PHP时区函数是PHP的内置函数,主要用于设置一些时区默认值,这些默认值将被所有与日期或时间相关的函数进一步使用。 PHP 时区有一些特殊特征,例如,如果时区无效,PHP 时区中的脚本将返回 false,反之则返回 true。该函数接受单个参数,该参数被视为强制参数,而多个参数(如多功能参数)并不是使 PHP 时区正常工作所必需的。
PHP 开发人员 - 专业化 | 8 门课程系列 | 3次模拟测试
bool date_default_timezone_set( $timezone_id )
语法流程是这样的:bool 表示布尔值,函数传递一些参数,例如:
- 此函数必须包含单个参数,如 timezone_id,它将负责设置所需日期或时间的参数,该日期或时间与亚洲或加尔各答的 UTC 时间相关。
- 如果函数返回值为 false,则该时区 ID 将无效,否则为 true。
时区函数在 PHP 中如何工作?
每个函数都有一个工作模式,PHP 中的时区函数也是如此,其功能如下:
- timezone function is an inbuild function in PHP which is mostly used for setting the values with respect to the values given but still it needs some more setting and the patterns as per requirement.
- Also, there are other methods with timezone including setting up the PHP timezone function with setTimeZone and getTimeZone.
- Version compatibility in PHP also plays a pivotal role like it should be above 5 with its own pros and cons.
- Date_timezone_set function is used exclusively for setting the timezone with Date Time Object which means it sets for the new DateTimeObject.
- DateTime::setData function as part of Timezone function resets the current DateTime Object to a different date and time.
- This timezone function involves usage of both date and time which means that the date used will be fetched from the date
- Once this date or time function set up is done then the format for both the date and time function can be modified and can be made updated in different ways and format.
- Also, the function depends on many local setups of the server with the daylight-saving time and leap years into consideration.
- For setting up local server and the environment it is very much needed to make this PHP function as part of PHP pre-installation phase which means no third-party installation is required for making use of PHP functions.
- This behavior of functions gets affected or changed whenever the function with php.ini is used for manipulation with the added aid of timezone.
- timezone_abbreviations_list() function is mostly used for returning an associative array containing destination, offset, and any timezone name.
- This function is used for accepting a single parameter for manipulation which involves timezone_identifier to make traversal within the function.
- The return type is in boolean format with consideration of fact that it can be either true or false depending on the function requirement.
- After PHP Version more than 5 which means PHP version with 5 and above will have calls made to date and time by generating E_NOTICE which is a kind of acknowledgement with the fact that the user is receiving a valid or true notice as a message.
- If in case the end user receives or get some invalidated or false response as E_Warning then the system settings with the TZ environment variable will receive acknowledgment in warning format.
- This is not the only option to make PHP timezone in working format rather an alternative to this procedure can be made with the INI default settings with time zone i.e. by setting the date time with date.timezone to set default timezone.
- The timezone identifier plays an important role with the fact that timezone related to identifiers will be according to the locations and it can be in the form of UTC timing like Africa, Asia, Europe etc.
- Versions with 5.1.2 supports for the function having validation for the timezoneID parameter whereas the version 5.3.0 supports for acknowledgement with E_Warning rather than E_strict statements.
- Date_default_timezone_get() helps in getting the default timezone that will be aided with the date and time format present in the script.
Examples of PHP timezone
Given below are the examples of PHP timezone:
Example #1
This program demonstrates the way to represent default timezone to get the value set up with the default timezone according to India and USA as shown in the output.
<!DOCTYPE html>
$sc_tz = date_default_timezone_get();
if (strcmp($sc_tz, ini_get('date.timezone')))
echo 'ini_timezone varies from the ini_timezone present in the script.';
echo 'Both the timezone including ini and script matches with each other.';
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Example #2
This program demonstrates how to call for the date and time function with respect to set the date and time in an object-oriented fashion as shown in the output.
<!DOCTYPE html>
$dt = new DateTime('2020-08-05', new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
echo $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:sP') . "\n";
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('Australia/sydney'));
echo $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:sP') . "\n";
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Example #3
This program demonstrates the creation of date using date_create() function from abbreviation list to make the entire list of function working with the created date as shown in the output.
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo date_timestamp_get($dt);
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Example #4
This program demonstrates the date with timestamp to get created and then representing it as shown in the output.
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo date_format($dt,"U = Y-m-d H:i:s");
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以上是PHP 时区的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!