要遵循它,您必须了解 javascript,更理想的是 Vue.js 3。
基于这一观察,我想知道是否有一个应用程序或 API 可以告诉我我的德语单词或句子的发音是否正确!经过一些调查和重大发现后,我想编写自己的应用程序来解决我的问题。
经过一番研究,我找到了可以解决我的问题的应用程序。但总的来说,发音验证通常只是付费应用程序(或与订阅一起使用的应用程序)的一项附加功能。然后我决定寻找 API。
这里是完成这项工作的 API 列表:
这些 API 是付费的,但通常允许您获得 2 周的测试和实验访问权限。
因为我想检查我的德语发音,所以我选择使用 SpeechSuper API 进行测试,因为它支持包括德语在内的多种语言。在本教程的后面部分,我们将尝试 Speechace API 来演示根据您的需求从一个 API 切换到另一个 API 是多么容易。
目标是实现一个简单的应用程序,允许您输入单词、录制声音、将录音发送到 API 并显示您的分数。
理想的情况是能够将应用程序部署为 Web 应用程序,也可以部署为原生 Android 应用程序。因此我们将使用 Quasar。
Quasar 是一个开源 Vue.js 框架,用于使用单一代码库开发应用程序。它们可以部署在网络上(SPA、PWA、SSR)、作为移动应用程序(Android、iOS)或桌面应用程序(MacOs、Windows、Linux)。
如果还不是这种情况,您需要安装 NodeJS。更好的是使用 volta,因为它允许您根据您的项目使用不同版本的 NodeJs。
我们将首先使用 Quasar 脚手架工具初始化我们的项目。
npm i -g @quasar/cli npm init quasar
cli 会问我们几个问题,选择以下选项:
cd learn2speak npm run dev
示例应用程序可用,我们将删除不需要的元素。为此,我们将在 VSCode 中打开源代码(您当然可以使用其他编辑器)
code .
Quasar provides us with the notion of Layout and then of page included in the latter. The pages and the layout are chosen via the router. For this tutorial, we do not need to know these notions, but you can learn them here: Quasar layout
We do not need drawer, at least not for now so we will delete it from the src/layouts/MainLayout.vue file. To do this, delete the section of the included between the
<template> <q-layout view="lHh Lpr lFf"> <q-header elevated> <q-toolbar> <q-icon name="interpreter_mode" size="md" /> <q-toolbar-title> Learn2Speak </q-toolbar-title> </q-toolbar> </q-header> <q-page-container> <router-view /> </q-page-container> </q-layout> </template>
We can then remove the entire script part and replace it with the following code:
<script> import { defineComponent } from 'vue' export default defineComponent({ name: 'MainLayout', setup () { } }) </script>
We don't need more for the layout part because our application will define only one page.
The implementation of the main page is in the file: src/pages/IndexPage.vue
this is the main page where we will position our text field and the save button.
For this file, we simply remove the Quasar logo from the template (the tag) and modify the script part to use the vueJS 3 composition api, so that the source looks like the following file:
<template> <q-page class="flex flex-center"> </q-page> </template> <script setup> </script>
We will now add the text field using the Quasar component QInput
To do this we add the q-input component to the page template:
<template> <q-page class="flex flex-center"> <q-input type="textarea" :lines="2" autogrow hint="Input a word or a sentence" clearable /> </q-page> </template>
You can see that the text field is displayed in the center of the screen, this is due to the Quasar flex and flex-center classes. These classes are defined by Quasar: Flexbox. We will fix this by placing the text field at the top of the screen, we will also take advantage of this to style the component.
Quasar even provides us with a Flex Playground to experiment and find the classes to put.
<template> <q-page class="column wrap content-center items-center"> <q-input class="input-text" v-model="sentence" type="textarea" :lines="2" autogrow hint="Input a word or a sentence" clearable /> </q-page> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' // Reference on the word or sentence to be pronounced const sentence = ref('') </script> <style scoped> .input-text { width: 80vw; max-width: 400px; } </style>
As you can see, we have defined a sentence reference in the script part to store the value entered by the user. It is associated via the v-model directive to the q-input component
We will finish this first part by adding the button allowing the recording of our pronunciation of the word or sentence. For this we will simply use the q-button component of Quasar and position it after our text field.
<template> <q-page class="column wrap content-center items-center"> <q-input class="input-text q-mt-lg" v-model="sentence" type="textarea" :lines="2" autogrow hint="Input a word or a sentence" clearable /> <div> <q-btn class="q-mt-lg" icon="mic" color="primary" round size="30px" @click="record" /> </div> </q-page> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' // Reference on the word or sentence to be pronounced const sentence = ref('') function record () { console.log('Record') } </script> <style scoped> .input-text { width: 80vw; max-width: 400px; } </style>
Note that we added the q-mt-lg class to air out the interface a bit by leaving some space above each component. You can refer to the Quasar documentation on spacing.
The application will look like:
We have therefore managed to obtain the skeleton of our application.
In a future part we will see how to acquire the audio, then how to obtain a score via the SpeechSuper API
Don't hesite on comments the post ! Part 2 will follow soon !
以上是创建发音评估应用程序(第 1 部分)的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!