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揭秘项目融资'黑幕”:前 Polychain 合伙人 Niraj Pant 秘密从 Eclipse Labs 收取'好处费”

发布: 2024-07-16 12:56:40
787 人浏览过

作者:Sam Kessler


编注:顶级加密风险投资公司的一位前普通合伙人Niraj Pant与投资组合公司Eclipse Labs达成了隐秘协议,但时间线模糊,引起了一些争议。这一事件引发了对于风险投资行业中潜在利益冲突和道德标准的关注,突显了投资者和创业公司之间的复杂关系。

揭秘项目融资“黑幕”:前 Polychain 合伙人 Niraj Pant 秘密从 Eclipse Labs 收取“好处费”

  • Polychain表示,其前普通合伙人Niraj Pant与投资组合公司Eclipse Labs达成了一项秘密协议,该协议违反了该基金的政策。

  • CoinDesk 的一项调查显示,Eclipse Labs 前首席执行官 Neel Somani 向 Pant 承诺持有价值 1330 万美元的 Eclipse 代币。

  • 据Eclipse的消息人士透露,Somani承诺将这些代币作为一种激励措施,让Pant获得Polychain资金。

  • Polychain表示,Pant没有向该基金透露这笔交易。后来,它投资了Pant的人工智能创业公司Ritual。

  • Pant证实Eclipse Labs为他分配了“顾问”代币,但表示直到Polychain投资后,他才与该公司达成协议。

  • 这种情况让我们得以一窥加密行业融资场景的典型阴暗交易,在这些交易中,风险投资公司对项目和投资进行投资,以换取代币而不是传统的股权。

加密风险投资巨头Polychain指控前雇员Niraj Pant与投资组合公司Eclipse Labs达成了一项违反该基金政策的幕后交易。

根据三位知情人士和 CoinDesk 审查的 Eclipse 内部文件,Eclipse Labs 前首席执行官 Neel Somani 在 2022 年 9 月悄悄地将即将推出的 Eclipse 加密代币的 5% 分配给了Pant——就在 Pant 指示 Polychain 领导该公司 600 万美元的种子前融资几天后。

分配最终减少到 1.33%,价值 1330 万美元,按该代币最近在一轮私人投资中完全摊薄的估值计算。(据一位接近Eclipse Labs的消息人士称,该公司最新一轮融资对该代币的完全摊薄价值(FDV)进行了10亿美元的估值。

Polychain 由加密货币交易所 Coinbase 的Olaf Carlson-Wee(第一位员工) 创立,是最大和最知名的加密货币风险投资公司之一,管理着超过 110 亿美元的资产。Pant 在 2017 年至 2023 年期间担任该公司的普通合伙人,负责将公司的风险投资引导到有前途的加密初创公司。


Eclipse Labs 构建了一个区块链,该区块链混合了来自流行的 Solana 和以太坊网络的技术。在领投 Eclipse 2022 年 8 月的种子前轮融资后,Polychain 于 2024 年 3 月参与了 5000 万美元的 A 轮融资。



Polychain 告诉 CoinDesk,直到 Pant 于 2023 年离开公司后,它才知道 Pant 在 Eclipse 中拥有财务股份。该基金表示,他应该根据其政策披露这笔交易,这些政策旨在保护公司及其投资者免受利益冲突的影响。

“Polychain直到Niraj Pant离开公司后才意识到Eclipse和Niraj Pant之间的财务关系,”Polychain发言人在给CoinDesk的一封电子邮件中示。“Polychain对担任顾问角色的员工有健全的政策和程序。在Pant先生离开Polychain后,该公司意识到他违反了其政策并调查了此事。





根据 CoinDesk 审查的文件,Pant 的股份高于除 Polychain 以外的任何 Eclipse 投资者,Polychain 也占 Eclipse 代币的 5%。潘特的股份超过了分配给其他顾问、投资者和除前首席执行官之外的所有Eclipse员工的股份。

据两位知情人士透露,索马尼告诉他的核心圈子,慷慨的代币赠款旨在激励 Pant 获得 Polychain 的现金和这位资深风险投资人梦寐以求的认可。




Eclipse Labs 构建了一个第 2 层区块链,为用户提供了一种更快、更便宜的以太坊网络交易方式。该网络的主要吸引力在于它借用了流行的 Solana 区块链的元素来为其技术设计的关键元素提供动力——这一细节帮助它在两个最大的区块链社区中赢得了轰动。



“Eclipse Labs没有向公众披露投资者的所有权百分比,”Eclipse Labs的一位发言人告诉CoinDesk。

根据 CoinDesk 审查的内部代币分配表,Eclipse 的员工、投资者和顾问已经获得了未来 Eclipse 代币供应量的近 50%。


揭秘项目融资“黑幕”:前 Polychain 合伙人 Niraj Pant 秘密从 Eclipse Labs 收取“好处费”
摘自 Niraj Pant 提供的经修订的咨询协议


Pant分享的咨询协议日期为2024年4月29日—在他离开Polychain之后—并由两方签署:Neel Somani,代表Eclipse Labs;和 Niraj Pant,代表“The Psychological Operations Co.”

揭秘项目融资“黑幕”:前 Polychain 合伙人 Niraj Pant 秘密从 Eclipse Labs 收取“好处费”
摘自 Niraj Pant 提供的修订后的咨询协议,由 Pant 和 Neel Somani 签署

Under the agreement, Psychological Operations Co. will receive a grant of Eclipse tokens in exchange for “regular conference call synchronization meetings” required by Eclipse. The agreement itself makes no mention of Polychain or its pre-seed investment in Eclipse.

The version of the agreement provided to CoinDesk by Pant states that this is an "amendment" to an early advisory agreement dated September 8, 2022 - just weeks after Eclipse's pre-seed round of funding closed, when he was still a member of Polychain General Partner.

Pant refused to share the original agreement.

Polychain's Policy

Regardless of whether Pant's advisory position was completed prior to the pre-seed deal, if his initial advisory position at Eclipse began while he was still working at Polychain - as evidenced by his own documentation That -- then he may still be required to disclose it under the company's ethics policy, which it described in a lengthy disclosure to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

揭秘项目融资“黑幕”:前 Polychain 合伙人 Niraj Pant 秘密从 Eclipse Labs 收取“好处费”
Polychain CEO Olaf Carlson-Wee (Danny Nelson/CoinDesk)

In an official policy document filed with the SEC, Polychain wrote: “In order to monitor any conflicts of interest, Polychain employees must preemptively clear their personal accounts of certain expected transactions that may appear to be inappropriate, and must disclose all personal account holdings first and annually, as well as all transactions quarterly

. The situation is especially compelling because Pant is not only a former employee of Polychain, but also the co-founder of one of Polychain’s hottest portfolio companies, Ritual

After leaving Polychain last year and founding Ritual, Pant quickly became a leader in blockchain. A leading member of industry speakers and considered a thought leader at the intersection of crypto and artificial intelligence, Ritual aims to decentralize the execution of AI models and is one of a class of blockchain-meets-AI projects that have developed into ventures in their own right. An investment darling. It raised $25 million from Polychain and others last November

Polychain declined to comment on whether its relationship with Ritual changed as a result of Pant’s alleged policy violations, or if it preceded its investment in Ritual. Just know about this breach.

Despite the alleged policy violation, Polychain’s investment in Eclipse is likely to be rewarded since the company first invested in 2022, according to a source close to the fund. Share value in Eclipse increased 10 times


以上是揭秘项目融资'黑幕”:前 Polychain 合伙人 Niraj Pant 秘密从 Eclipse Labs 收取'好处费”的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
