onBondStateChanged当设备与远程设备之间的绑定状态发生变化(例如绑定、绑定或断开)时,会调用 <code>BluetoothGattCallback
中的 () 方法。onBondStateChanged()
method in BluetoothGattCallback
is called when a bond state between the device and a remote device changes, such as bonded, bonding, or broken.
The syntax for onBondStateChanged()
method in BluetoothGattCallback
public void onBondStateChanged(BluetoothDevice device, int bondState, int previousBondState)
The following code sample shows you how to use the onBondStateChanged()
private BluetoothGattCallback gattCallback = new BluetoothGattCallback() { @Override public void onBondStateChanged(BluetoothDevice device, int bondState, int previousBondState) { super.onBondStateChanged(device, bondState, previousBondState); String bondStateString = "Unknown bond state"; switch (bondState) { case BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE: bondStateString = "BOND_NONE"; break; case BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDING: bondStateString = "BOND_BONDING"; break; case BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED: bondStateString = "BOND_BONDED"; break; } String previousBondStateString = "Unknown bond state"; switch (previousBondState) { case BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE: previousBondStateString = "BOND_NONE"; break; case BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDING: previousBondStateString = "BOND_BONDING"; break; case BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED: previousBondStateString = "BOND_BONDED"; break; } Log.d(TAG, "onBondStateChanged() - Device: " + device + " Bond State: " + bondStateString + " Previous Bond State: " + previousBondStateString); } };
The onBondStateChanged()
method in BluetoothGattCallback
方法的语法是:#🎜🎜#rrreee#🎜 🎜#下面的代码示例展示了如何使用 onBondStateChanged()
方法:#🎜🎜#rrreee#🎜🎜#android 中 BluetoothGattCallback.onBondStateChanged() 方法的用途是什么?#🎜🎜 ##🎜🎜#BluetoothGattCallback
中的 onBondStateChanged()
方法用于监听设备与远程设备之间的绑定状态的变化。这可用于更新 UI 或根据绑定状态执行其他操作。#🎜🎜#以上是android 蓝牙gatt回调债券的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!