是很透彻,,参考 About Fine-Grained Auditing 小节:

37. Which step do you need to perform to enable a user with the SYSDBA privilege to log in as SYSDBA in


A) The user must be granted the database administrator (DBA) privilege.

B) The user must be listed in the password file for the authentication.

C) No special setup is needed for the user to connect as SYSDBA in iSQL*Plus.

D) Set up a user in the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) user manager, and grant the webDba

role to the user.


38. In your Oracle 10g database, you have scheduled a job to update the optimizer statistics at 05) 00 pm

every Friday. The job has successfully completed. Which three pieces of information would you check to

confirm that the statistics have been collected? (Choose three.)

A) average row size

B) last analyzed date

C) size of table in bytes

D) size of table in database blocks

E) number of free blocks in the free list

F) number of extents present in the table


16.5.1 Verifying Optimizer Statistics

39。您的数据库已打开,并且用户已使用 LISTENER 侦听器连接。系统新的DBA使用以下命令停止监听:



A) 会话只能执行查询。

B) 会话不受影响并继续正常运行。

C) 活动事务被回滚并且会话被终止。

D) 在侦听器启动之前,会话不允许执行任何操作。  





A) 使用 CREATE DATABASE .. 命令创建数据库并手动复制数据

B) 使用数据库配置助手 (DBCA) 从现有数据库创建模板以包含


C) 使用 DBCA 从现有数据库创建模板来包含数据库结构,然后手动

使用 Oracle Data Pump 复制数据

D) 使用 DBCA 从现有数据库创建一个模板,以包含带有数据文件的数据库结构,然后



41。您正在处理具有高事务量的 24X7 数据库,为了确保数据库上更快的实例恢复,您将 FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET 初始化参数设置为非常低的值。对数据库会有什么影响?

A) 数据库性能将得到增强。

B) 重做日志文件会更频繁地被填满。

C) 数据库的整体性能将会下降。

D) 平均恢复时间 (MTTR) 将增加。


10.5.3 调整 FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET 并使用 MTTR Advisor

42。您正在开发在线事务处理 (OLTP) 系统。您注意到 PL/SQL 过程在下午 2:00 执行了两次。这错误地更新了 EMP_SAL 表。如何将表恢复到下午 2:00 的状态?

A) 执行时间点恢复至下午 2:00

B) 使用闪回表功能恢复更改。

C) 从最近的备份中恢复整个数据库并打开它。

D) 发出带有系统更改号 (SCN) 的回滚语句。



43。根据您的备份策略,您对数据库执行了增量 0 级备份。关于此备份的哪种说法是正确的?

A) 备份与镜像复制类似。

B) 备份包含所有已使用的数据块。

C) 备份仅包含未使用的数据块。

D) 备份包含自上次增量 1 级备份以来更改的所有数据块。


Oracle 10g OCP 042 题库 31-70 题 共168题
