如何防止 Windows 键、Alt+Tab 和粘滞键破坏您的游戏

发布: 2024-06-19 12:58:00
1178 人浏览过

Windows 是为一般计算机使用而设计的,而不是专门为游戏而设计的。 Windows 键、Alt+Tab 以及粘滞键等其他键盘快捷键可以让您退出全屏游戏并返回桌面。幸运的是,禁用它们非常容易,因此您可以享受不间断的游戏。

如何禁用 Windows 键

您可以通过多种方法禁用 Windows PC 上的 Windows 键。让我们详细查看所有方法:


禁用计算机上的 Windows 键的最佳方法之一是使用注册表编辑器。但是,在开始之前,备份注册表并创建还原点非常重要。即使在编辑过程中出现问题,这也将确保您的数据保持安全。

话虽如此,打开“开始”菜单,在搜索栏中键入“注册表编辑器”,然后按 Enter。


<code class="hljs ">HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlKeyboard Layout</code> 

# 右键单击​​“键盘布局”项,选择“新建”,然后选择“二进制值”。然后,将该值命名为“Scancode Map”。

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


<code class="hljs xml">00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 0003, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 5B, E0,00, 00, 5C, E0, 00, 00, 00, 00</code> 
How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

之后,重新启动计算机,您会发现 Windows 键不再起作用。要在将来重新启用 Windows 键,只需从注册表编辑器中删除“Scancode Map”二进制值,Windows 键就会重新开始工作。

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


如果您使用的是 Windows 专业版或企业版,则可以使用本地组策略编辑器禁用计算机上的 Windows 键。为此,请打开本地组策略编辑器并导航到以下位置:

<code class="hljs xml">User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer</code> 

# 在右侧窗格中,双击“关闭 Windows 键热键”策略。

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

然后,重新启动计算机以查看更改。如果要重新启用 Windows 键,则需要将“关闭 Windows 键热键”策略配置为“已禁用”或“未配置”。

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

使用 Microsoft PowerToys

Microsoft PowerToys 是 Microsoft 的一款免费应用程序,可让您禁用 Windows PC 上的按键。要使用它来禁用 Windows 密钥,请首先从 Microsoft Store 安装它,然后打开它。


How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Click "OK" and then select "Continue Anyway" to confirm disabling the Windows key.

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

When you want to start using the Windows key again, simply click the trash icon next to the key.

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Using Your Keyboard Software

If you have a gaming keyboard, it likely has dedicated software that lets you configure how the keys work. Most gaming keyboards also have a gaming mode that, when enabled, disables keys that might interrupt your gaming session, including the Windows key.

For example, if you have an Alienware keyboard, you can use the Fn+F6 key combination to enable gaming mode. If you're unaware of the key combination for your keyboard, check the user manual for more information.

How to Disable the Alt+Tab Shortcut

Pressing Alt+Tab opens the app switcher, which lets you see and switch between different programs running on your computer. However, you might not want to hit this key combination during an intense gaming session because it will minimize your game. You can prevent this from happening by temporarily disabling this shortcut.

Using Microsoft PowerToys

Similar to disabling the Windows key, you can also use Microsoft PowerToys to turn off the Alt+Tab shortcut. To do this, open Microsoft PowerToys, go to "Keyboard Manager," select "Remap a Shortcut," and then click "Add Shortcut Remapping."

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Click the pen icon next to "Shortcut," press the "Alt+Tab" keys together, and click "OK."

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Choose "Disable" from the "Shortcut" dropdown menu under the "To" section.

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Click "OK" to confirm the change.

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

When you're finished gaming on your computer, you can enable this shortcut combination again by clicking the trash can icon next to it.

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Using AutoHotKey

AutoHotkey is a popular third-party tool that helps you manage keyboard shortcuts on your Windows computer. It allows you to disable specific keys or key combinations. To use it to disable the Alt+Tab shortcut, first, download and install AutoHotkey on your computer. Then, right-click anywhere on your desktop, select "New," and then "AutoHotkey Script."

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Give a name to the script file and press Enter.

Right-click on the newly created script file, choose "Open With," and select "Notepad."

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Clear any default text in the Notepad document, paste the following codes and press Ctrl+S to save the changes.

<code class="hljs xml">#=::Return; Disable Alt+Tab!Tab::Return</code> 
How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Go back to your desktop, right-click on the script file again, select "Show More Options," and then choose "Run Script."

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

Alt+Tab 快捷键现在将被禁用。要重新启用它,只需右键单击系统托盘中的 AutoHotkey 图标并选择“退出”即可。

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


Windows 10 和 11 在“设置”应用程序中都有专用的粘滞键切换开关。您可以使用此开关来打开或关闭它。要在 Windows 10 上禁用粘滞键,请打开“设置”菜单并选择“轻松访问”。

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming


How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

对于 Windows 11,打开“设置”,从左侧选择“辅助功能”,然后禁用右侧“粘滞键”的切换开关。

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

单击“粘滞键”选项并禁用它的键盘快捷键。 ###### ### 就是这样!您已成功在 Windows 计算机上禁用粘滞键。要在将来再次启用它,只需重新打开开关即可。

How to Prevent the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, and Sticky Keys From Ruining Your Gaming

这就是关于如何禁用 Windows 计算机上的某些按键和键盘快捷键。现在,您可以享受不间断的游戏过程,而不会意外按下这些键。但是,请记住稍后重新启用这些键和快捷方式,因为永久禁用它们可能会扰乱您在 Windows 中的常规工作流程。

以上是如何防止 Windows 键、Alt+Tab 和粘滞键破坏您的游戏的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!

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