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'领域驱动的 laravel” 构建可扩展且功能强大的出色系统

发布: 2024-08-19 06:47:02
543 人浏览过

在不断扩展的软件开发领域,创建可扩展、可维护且功能强大的系统绝非易事。有如此多的框架、工具和模式争夺您的注意力,您很容易感觉自己就像一个迷失的太空旅行者,在没有方向的轨道上飞行。但不要害怕,开发者同行! ?领域驱动的 Laravel 存储库可使用领域驱动设计 (DDD) 方法来指导您完成 RESTful API 开发的整个过程。


奥斯哈尔 / 域驱动 Laravel

? ?预先配置的 Laravel 11.x 模板,旨在促进遵循领域驱动设计 (DDD) 原则的 Web 应用程序的开发。

域驱动的 Laravel ? ?

一个健壮、可扩展且灵活的架构,用于使用领域驱动设计 (DDD) 原则通过 Laravel 开发 RESTful API。


Laravel 是一个用于构建功能强大的应用程序的优秀框架,提供了一组丰富的功能和简洁的语法。然而,随着项目变得越来越复杂,代码库很容易变得难以管理。缺乏清晰的架构模式可能会导致职责混合,从而使代码更难以维护和扩展。

该存储库提供了一种使用领域驱动设计 (DDD) 原则构建 Laravel 项目的方法,从而实现更好的组织、可扩展性和关注点分离。这里展示的方法受到最佳实践的启发,旨在以实用且可维护的方式解决现实世界的挑战。

目标是为构建 Laravel 应用程序提供坚实的基础。

  • ?易于理解。组织良好、边界清晰的代码库。
  • ?️ 可维护。遵循 DDD 原则...
在 GitHub 上查看

在本文中,我们将探索这个非凡的 Laravel 包的星系,揭示其独特的功能,并了解为什么它非常适合想要构建复杂系统的开发人员。系好安全带,太空牛仔,因为我们即将发射! ?


什么是领域驱动的 Laravel?

“领域驱动的 Laravel ??”是一种使用 Laravel 构建 RESTful API 的结构化方法,以领域驱动设计 (DDD) 的原则为中心。该包允许您通过将相关业务逻辑分组到域中来逻辑地构建应用程序,使您的系统更易于扩展和维护。

通过利用 Laravel 强大的架构和 DDD 的组织能力,该存储库可帮助开发人员创建组织良好的 API,这些 API 既高效又强大。



想象一下,您的系统就像围绕恒星运行的行星一样组织起来,每个行星都有明确的目的并与更大的系统连接。借助 DDD,您将拥有用户管理、产品管理等领域,每个领域都在 API 生态系统中管理自己的引力。

“领域驱动的 Laravel 的真正魔力??”正在深思熟虑地实施这些概念,将 Laravel 转变为一个运转良好的互连领域机器。您现在可以构建可扩展并为现实世界的复杂性做好准备的应用程序。


如果您像大多数开发人员一样,您一定遇到过相当多的错误消息。但是您是否曾经遇到过错误处理程序因为您犯了错误而侮辱您?欢迎来到“域驱动的 Laravel ??”的世界,在这里,错误处理不仅仅是功能性的,而且是个性化的、搞笑的!

这个 repo 提供了内置的错误处理机制,不仅返回预期的 HTTP 状态代码,还会责骂你犯了错误。让我们来分解其中一些回复:

    fn(QueryException $exception, $request) => ($response)(
            "status" => false,
            "errors" => [
                "Bro wrote the wrong database query. Backend skills issue.",


"Bro wrote the wrong database query. Backend skills issue."



  • 数组结构出错:

    "Ayyo, looks like your backend messed up the array structure."
  • 错误的方法调用:

    "Are you sure backend bro? The method you called doesn't exist."
  • 未定义的异常:

    "Your backend is dumb, bro."



由于 API 响应定义良好的结构,所有错误(包括这些个性化错误)都将遵循一致的格式。 APIResponseData 类确保响应的结构如下:

class APIResponseData extends Data
    public function __construct(
        readonly ?bool $status = true,
        readonly ?string $message,
        readonly mixed $data = null,
        /** @var array<string> */
        readonly ?array $errors,
        readonly ?PaginationData $pagination,
        readonly ?APIMetaData $meta,
    ) {

以下是 500 内部服务器错误的外观:

// Example 500 Internal Server Error
    "status": false,
    "message": "Galactic disruption. An unexpected cosmic event occurred!",
    "errors": [
        "Bro wrote the wrong database query. Backend skills issue",
        "{{ Query error messages specifically }}"
    "meta": {
        "request_id": "string",
        "response_size": "integer|byte"



此存储库的另一个亮点功能是 API 响应的默认消息处理。如果您忘记在响应中设置消息,您将不仅仅是得到一个通用的回退消息,您还会收到一条银河主题的消息,让您的 API 感觉就像一次穿越星空的旅行。


  • 200 成功:“成功!您的请求已安全返回地球。”
  • 201 已创建:“新实体发射到宇宙中。”
  • 400 BAD_REQUEST:“您的请求偏离了方向,无法逃脱地球引力!”
  • 401 未经授权:“您的凭证未通过宇宙看门人!”
  • 404 NOT_FOUND:“您正在寻找的数据超出了空间范围!”
  • 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:“银河系中断。发生了意外的宇宙事件!”

