
发布: 2024-06-14 19:40:30
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今天上午的活动中,华为公司副董事长、轮值董事长徐直军表示,华为云华为东(芜湖)数据中心是华为云版图的重要组成部分,能帮助企业使用云上算力,随取随用,技术永新。企业则不必建设数据中心,可以聚焦在自身业务发展上。同时,华为云华为东数据中心也为企业提供了稳定、高效、安全、低延迟的服务,并且在数据隐私保护等方面进行了严格的管理。 华为云华为东数据中心是华为云迅速发展的重要支撑点,也是数字中国建设的重要组成部分。华为云通过其强大的技术实力和不断创新的能力,在云计算


华为公司常务董事、华为云 CEO 张平安表示,华为云以系统性创新,重新定义了云基础设施,未来通过全球存算网和昇腾 AI 云服务,推动“百模千态”的应用创新,并加速千行万业的智能化转型进程。

「东数西算」再添重要节点,华为云芜湖数据中心正式开服华为公司常务董事、华为云 CEO 张平安

多元算力对等池化架构首次应用 可满足超大规模算力需求


为了满足超大规模计算力需求,芜湖数据中心首次采用了华为云全新研发的多元算力对等化架构。通过分布式梳理天架构实现CPU、NPU、GPU、内存等多样资源统一抽象、池化,从单体算力架构演进到矩阵算力架构,使算力提升50倍。同时,通过超高带宽的Scale Up网络,将资源对等连接起来,打破了单体算力性能和集群线性度瓶颈,可有效提升大模型的训练效率。此外,通过瑶光智慧云脑可将多种池化资源统一调度,实现灵活组合,提供百亿级到万亿级参数模型的最优算力配比。


此外,芜湖数据中心基于全生命周期高可用设计,包括全球首创机房产品化交付模式、首次引入 IoT 技术、应用 AI 技术主动识别供电、制冷、电池等设备风险,保障业务连续性;并通过了等保 4+认证,可保障全生命周期数据安全。

最低 2ms 时延 高效算力助推中东部打造 AI 产业高地

芜湖具备良好的数据中心大规模集群条件,光纤网络可直达华东和中部热点城市,网络时延在 10ms 以内,其中上海、杭州时延在 5ms 左右,南京更低至 2ms,既能满足对时延不敏感的业务,还能满足对时延要求非常高的 AI 推理、电商、游戏等业务,是长三角汽车、工业、生物医药、高科技等高计算资源消耗企业的优先选择。


「东数西算」再添重要节点,华为云芜湖数据中心正式开服##Yang Shanlin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering##For a long time, Huawei Cloud has been working hard to build AI computing infrastructure to support hundreds of Thousands of modes of innovation enable intelligent upgrades in thousands of industries. According to reports, Huawei Cloud has cooperated with Chery, iFlytek, Xinyi Glass, Conch Cement, JAC, Volkswagen, Bozhou Pharmaceutical and other companies in digital transformation and large-scale model applications, and has created a series of leading " Artificial Intelligence +" application benchmark.

"China's industry is very proud that Huawei can give the world a second choice in terms of real hard technology computing power. We especially need larger-scale computing power support domestically. Now the industry can measure Apart from NVIDIA, Huawei is the only one that can produce large-scale model training, and it has completely matched NVIDIA in terms of reasoning. Liu Qingfeng, chairman of iFlytek, said that the global launch of Huawei Cloud Wuhu data center will have a positive impact on the development of general artificial intelligence and intelligent computing. Play an important supporting and leading role.

iFlytek Chairman Liu Qingfeng「东数西算」再添重要节点,华为云芜湖数据中心正式开服 Dai Chuang, deputy general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. It was stated at the conference that the layout of Huawei Cloud's global sites matches Chery's infrastructure plan. As Chery's most important partner, Huawei Cloud provides the ability to continuously evolve AI from intelligent computing power, computing framework to development, etc. We believe that the powerful combination of Huawei and Chery will write a new chapter for China's automobile industry.

Deputy General Manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. Dai Chuang「东数西算」再添重要节点,华为云芜湖数据中心正式开服

Full stack AI Ability to accelerate artificial intelligence + thousands of industries

Based on a national computing power network, Huawei Cloud covers the country's "data usage" areas through ready-to-use Shengteng cloud services, supporting It meets the growing demand for computing power for large model training and promotion in the intelligent era, and effectively promotes the development of the intelligent industry.

It is worth mentioning that Shengteng Cloud uses its unique multi-level recovery mechanism and complete tool chain to achieve 30 consecutive days of uninterrupted kilocalorie training, and the task recovery time is less than 30 minutes, which is an advantage for large models and The development and operation of AI applications provide base support capabilities for fast resource acquisition, fast model migration, fast fault repair, excellent investment in cloud reasoning, excellent nearby service latency, and excellent cloud performance.

In addition, Huawei Cloud also empowers all walks of life through Pangu large models, and has natively incubated more than 30 industry large models.

Starting in 2023, Huawei has officially launched a comprehensive intelligence strategy, continuing to build a solid computing power base to meet the diverse AI computing power needs of all walks of life, enriching the "black land", and building the third AI computing power base for the world. Two options.

"Relying on the full-stack AI capabilities built by Huawei Cloud, and through innovative technologies such as the Global Storage and Computing Network, Ascend AI Cloud Service, and Pangu Large Model, we will inject digital intelligence vitality into the innovative development of thousands of industries. Promote the vigorous development of China's smart industry and accelerate the cultivation of innovative and competitive new productive forces," Zhang Ping'an said.


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