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发布 Viddy v.Migration 从 Go 到 Rust

发布: 2024-08-22 19:05:33
1118 人浏览过


在本文中,我想分享我在重新实现 Viddy(我一直在开发的 TUI 工具)过程中获得的经验和见解,从 Go 到 Rust v1.0.0 版本。 Viddy 最初是作为 watch 命令的现代版本开发的,但这一次,我接受了用 Rust 重新实现它的挑战。我希望这篇文章能为那些对 Rust 开发感兴趣的人提供有用的参考。



Viddy 是作为类 Unix 操作系统中 watch 命令的现代替代品而开发的。除了 watch 命令的基本功能外,Viddy 还提供了以下关键功能,这些功能在后面提到的演示中得到了更好的说明:

  • 寻呼机功能:允许您滚动浏览命令的输出。
  • 时间机器模式:使您能够查看命令的过去输出。
  • 类似 Vim 的按键绑定

原本我的目标是用 Rust 实现 Viddy,但由于技术上的挑战,我决定优先使用我更熟悉的 Go 语言来发布。这一次,我克服了这些挑战,终于实现了我最初的目标,让这个版本对我来说特别有意义。


Release of Viddy v.Migration from Go to Rust


需要注意的是,我对 Go 语言本身并没有不满意的地方。然而,由于最初的实现更多的是概念验证 (PoC),因此经过审查,我希望改进许多领域。这些领域已经成为修复错误和扩展功能的障碍。从头开始重建项目的日益强烈的愿望是一个重要的动力。

此外,我对 Rust 有着浓厚的兴趣,随着我学习这门语言的进步,我想将我的知识应用到一个真正的项目中。虽然我通过书本学习过 Rust,但我发现如果没有实践经验,要真正掌握该语言的独特功能并获得掌握感是很有挑战性的。





此外,有很多部分我可以使用方法链来写得更优雅。我相信使用方法链可以减少 if 和 for 语句的使用,使代码更具声明性。然而,我有限的 Rust 词汇量,加上我不愿意做更多的研究,导致我现在以简单的方式实现了许多部分。

此版本发布后,我计划重新审视所有权、执行优化并重构代码以解决这些问题。如果您碰巧查看代码并发现任何可以改进的地方,如果您能提出问题或提交 PR 来分享您的见解,我将不胜感激!

用 Rust 重写的优点和缺点

在迁移到 Rust 的过程中,我注意到了与 Go 相比的一些优点和缺点。这些只是我的印象,由于我还是 Rust 的初学者,我可能会有一些误解。如果您发现任何错误或误解,我将不胜感激您的反馈!


在 Rust 中,传播错误允许您编写简洁的代码,在错误发生时尽早返回。在 Go 中,可以返回错误的函数是这样定义的:

func run() error {
    // cool code


func caller() error {
    err := run()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

在 Rust 中,可以返回错误的函数是这样写的:

use anyhow::Result;

fn run() -> Result<()> {
    // cool code

如果你想在调用函数的早期返回错误,你可以使用 ? 来简洁地编写它。操作员:

fn caller() -> Result<()> {
    return Ok(());


? Option Type

In Go, it's common to use pointer types to represent nullable values. However, this approach is not always safe. I often encountered runtime errors when trying to access nil elements. In Rust, the Option type allows for safe handling of nullable values. For example:

fn main() {
    // Define a variable of Option type
    let age: Option<u32> = Some(33);

    // Use match to handle the Option type
    match age {
        Some(value) => println!("The user's age is {}.", value),
        None => println!("The age is not set."),

    // Use if let for concise handling
    if let Some(value) = age {
        println!("Using if let, the user's age is {}.", value);
    } else {
        println!("Using if let, the age is not set.");

    // Set age to 20 if it's not defined
    let age = age.unwrap_or(20);

As shown in the final example, the Option type comes with various useful methods. Using these methods allows for concise code without needing to rely heavily on if or match statements, which I find to be a significant advantage.

? The Joy of Writing Clean Code

It's satisfying to write clean and concise code using pattern matching, method chaining, and the mechanisms mentioned earlier. It reminds me of the puzzle-like joy that programming can bring.

For example, the following function in Viddy parses a string passed as a flag to determine the command execution interval and returns a Duration.

By using the humantime crate, the function can parse time intervals specified in formats like 1s or 5m. If parsing fails, it assumes the input is in seconds and tries to parse it accordingly.

// https://github.com/sachaos/viddy/blob/4dd222edf739a672d4ca4bdd33036f524856722c/src/cli.rs#L96-L105
fn parse_duration_from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Duration> {
    match humantime::parse_duration(s) {
        Ok(d) => Ok(Duration::from_std(d)?),
        Err(_) => {
            // If the input is only a number, we assume it's in seconds
            let n = s.parse::<f64>()?;
            Ok(Duration::milliseconds((n * 1000.0) as i64))

I find it satisfying when I can use match to write code in a more declarative way. However, as I will mention later, this code can still be shortened and made even more declarative.

