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在 Go 中使用 defer:最佳实践和常见用例

发布: 2024-08-20 06:58:02
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在 Go 中,defer 关键字是一个强大的工具,可以帮助管理资源并确保在函数退出时执行清理操作。延迟函数在周围函数返回时执行,无论它正常返回、由于错误还是由于恐慌。这可以确保无论函数如何退出,清理代码都会运行,从而使资源管理更简单、更可靠。


  • 执行时序:当周围函数返回时,延迟函数按 LIFO(后进先出)顺序执行,无论是完成执行、遇到 return 语句还是由于恐慌。
  • 资源管理:它有助于自动关闭文件和网络连接等资源、解锁互斥体以及执行其他清理任务。


  • 1.多个 Defer 语句的顺序
  • 2.资源清理
  • 3.解锁互斥体
  • 4.释放数据库连接
  • 5.恢复状态
  • 6.处理恐慌
  • 7.记录和计时
  • 8.冲洗缓冲区
  • 9.处理 HTTP 请求正文
  • 10。不延期关闭失败的开口的风险
  • 11。在检查文件是否打开之前使用 defer 的风险
  • 12。结论

1. 多个Defer语句的顺序

在 Go 中,函数中的多个 defer 语句按照 相反 出现的顺序执行。这对于管理多个清理任务非常有用,确保它们在函数退出时按特定顺序执行。

Using defer in Go: Best Practices and Common Use Cases

func exampleFunction() {
    fmt.Println("Start of function")

    defer fmt.Println("First defer: executed last")
    defer fmt.Println("Second defer: executed second")
    defer fmt.Println("Third defer: executed first")

    fmt.Println("End of function")


Start of function
End of function
Third defer: executed first
Second defer: executed second
First defer: executed last

2. 资源清理

defer 最常见的用途之一是确保文件等资源在不再需要后正确关闭。

func processFile(fileName string) error {
    file, err := os.Open(fileName)
    if err != nil {
        return err // Return the error if opening the file fails
    defer file.Close() // Ensure the file is closed when the function exits

    // Process the file...
    return nil

os.File 实现了 io.ReadCloser,因此这里使用 defer 可以确保文件正确关闭,防止资源泄漏。

3. 解锁互斥锁

在处理并发时,释放锁以防止死锁至关重要。 defer 有助于有效管理互斥体。

var mu sync.Mutex

func criticalSection() {
    defer mu.Unlock() // Ensure the mutex is unlocked when the function exits

    // Critical section...

通过推迟 mu.Unlock(),可以确保互斥锁始终被释放,从而使代码更易于理解且不易出错。

4. 释放数据库连接


func queryDatabase() error {
    db, err := sql.Open("driver", "database=example")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer db.Close() // Ensure the database connection is closed when the function exits

    // Query the database...
    return nil

5. 恢复状态

  • 示例:更改和恢复工作目录


func changeDirectory() error {
    oldDir, err := os.Getwd()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = os.Chdir("/tmp")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer os.Chdir(oldDir) // Restore the working directory when the function exits

    // Work in /tmp...
    return nil

使用 defer 可以轻松自动恢复原来的目录。

6. 处理恐慌

  • 示例:从恐慌中恢复

defer 可用于从恐慌中恢复并优雅地处理错误。

func safeFunction() {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            log.Println("Recovered from panic:", r)
    // Code that might panic...


7. 记录和计时

  • 示例:定时函数执行

defer 对于测量执行时间或在函数退出时进行记录非常有用。

func measureTime() {
    start := time.Now()
    defer func() {
        duration := time.Since(start)
        log.Printf("Execution time: %v", duration)

    // Code to measure...


8. 冲洗缓冲器

  • 示例:刷新缓冲 I/O

应该刷新缓冲的 I/O 操作以确保所有数据都被写出。

func bufferedWrite() {
    buf := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
    defer buf.Flush() // Ensure the buffer is flushed when the function exits

    buf.WriteString("Hello, World!")

这里使用 defer 可以保证所有缓冲的数据在函数完成之前被写出。

9. 处理 HTTP 请求体

  • 示例:关闭 HTTP 请求正文

HTTP 请求体实现了 io.ReadCloser,因此在使用后关闭它们以释放资源并避免泄漏至关重要。

func handleRequest(req *http.Request) error {
    // Ensure that the request body is closed when the function exits
    defer func() {
        if err := req.Body.Close(); err != nil {
            log.Println("Error closing request body:", err)

    body, err := io.ReadAll(req.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Process the body...
    fmt.Println("Request body:", string(body))

    return nil

通过推迟 req.Body.Close(),您可以确保主体正确关闭,即使在读取或处理主体时发生错误也是如此。

10. 不延期关闭失败的开仓的风险

当您在 Go 中打开文件或其他资源时,确保不再需要该资源时正确关闭该资源至关重要。但是,如果您尝试在错误检查后关闭资源而不使用 defer,则可能会给您的代码带来风险。

  • Example Without defer
file, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
    return err // Handle error
// Risk: If something goes wrong before this point, the file might never be closed
// Additional operations here...
file.Close() // Attempt to close the file later

Not using defer to close resources in Go can lead to unintended consequences, such as attempting to close a resource that was never successfully opened, resulting in unexpected behavior or panics. Additionally, if an error occurs before the explicit Close() call, the resource might remain open, causing leaks and exhausting system resources. As the code becomes more complex, ensuring all resources are properly closed becomes increasingly difficult, raising the likelihood of overlooking a close operation.

11. Risk of Using defer Before Checking if a File Was Opened

In Go, it's crucial to place a defer statement after verifying that a resource, like a file, was successfully opened.
Placing defer before the error check can introduce several risks and undesirable behavior.

Example of Incorrect Usage

file, err := os.Open(fileName)
defer file.Close() // Incorrect: This should be deferred after the error check
if err != nil {
    return err // Handle error
// Additional operations here...

Placing defer file.Close() before checking if os.Open succeeded can cause several issues. If the file wasn't opened and is nil, attempting to close it will lead to a runtime panic since Go executes all deferred functions even when an error occurs. This approach also makes the code misleading, implying that the file was successfully opened when it might not have been, which complicates understanding and maintenance. Furthermore, if a panic does occur, debugging becomes more challenging, especially in complex codebases, as tracing the issue back to the misplaced defer can take additional effort.

12. Conclusion

The defer keyword in Go simplifies resource management and enhances code clarity by ensuring that cleanup actions are performed automatically when a function exits. By using defer in these common scenarios, you can write more robust, maintainable, and error-free code.

以上是在 Go 中使用 defer:最佳实践和常见用例的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
