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发布: 2024-08-19 06:39:21
663 人浏览过







1、屏幕清洁:如只是小的灰尘和痕迹,可直接用双面绒清洁布轻轻擦拭;如遇顽固或干硬污渍,先关闭显示器电源,将屏幕清洁剂摇匀,距离屏幕20~30厘米将清洁剂喷在屏幕表面,轻轻擦拭即可;也可将清洁剂喷在擦拭布表面,再擦拭屏幕表面 。

2、键盘清洁:键盘清洁刷可将键盘缝隙内的灰尘、杂物扫出。3、其他部位清洗:键盘清洁刷可扫去机箱内各电脑部件上的灰尘,特别是风扇、处理器等部件。注意事项: 1、清洁布不会刮伤物体表面,但刮起并附着的灰尘粒子却可能刮伤物体表面,固请使用后立即清洗






1.关闭软驱:STANDARD CMOS → Drive A:None

2.告诉Windows 无软驱,Advanced BIOS Features →Report No FDD For Win 95:Yes

3.禁用软盘控制器,INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS→ Onboard FDC Controller:Disabled

提示:其中,前两项必选,至于软盘控制器,因为没有软驱,所以没有打开的必要。即使有软驱,建议将“Report No FDD For Win 95”设为Yes 这样,Windows启动时才不会搜索软驱。

由于BIOS版本众多,以上的选项可能和你在自己的主板BIOS中实际见到的略有不同,但是只要将“Floppy drive A”和“Floppy drive seek”两项选择关闭即可达到以上的效果。


1. 设置无线路由器,接通电源,计算机连接上无线路由器(通过有线或者无线方式都可以),按照默认的用户名和密码登陆上去。








重启电脑 F8安全模式启动电脑 卸载安装的激活工具win+x命令提示符(管理员)运行:slmgr –ckms卸载重启电脑试试

8. How to shut down the computer through soft shutdown?

Enter cmd and then at 23:00 shutdown -s. Set the specific time by yourself. Set a certain time to automatically shut down. If you need the computer to automatically shut down at 20:20, then you only need to select "Run" in the "Start" menu, and then enter at 20:20 Shutdown -s, click "OK", the Task Scheduler service must be started first. In this way, when the computer system time reaches 20:20, the computer will automatically display the "System Shutdown" dialog box, and will automatically shut down after 30 seconds. This 30 seconds is to allow the user to save the currently running work before shutting down to avoid causing problems. unnecessary loss. NOTE: The -s parameter refers to the local computer. .Setting 2: Countdown to automatic shutdown If you need the computer to automatically shut down after 10 minutes, then you only need to select "Run" in the "Start" menu, then enter Shutdown -s -t 600, and click "OK". The computer will then start counting down, and the computer will automatically shut down after 10 minutes. Note: The -t parameter is a countdown command for automatic shutdown, and the 600 parameter is 10 minutes or 600 seconds. .Setting 3: Cancel automatic shutdown. If you have set up automatic shutdown, but changed your mind and do not need to automatically shut down, then you only need to select "Run" in the "Start" menu, then enter Shutdown -a, and click "OK". Can. This will turn off the automatic shutdown that has been set. Note: The -a parameter is the command to cancel automatic shutdown. .Setting 4: Scheduled restart If you need the computer to restart at 20:20, then you only need to select "Run" in the "Start" menu, then enter at 20:20 Shutdown -r, and click "OK". In this way, when the computer system time reaches 20:20, the computer will automatically restart. Note: The -r parameter is the restart command. .Setting 5 Countdown to restart If you need the computer to restart after 10 minutes, then just select "Run" in the "Start" menu and enter. Shutdown -r -t 600, click "OK". In this way, the computer will start to count down, and the computer will restart after 10 minutes. Set six automatic shutdown & prompt before restart. If you need to prompt the "System Shutdown" dialog box during automatic shutdown & restart, you can add the command - c"Message content", note: "ask" (half-width) here is not "or" (full-width), and the message content must not exceed 127 characters.

9. 100-400 computers, what configuration of software routing hardware should be used No problem. Professionals from Soft Routing Software (Aikuai) can also answer this question. Internet cafe technicians can do it.

It is recommended to buy an industrial computer from a certain store.

D525 or 1037 is sufficient. The card processing capacity is also related to your bandwidth. The Jike gateway I use uses multi-line splitting, and it feels good. 10. The computer cannot be soft-shut down and restarted?

You can refer to the following steps:

1. Press and hold the power button, and do not let go during these processes. Open your hand. Generally, the computer will shut down after 5 or 6 seconds. Then release your hand.

2. If you can still open the task manager, select Task Manager Shutdown - Close. 3. Click Start Run and enter. Shutdown-s click OK, and then a forced shutdown will occur.

4. The system is unresponsive. It may be due to too many running programs. Check the task manager to see which running programs are selected. 5. It is best to give it another try. The computer needs to be optimized and cleaned. Sometimes it may be caused by too many junk files.

6. Use anti-virus software to scan it. Sometimes it may be caused by a computer virus.