? Fewer Runtime Errors

Thanks to features like the Option type, which ensure a certain level of safety at compile time, I found that there were fewer runtime errors during development. The fact that if the code compiles, it almost always runs without issues is something I truly appreciate.

? Helpful Compiler

For example, let's change the argument of the function that parses a time interval string from &str to str:

fn parse_duration_from_str(s: str /* Before: &str */) -> Result<Duration> {
    match humantime::parse_duration(s) {
        Ok(d) => Ok(Duration::from_std(d)?),
        Err(_) => {
            // If the input is only a number, we assume it's in seconds
            let n = s.parse::<f64>()?;
            Ok(Duration::milliseconds((n * 1000.0) as i64))

When you try to compile this, you get the following error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
   --> src/cli.rs:97:37
97  |     match humantime::parse_duration(s) {
    |           ------------------------- ^ expected `&str`, found `str`
    |           |
    |           arguments to this function are incorrect
note: function defined here
   --> /Users/tsakao/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/humantime-2.1.0/src/duration.rs:230:8
230 | pub fn parse_duration(s: &str) -> Result<Duration, Error> {
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider borrowing here
97  |     match humantime::parse_duration(&s) {
    |                                     +

As you can see from the error message, it suggests that changing the s argument in the humantime::parse_duration function to &s might fix the issue. I found the compiler’s error messages to be incredibly detailed and helpful, which is a great feature.

? The Stress of Thinking "Could This Be Written More Elegantly?"

Now, let's move on to some aspects that I found a bit challenging.

This point is closely related to the satisfaction of writing clean code, but because Rust is so expressive and offers many ways to write code, I sometimes felt stressed thinking, "Could I write this more elegantly?" In Go, I often wrote straightforward code without overthinking it, which allowed me to focus more on the business logic rather than the specific implementation details. Personally, I saw this as a positive aspect. However, with Rust, the potential to write cleaner code often led me to spend more mental energy searching for better ways to express the logic.

For example, when I asked GitHub Copilot about the parse_duration_from_str function mentioned earlier, it suggested that it could be shortened like this:

fn parse_duration_from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Duration> {
        .or_else(|_| s.parse::<f64>().map(|secs| Duration::milliseconds((secs * 1000.0) as i64)))

The match expression is gone, and the code looks much cleaner—it's cool. But because Rust allows for such clean code, as a beginner still building my Rust vocabulary, I sometimes felt stressed, thinking I could probably make my code even more elegant.

Additionally, preferences for how clean or "cool" code should be can vary from person to person. I found myself a bit unsure of how far to take this approach. However, this might just be a matter of experience and the overall proficiency of the team.

? Smaller Standard Library Compared to Go

As I’ll mention in a later section, I found that Rust’s standard library feels smaller compared to Go’s. In Go, the standard library is extensive and often covers most needs, making it a reliable choice. In contrast, with Rust, I often had to rely on third-party libraries.

While using third-party libraries introduces some risks, I’ve come to accept that this is just part of working with Rust.

I believe this difference may stem from the distinct use cases for Rust and Go. This is just a rough impression, but it seems that Go primarily covers web and middleware applications, while Rust spans a broader range, including web, middleware, low-level programming, systems programming, and embedded systems. Developing a standard library that covers all these areas would likely be quite costly. Additionally, since Rust’s compiler is truly outstanding, I suspect that a significant amount of development resources have been focused there.

? Things I Don’t Understand or Find Difficult

Honestly, I do find Rust difficult at times, and I realize I need to study more. Here are some areas in Viddy that I’m using but haven’t fully grasped yet:

  • Concurrent programming and asynchronous runtimes
  • How to do Dependency Injection
  • The "magic" of macros

Additionally, since the language is so rich in features, I feel there’s a lot I don’t even know that I don’t know. As I continue to maintain Viddy, I plan to experiment and study more to deepen my understanding.

Rust vs. Go by the Numbers

While it’s not entirely fair to compare the two languages, since the features provided aren’t exactly the same, I thought it might be interesting to compare the number of lines of source code, build times, and the number of dependencies between Rust and Go. To minimize functional differences, I measured using the RC version of Viddy (v1.0.0-rc.1), which does not include the feature that uses SQLite. For Go, I used the latest Go implementation release of Viddy (v0.4.0) for the measurements.

Lines of Source Code

As I’ll mention later, the Rust implementation uses a template from the Ratatui crate, which is designed for TUI development. This template contributed to a significant amount of generated code. Additionally, some features have been added, which likely resulted in the higher line count. Generally, I found that Rust allows for more expressive code with fewer lines compared to Go.

