
发布: 2024-06-10 17:09:20
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译者 | 李睿

审校 | 重楼



API 是一组指导方针和协议,用于促进软件应用程序之间的通信。它概述了软件组件交互的方法,简化了开发和集成系统的过程。






























  • 实时网络流量扫描:人工智能工具能够持续观察网络流量、API请求和微服务之间的交互,及时查明任何违规行为、可疑活动或未经授权的访问企图。
  • 机器学习模型:利用人工智能增强的机器学习模型可以通过仔细检查数据集来检测建议采取行动的模式,从而识别网络威胁,主动识别和响应威胁。
  • 自动事件响应:能够通过触发预定义的操作来响应安全事件,例如隔离受感染的服务阻止流量或隔离受影响的系统,从而自动执行事件响应过程。
  • 取证分析:人工智能工具可以帮助在事件发生后进行分析,通过审查日志、审计跟踪和网络活动来重建事件序列,查明安全漏洞的原因,并指导补救工作。
  • 自适应安全措施:人工智能有能力调整安全控制和设置,以应对不断变化的威胁,使基于云计算的API和微服务能够适应不断变化的风险和漏洞。












  • Google Analytics: In addition to being used for web analytics, Google Analytics can also track user behavior in APIs and microservices, providing insights into user engagement, interaction, and conversion rates.
  • Mixpanel: An analytics platform specializing in event tracking, Mixpanel allows organizations to monitor user behavior such as feature usage, retention and users across APIs and microservices path.
  • Amplitude: Another tool focused on product analysis and behavior analysis, Amplitude Help organizations understand user behavior through cohort analysis and tracking user journeys for applications and services.
  • Hotjar: Providing heatmaps, session recordings, and user feedback tools for analytics purposes, Hotjar visually demonstrates how users consume APIs and microservices.
  • Kibana: Part of the Elastic Stack, Kibana is a data visualization tool for analyzing log data to identify user behavior patterns in APIs and microservices , anomalies and trends.

4. Monitor API traffic

Monitoring API traffic is essential to ensure manual The efficiency, security, and reliability of smart APIs and microservices are critical. By monitoring API traffic, organizations can monitor, analyze, and enhance data flows and requests within their systems. This monitoring helps pinpoint issues, anomalies, and patterns that may affect the normal operation of APIs and microservices.

# In an AI-enhanced environment, a variety of tools and methods can be used to monitor API traffic.

  • Monitor API gateways: These gateways serve as entry points to APIs and provide insights into incoming and outgoing traffic. Tools like Kong, APIgee, or AWS API Gateway can monitor metrics such as request rate, response time, and error rate.
  • Logging and tracing: Incorporating logging and tracing mechanisms in APIs and microservices can capture detailed information about API traffic.
  • API Monitoring Tools: Because tools like Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK stack) are moving in the system, They are able to analyze logs and track requests. For monitoring APIs, you can use tools like Postman, Insomnia, or Paw to observe API endpoints, send trial requests, and measure response times. These tools have proven valuable for gaining insight into API behavior from a user's perspective.
  • Real-time monitoring solutions: To enable real-time monitoring of APIs and microservices, solutions such as Prometheus, Grafana or Datadog provide features that enable organizations to Instantly visualize metrics, create alerts, and analyze performance in real-time.
  • Traffic analysis tools: When it comes to analyzing network traffic and inspecting payloads in API communications, tools like Wireshark, Fiddler, or Charles Proxy can provide useful opinion.
  • Security Monitoring Solutions: To enhance security measures around API traffic, security solutions such as OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, or AWS WAF can be leveraged to effectively monitor security threats, anomalies, and vulnerabilities.