这些主题响应不仅为您的 API 提供了有趣的风格,还让客户和用户更清楚地了解幕后发生的事情。

For example, if your request hits a 404, instead of a boring "Not Found" message, you’ll receive a cosmic-themed error:

"The data you're seeking is beyond the bounds of space!"

This approach not only enriches the developer experience but also makes the API more user-friendly. Your clients and users will enjoy these little touches of humor and personality.

Going Beyond: What Else Makes This Repository Stellar? ?

"Domain-Driven Laravel ? ?" isn't just about humor and cosmic messages. It's a fully fleshed-out package that makes it easier to manage your Laravel applications using DDD principles. Let’s take a look at some of the other key features:

1. Modular Domain Design.

With a clean and modular architecture, you can easily organize your application into domains, each with its own logic and responsibility. This separation allows for better scaling, testing, and maintenance.

2. Built-in API Response Management.

Handling API responses is a breeze with a consistent structure that ensures all responses are formatted correctly. Whether you’re returning success, error, or validation messages, the built-in API response handler will make sure everything is in its right place.

3. Error Handling that Learns.

While the humorous error handling adds personality, it also comes with a solid system that tracks and logs exceptions in a way that helps you debug and improve your code.

4. Advanced Middleware.

The repository includes advanced middleware implementations that ensure all parts of your application are in sync with the domain rules and API structure. With these middleware hooks, you can ensure that your application always behaves as expected.

5. Integration with Spatie's Packages.

Leverage the power of Spatie’s robust Laravel packages for roles, permissions, and data handling. This repo comes with pre-configured support for Spatie’s tools, giving you the best of both worlds: the organization of DDD and the strength of Laravel’s best packages.

Simple Usage: Focus on Domain Actions ?️

When working with the repository, simplicity is key. The goal is for developers to focus purely on domain actions without worrying about infrastructure concerns. This clear separation of responsibilities ensures that each domain handles its own business logic while leaving shared services and external integrations to other layers.

1. Stay Focused on Domain Actions.

In this structure, all core logic related to a specific domain is encapsulated in Actions. You don’t need to think about cross-domain interactions or infrastructure concerns—just focus on building the actions that power your domain. For example, an action like CreateUserAction lives entirely within the User domain and manages user creation. You can call this action from a controller or another action, keeping your code concise and easy to manage.

namespace Domain\User\Actions;

use Domain\User\Models\User;

class CreateUserAction
    public function execute(array $userData): User
        return User::create($userData);

This straightforward action does its job without needing to handle infrastructure-level details like logging, caching, or external API calls. Those concerns are dealt with in the Infrastructure layer or the Shared domain, keeping your actions clean and single-focused.

2. Shared Domain for Cross-Cutting Concerns.

Any service that spans across multiple domains, such as authentication, logging, or notifications, can be placed in the Shared domain. This prevents domain entanglement and ensures that the logic stays modular and focused.

For example, a notification service can live in the Shared domain, allowing any domain to trigger notifications without duplicating code.

namespace Domain\Shared\Services;

class NotificationService
    public function sendNotification(UserData $user, string $message): bool
        // Logic for sending notifications

Any domain that needs to notify users can simply call this service, ensuring that the NotificationService is consistent across the application.

3. Infrastructure for External Integrations.

The Infrastructure layer handles external services and integrations. This includes third-party APIs, payment gateways, or database configurations. By keeping external integrations here, your domain actions remain focused on business logic without worrying about how the external world works.

For instance, a payment gateway service could be handled in Infrastructure, keeping payment logic separate from core domain actions.

namespace Infrastructure\Services;

class PaymentGatewayService
    public function processPayment(PaymentDetailsData $details): mixed
        // Payment processing logic

With this structure, domain actions can call on external services when needed, but the bulk of the integration code is abstracted away, keeping your business logic clean and independent.

4. Flexibility with Interfaces.

To enhance the repository's flexibility and error prevention, developers who are comfortable using interfaces can incorporate a dedicated Interfaces folder. This addition provides a structured way to manage potential changes, such as migrations or dependency removals, without impacting the core functionality. The minimalist design of this repository ensures that it remains adaptable to various development needs, and the use of interfaces aligns with this principle by offering a safeguard against unforeseen changes.

├── Console                     # Custom Artisan commands
├── Domain                      # Core domain logic and business rules
├── Infrastructure              # Infrastructure-related code
└── Interfaces                  # Additional Folder

This approach allows developers to define contracts for their actions, services, or any other components that may evolve over time, ensuring that the code remains stable and maintainable across different stages of development.

5. No Domain Interference.

One of the core principles of "Domain-Driven Laravel ? ?" is that each domain should remain isolated from others. Domains should not interfere with each other’s logic or responsibilities. If multiple domains need to share services or data, those services should either be abstracted into the Shared domain or handled in Infrastructure.

This ensures that no domain unintentionally “leaks” logic or affects the behavior of another. It makes your codebase easier to maintain and scale as each domain evolves independently.

Conclusion: Take Your Laravel Development to the Stars ?

If you’re ready to build Laravel applications that are not only scalable and powerful but also fun to work with, "Domain-Driven Laravel ? ?" is the repository for you. It combines the elegance of Domain-Driven Design with Laravel's strength, all while adding a dash of cosmic humor ?

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started with DDD, this package will help you organize your code, streamline your APIs, and provide a delightful development experience.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to the Domain-Driven Laravel ? ? repository, and start building systems that are out of this world!

May your code always compile, and your APIs always return a 200! ?✨

以上是'领域驱动的 laravel” 构建可扩展且功能强大的出色系统的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
