忘记 Windows 的内置备份:我使用这款免费且加密的软件

发布: 2024-06-19 11:02:01
997 人浏览过

Tired of losing files with Windows Backup? Discover how KopiaUI can bring peace of mind to your backup process with incremental snapshots, encryption, and cloud storage options. Let's dive in.

My Windows Backup Nightmare

A few years ago, I experienced a nightmare with Windows Backup. I had been regularly backing up my files using the built-in Windows backup tool, thinking my data was safe. However, my hard drive failed, and all of my backups were corrupted and unusable. I lost photos, important documents, and years of work. It was a horrible experience that made me realize the importance of a reliable backup solution.

After my issues with Windows Backup, I searched for a more reliable and secure backup tool for Windows. That's when I discovered KopiaUI. KopiaUI allows me to create snapshot backups and send them to multiple locations, so I never have to worry about a hard drive failure again.

What Is KopiaUI and Why You Should Use It?

KopiaUI is a fast, secure, open-source backup and restore tool. It creates file-system snapshots in a remote location with built-in client-side encryption, ensuring your files are safe.

KopiaUI doesn't limit you to local backups. You can use a cloud storage provider like Backblaze or Google Cloud Storage, local directories, network shares (Windows Shares or Linux Server Shares), and even Rclone Remote (allowing you to use services like Dropbox, OneDrive, etc). You can also host your own Kopia repository on a Linux or Windows Server for a more streamlined LAN backup solution.

Why should you care about KopiaUI? It allows you to create incremental snapshots of your files on Windows, which you can roll back to at any time. This makes backups efficient, as only changes since the last backup are saved. Best of all, everything is encrypted and can be stored off-site for safekeeping. It's an incredible tool that will help you keep your files safe on Windows.

KopiaUI vs. Windows Backup

When it comes to backing up your files on Windows, choosing between KopiaUI and Windows Backup depends on your needs and priorities. KopiaUI excels with incremental snapshots, and only saves changes since the last backup. This efficiency significantly reduces storage space compared to Windows Backup, which offers both full and incremental backups but lacks customization.

KopiaUI's versatility shines with a wide range of backup destinations including local directories, network shares, and various cloud providers like Backblaze and Google Cloud Storage. This contrasts with Windows Backup's limited options, primarily focusing on local and network backups. Moreover, KopiaUI's cross-platform compatibility ensures access to your backups on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Reliability is crucial for backups, and KopiaUI boasts snapshot-based backups, reducing the risk of corruption compared to Windows Backup, which has a history of occasional failures. While Windows Backup remains a popular choice due to its integration and ease of use, it lacks the advanced features that power users might seek.

Security is critical, and KopiaUI prioritizes this with client-side encryption of all backup data before it leaves your device. It also offers a variety of encryption algorithms for enhanced flexibility.

In terms of user interface, KopiaUI's interface is functional and well-documented but might require some getting used to. On the other hand, Windows Backup seamlessly integrates into system settings, and it will be very intuitive for anyone that uses Windows regularly.

KopiaUI is a compelling alternative to Windows Backup, especially for users prioritizing incremental backups, diverse storage options, robust security, and advanced features. While its interface might not be as intuitive as Windows Backup's, its reliability and comprehensive features make it a strong contender for safeguarding your valuable data.

Getting Started With KopiaUI

To use KopiaUI, you'll need to download it and install it on Windows. Head over to the KopiaUI GitHub releases page, and grab the latest version for Windows.

After downloading the EXE to your computer, open up Windows Explorer, and launch the setup EXE. Once launched, follow the installation instructions to install the software on your computer.

After KopiaUI finishes installing, launch it. When you launch the software, you will need to select where you'd like your backups to be saved. Choose the storage solution for your backup that works best for you.

Forget Windows\' Built-in Backup: I Use This Free and Encrypted Software

选择存储解决方案后,系统会要求您输入密码来完成 KopiaUI 存储库的创建。这样做,然后单击“创建存储库”即可完成。

将 KopiaUI 与云存储结合使用

KopiaUI 支持多种云存储选项,例如 Dropbox、OneDrive、Google Drive 等。但是,它需要进行一些设置才能使其工作。值得庆幸的是,设置并不困难(相对而言)。

要启动,请打开 PowerShell,然后运行以下命令。此命令将设置 Chocolatey,这是一个易于使用的 Windows 安装工具。

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

然后,您可以使用以下命令安装 Rclone:

choco install rclone <p> </p>
Forget Windows\' Built-in Backup: I Use This Free and Encrypted Software


rclone config

配置 Google Drive

输入 n 作为新的遥控器。输入名称(例如 GoogleDrive)。为 Google 云端硬盘选择“17”。将客户端 ID 和密钥留空。选择所需的访问级别。按照说明进行身份验证。

Forget Windows\' Built-in Backup: I Use This Free and Encrypted Software

在 Kopia 中,输入“C:programdatachocolateybinrclone.exe”作为 Rclone 的路径。

配置 Dropbox

键入 n 作为新的遥控器。输入名称(例如 Dropbox)。为 Dropbox 选择 12。将客户端 ID 和密钥留空。键入 n 进行默认身份验证。按照说明进行身份验证。

请务必输入“c:programdatachocolateybinrclone.exe”作为 Kopia 中 Rclone 的路径。

配置 OneDrive

键入 n 作为新的遥控器。输入名称(例如 OneDrive)。为 OneDrive 选择 33。按照说明进行身份验证。

确保输入“c:programdatachocolateybinrclone.exe”作为 Kopia 中 Rclone 的路径。


在继续之前,您需要确认您的遥控器可以正常工作。要验证设置,请使用您选择的远程名称运行以下命令。如果一切正常并正在运行,该命令将正确显示您的 Rclone 遥控器及其有权访问的文件和文件夹。

rclone ls <remote-name>:

打开 KopiaUI,然后转到存储库设置。选择“Rclone Remote”作为存储类型。输入远程名称和文件夹路径,您就可以备份到您最喜欢的云服务了。

连接到云服务后,系统会要求您输入密码来完成 KopiaUI 存储库的创建。这样做,然后单击“创建存储库”即可完成。


当您将 KopiaUI 连接到您选择的存储解决方案时,您的新 KopiaUI 存储库就可以使用了。要创建第一个备份,请找到 KopiaUI 的“快照”部分,然后选择“新建快照”按钮。选择“新建快照”按钮后,系统会要求您“输入快照路径”。浏览您想要备份到 KopiaUI 的文件夹。选择它后,找到“立即快照”按钮并选择它。

Forget Windows\' Built-in Backup: I Use This Free and Encrypted Software

选择“立即快照”按钮后,您可以在 KopiaUI 中自定义备份设置。然而,这不是必需的。您可以轻松地将所有内容保留为默认值。查看完设置后,再次单击“立即快照”以开始备份过程。

快照完成后,KopiaUI 会在 UI 中列出此备份。选择备份以查看内容。如果您想使用 KopiaUI 恢复备份,请选择快照,然后选择“恢复文件和目录”将其恢复到原始位置或您选择的位置。您还可以通过选择“挂载为本地文件系统”选项将备份直接挂载为文件系统。

KopiaUI 让您安心

虽然 KopiaUI 乍一看可能有点复杂,但它提供的安心感值得学习。使用 KopiaUI,您可以确保您的文件始终备份并安全地保存在 Windows 计算机上。继续使用 KopiaUI,您将永远不必再担心丢失重要文件。

以上是忘记 Windows 的内置备份:我使用这款免费且加密的软件的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!

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