Lines of Code
Go 1987
Rust 4622
❯ tokei
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Go                      8         1987         1579           43          365
 Makefile                1           23           18            0            5
 Total                  10         2148         1597          139          412
❯ tokei
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Rust                   30         4622         4069           30          523
 |- Markdown             2           81            0           48           33
 (Total)                           4703         4069           78          556
 Total                  34         4827         4132          124          571

Build Time Comparison

The Rust implementation includes additional features and more lines of code, so it’s not a completely fair comparison. However, even considering these factors, it’s clear that Rust builds are slower than Go builds. That said, as mentioned earlier, Rust’s compiler is extremely powerful, providing clear guidance on how to fix issues, so this slower build time is somewhat understandable.

Go Rust
Initial Build 10.362s 52.461s
No Changes Build 0.674s 0.506s
Build After Changing Code 1.302s 6.766s
# After running go clean -cache
❯ time go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath
go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath  40.23s user 11.83s system 502% cpu 10.362 total

# Subsequent builds
❯ time go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath
go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath  0.54s user 0.83s system 203% cpu 0.674 total

# After modifying main.go
❯ time go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath
go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath  1.07s user 0.95s system 155% cpu 1.302 total
# After running cargo clean
❯ time cargo build --release
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 52.36s
cargo build --release  627.85s user 45.07s system 1282% cpu 52.461 total

# Subsequent builds
❯ time cargo build --release
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.40s
cargo build --release  0.21s user 0.23s system 87% cpu 0.506 total

# After modifying main.rs
❯ time cargo build --release
   Compiling viddy v1.0.0-rc.0
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 6.67s
cargo build --release  41.01s user 1.13s system 622% cpu 6.766 total

Comparison of Non-Standard Library Dependencies

In Go, I tried to rely on the standard library as much as possible. However, as mentioned earlier, Rust's standard library (crates) is smaller compared to Go's, leading to greater reliance on external crates. When we look at the number of libraries Viddy directly depends on, the difference is quite noticeable:

Number of Dependencies
Go 13
Rust 38


也就是说,在 Rust 中,调整心态并更加开放地依赖外部板条箱似乎是明智之举。


Ratatui 模板很方便

对于这个项目,我使用了一个名为 Ratatui 的包来用 Rust 构建 TUI 应用程序。 Ratatui 提供的模板我觉得非常有用,所以我想在这里介绍一下。

与 GUI 应用程序类似,TUI 应用程序是事件驱动的。例如,当按下某个键时,会触发一个事件,并执行某些操作。 Ratatui 提供了在终端上渲染 TUI 块的功能,但它本身不处理事件。因此,您需要创建自己的机制来接收和处理事件。

Ratatui 提供的模板从一开始就包含这种结构,允许您快速构建应用程序。此外,这些模板还附带使用 GitHub Actions 的 CI/CD 设置、键映射和样式配置,可以通过读取文件进行自定义。

如果您打算用 Rust 创建 TUI,我强烈建议您考虑使用这些模板。

呼吁在社区和 Reddit 上进行 RC 测试

为了让社区知道 Viddy v1.0.0 是在 Rust 中重新实现的版本,我通过 GitHub Issue 和 Reddit 宣布了这一点。幸运的是,这带来了各种反馈和错误报告,一些贡献者甚至自己发现问题并提交了 PR。如果没有这个社区的支持,我发布的版本可能仍然存在许多错误。


Viddy 的新功能

有一段时间,Viddy 用户请求一项功能,允许他们保存命令输出的历史记录并在以后查看它们。作为回应,我们在此版本中实现了“回溯”功能,将执行结果保存在 SQLite 中,允许您在命令完成后重新启动 Viddy 并查看结果。此功能可以更轻松地与其他人共享命令输出的更改历史记录。

顺便说一句,“Viddy”这个名字本身就是对电影的致敬,我计划继续将电影相关的主题融入到项目中。我特别喜欢这个新功能的名称“回顾”,因为它与这个主题相符。另外,日本动画电影Look Back也非常棒。


Release of Viddy v.Migration from Go to Rust


目前,Viddy 使用 Gopher 图标,但由于实现语言已切换为 Rust,这可能会引起一些混乱。然而,这个图标非常棒,所以我打算保持原样。 ?

“Viddy well,Gopher,viddy well”这句话现在可能也有稍微不同的含义。


通过将 Viddy 从 Go 重写为 Rust 的挑战,我能够深入探索每种语言的差异和特点。 Rust 的错误传播和 Option 类型等功能被证明对于编写更安全、更简洁的代码非常有用。另一方面,Rust 的表达能力有时会成为压力的来源,尤其是当我觉得有必要编写尽可能最优雅的代码时。此外,Rust 中较小的标准库被认为是一个新的挑战。

尽管存在这些挑战,但优先发布版本并专注于让某些功能可用使得重写能够取得进展。社区对 RC 版本测试和改进的支持也是一个重要的动力。

展望未来,我计划继续使用 Rust 开发和维护 Viddy,以进一步提高我的语言技能。我希望这篇文章能为那些考虑使用 Rust 的人提供有用的参考。最后,如果您发现 Viddy 的代码有任何需要改进的地方,我将非常感谢您的反馈或 PR!


以上是发布 Viddy v.Migration 从 Go 到 Rust的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
