适用于任何 AI 工具的最佳 5 个 AI 提示生成器

发布: 2024-06-14 17:19:31
336 人浏览过


1. PromptPerfect

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

Prompt Perfect 是这个列表中对我来说脱颖而出的工具。我喜欢它独特的双重方法,它无缝地结合了提示优化器和专用的助手功能。该组合具有强大的一打二打功能,确保您可以根据您的需求精确地制作激光精度的提示。



You're a novelist crafting an opening chapter to hook the reader immediately. Set the scene by describing a character waking up somewhere unsettling.


The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool


The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

PromptPerfect 可能会继续建议其他详细信息以进一步完善提示,但最终,您可以自行决定当前的信息级别是否足以满足您的需求。

使用优化器完成提示后,这个过程变得更加有趣。此时,您可以将提示粘贴到 PromptPerfect 中内置的 AI Assistant 聊天框中,并在您首选的 AI 工具中运行之前测试输出。

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

2. FeeDough

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

虽然FeeDough 的界面可能不像PromptPerfect 那样精美,但它仍然表现出色。 FeeDough 为 ChatGPT、Midjourney 和 Stable Diffusion 提供专用提示生成器。

ChatGPT 提示生成器旨在优化您用自己的话制作的提示,使其尽可能详细,以引起最佳响应。生成的提示不仅限于 ChatGPT,还可以与 Claude、Gemini 和 Copilot 等其他 AI 聊天机器人同样良好地工作。

当我向 FeeDough 提供与 PromptPerfect 相同的提示时,它会输出详细的提示,准确地捕捉到我想要传达的所有细微差别和上下文信息。看起来比 PromptPerfect 更好。

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

但是,FeeDough 没有集成的 AI 工具或助手可供我用来测试提示。幸运的是,只要您有一个已经熟悉并可以使用的首选人工智能聊天机器人,这就不是什么大问题。

FeeDough 还提供了一系列预先设计的提示,如果它们符合您的预期目标,您可以使用它们。滚动浏览“生成”按钮以查找可能适合您需求的提示说明。

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

如果您专门希望为中途生成提示,请选择中途提示生成器选项卡。在这里,您可以在 Idea 文本框中输入简单的提示来描述您想要生成的图像。下面的下拉菜单允许您为图像提示指定所需的方向(方形、水平或垂直)。

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

与 ChatGPT 提示生成器一样,您会在页面下方找到几个可以使用的 Midjourney 提示说明。


3. PromptStorm (Chrome Extension)

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

PromptStorm is a free Chrome extension that adds a toolbar to ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. Download the PromptStorm extension and add it to your Chrome browser to get started.

So, when you open, say, ChatGPT, you'll notice a lightning bolt icon on the right side of the screen.

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

Click on that, and the PromptStorm sidebar will appear, presenting you with a Select a Category dropdown box, followed by a Subcategory. Let's say you select the General Writing subcategory under the Writing category. PromptStorm will then ask you to Select a Prompt to write or proofread with AI recommendations.

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

If you choose I want to write, it will guide you through a series of prompts to specify your writing goals, such as desired word count, writing style, tone, and more.

As you answer each prompt, PromptStorm will dynamically build the corresponding writing prompt in ChatGPT's text box. Once you've filled in all the key details, click the ChatGPT enter button, and it will generate a tailored response based on the crafted prompt.

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

PromptStorm offers another nifty feature that can save you valuable time and effort. Instead of manually typing out different prompts from scratch, you can leverage its library of pre-built template prompts tailored for various tasks.

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

Click the Search box next to Categories to search for a wide range of prompt templates. Once you find a template matching your needs, PromptStorm will automatically populate the prompt in the ChatGPT text box.

4. Reliablesoft

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

With Reliablesoft, you can craft compelling prompts for your preferred AI chatbot, which also generates text and images. Once on the Reliablesoft website, locate the text box under Generate a prompt for... This is where you'll enter the core idea or concept for the prompt you want to create.

Before generating, click the Configure button to customize your request. You can choose one, three, or five prompt ideas and select the desired writing tone for the generated prompts.

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

Once you've entered your prompt idea and configured your preferences, click the Generate Prompt button. Reliablesoft will present you with the requested prompt ideas in a few seconds. If you opt for multiple options, review them and copy the one that resonates most with you.

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

5. ChatGPT

ChatGPT isn't just great for engaging in natural conversations; it can also be an incredibly useful AI prompt generator for all sorts of applications. Thanks to a Reddit user, you can use this prompt to generate AI prompts for any specific task, such as text, image, and code generation:

I want you to become my Expert Prompt Creator. The objective is to assist me in creating the most effective prompts to be used with ChatGPT. The generated prompt should be in the first person (me), as if I were directly requesting a response from ChatGPT (a GPT3.5/GPT4 interface). Your response will be in the following format: <p> **Prompt:** </p><p> >{Provide the best possible prompt according to my request. There are no restrictions to the length of the prompt. Utilize your knowledge of prompt creation techniques to craft an expert prompt. Don't assume any details, we'll add to the prompt as we go along. Frame the prompt as a request for a response from ChatGPT. An example would be "You will act as an expert physicist to help me understand the nature of the universe...". Make this section stand out using '>' Markdown formatting. Don't add additional quotation marks.} </p><p> **Possible Additions:** </p>    <p> {Create three possible additions to incorporate directly in the prompt. These should be additions to expand the details of the prompt. Options will be very concise and listed using uppercase-alpha. Always update with new Additions after every response.} </p><p> **Questions:** </p><p> {Frame three questions that seek additional information from me to further refine the prompt. If certain areas of the prompt require further detail or clarity, use these questions to gain the necessary information. I am not required to answer all questions.} </p><p> Instructions: After sections Prompt, Possible Additions, and Questions are generated, I will respond with my chosen additions and answers to the questions. Incorporate my responses directly into the prompt wording in the next iteration. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt until the prompt is perfected. Be thoughtful and imaginative while crafting the prompt. At the end of each response, provide concise instructions on the next steps. </p>    <p> Before we start the process, first provide a greeting and ask me what the prompt should be about. Don't display the sections on this first response.</p>

ChatGPT will then ask you to provide a high-level overview or topic and create an initial draft prompt for you. From there, you can engage in a back-and-forth to refine and iterate on the initial prompt. This collaborative process lets you work together to hone the prompts until they're just right.

The Best 5 AI Prompt Generators For Any AI Tool

With those finalized prompts, you'll be all set to plug them into any AI model—whether an image generation tool like DALL-E or anything else.

AI prompt generators can really step up your prompting skills. Each brings something different to the table, so pick and choose based on what resonates with you. At the end of the day, it all boils down to crafting solid prompts.

以上是适用于任何 AI 工具的最佳 5 个 AI 提示生成器的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!

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