5. Automatic execution of security policies

Ensure the security of AI-driven APIs and microservices Security and confidentiality require automated enforcement of security policies. By automating this process, organizations can apply , monitor and enforce security measures consistently across their systems. Here are some specific strategies and tools that can be used to automate security policies in AI-driven APIs and microservices:

  • Token-based authentication: Employ token-based authentication mechanisms such as OAuth 2.0 or JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to authenticate and authorize access to APIs and microservices; used to issue commands Automated process for acquiring and validating tokens. Revoking them helps increase security.
  • Security policy as code: Use tools like Open Policy Agent (OPA) or HashiCorp Sentinel to define security policy as code. By converting security policies into code format, organizations can automate their implementation throughout the software development lifecycle.
  • Behavioral analysis tools: Using analytical tools such as Splunk, Elastic Security, or IBM QRadar, you can monitor and evaluate user behavior to identify violations and maintain API and Security protocols for activities within microservices.
  • Access Control List (ACL): Implementing access control lists helps limit access to API endpoints and microservices according to established regulations and ensures through automated management Only authorized users or services can access resources.
  • Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP): Use runtime (Runtime) application self-protection (RASP) solutions, such as Contrast Security or Veracode, involve embedding security policies into the API runtime environment to enforce measures against common threats such as injection attacks and data exposure.

6. Vulnerability Management

Effective vulnerability management is through identification, Assessing, mitigating, and monitoring vulnerabilities to protect systems from potential security risks and breaches plays an important role in protecting AI-driven APIs and microservices.

Here are some important strategies and tools for managing vulnerabilities in AI-powered APIs and microservices:

  • Regular vulnerability scanning: Use scanning tools such as Nessus, Qualys or OpenVAS to check APIs and microservices for known vulnerabilities. Consistent scanning helps pinpoint weaknesses that attackers could exploit.
  • Security patching: Establish a process for managing patches to ensure software components and dependencies are kept up to date with security patches. Timely patching can solve known vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of attacks.
  • Secure Code Review: Regularly review code for security issues to address unsafe practices and vulnerabilities. Tools like SonarQube, Checkmarx or Fortify can automate code analysis to detect security flaws in your code base.
  • API Security Practices: Follow API development practices including authentication, authorization, encryption, input validation, and error handling. Adhering to these practices can reduce the attack surface and enhance the security of APIs and microservices.
  • #Integrate threat intelligence: Integrate threat intelligence to provide timely updates on emerging security threats and vulnerabilities related to AI-driven APIs and microservices. Tools like ThreatConnect or Recorded Future can help detect and respond to threats.
  • Incident response plan: Develop a plan to respond to incidents involving API and microservice vulnerabilitiesHandling process. The plan should outline the process for handling a security incident, including steps to patch vulnerabilities, communications strategies, and recovery procedures.

7. Integrate threat intelligence

Integrate threat intelligence into artificial intelligence It is critical to implement intelligence-driven APIs and microservices to enforce security measures, identify threats and effectively manage risks. By leveraging threat intelligence resources, organizations can stay informed of threats, vulnerabilities, and malicious activity that may pose a risk to their APIs and microservices.

Here are some important strategies and tools for integrating threat intelligence in an AI-driven environment:

  • Threat IntelligenceFeedback Sources: Stay current by subscribing to threat intelligence from trusted sources such as CERT, ISAC and commercial providers. These feeds provide real-time insights into known threats, indicators of compromise (IOCs), and attack patterns related to APIs and microservices.
  • Integrated Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): Integrate threat intelligence feeds into a SIEM solution such as Splunk, ArcSight or logrhym. This integration helps correlate security events, analyze logs, and identify threats based on indicators provided by threat intelligence.
  • Monitoring
  • IntrusionsIndicators (IOCs): In logs of API and microservice traffic data and system activity , monitor monitoring Indicators of Compromise (IOC) matches from the threat intelligence feed. Tools like MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) or OpenCTI are valuable for managing and correlating monitoring indicators of compromise (IOCs). Enable Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR): Deploy a SOAR platform such as Demisto, Phantom, or Swimlane to automate tasks related to managing threat intelligence. These platforms streamline incident response processes and remediation workflows designed specifically for APIs and microservices. Leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze data from threat intelligence, identify patterns, and predict security incidents in AI-driven APIs and microservices. Machine learning models can enhance the ability to detect threats and effectively automate response measures.
  • Conclusion

Detect and respond to cloud-based APIs by integrating artificial intelligence-based technologies and threats in a microservices environment, organizations can strengthen their cybersecurity defenses, improve incident response capabilities, and protect their assets from cyber threats.

Original title:

##Leveraging AI to Bolster Cloud Security for APIs and Microservices By Nilesh Charankar


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