#100daysofMiva 编码挑战的第 8 天,我研究了一个简单的翻译模型,可以将一种语言翻译成另一种语言?
此 JavaScript 代码旨在创建一个有趣的交互式语言翻译器!它利用 MyMemory API 在不同语言之间翻译文本,并允许您交换语言、复制翻译,甚至大声朗读文本。 ??
const countries = { /*...*/ }
selectTag.forEach((tag, id) => { /*...*/ });
exchageIcon.addEventListener("click", () => { /*...*/ });
translateBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { /*...*/ });
单击“翻译”按钮时,文本将发送到 MyMemory API,翻译后的文本将显示在“待文本”字段中。在等待响应时,会显示“正在翻译...”占位符。
icons.forEach(icon => { /*...*/ });
const countries = { /*...*/ }
const fromText = document.querySelector(".from-text"), toText = document.querySelector(".to-text"), exchageIcon = document.querySelector(".exchange"), selectTag = document.querySelectorAll("select"), icons = document.querySelectorAll(".row i"); translateBtn = document.querySelector("button"),
selectTag.forEach((tag, id) => { for (let country_code in countries) { let selected = id == 0 ? country_code == "en-GB" ? "selected" : "" : country_code == "hi-IN" ? "selected" : ""; let option = `<option ${selected} value="${country_code}">${countries[country_code]}</option>`; tag.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", option); } });
exchageIcon.addEventListener("click", () => { let tempText = fromText.value, tempLang = selectTag[0].value; fromText.value = toText.value; toText.value = tempText; selectTag[0].value = selectTag[1].value; selectTag[1].value = tempLang; });
fromText.addEventListener("keyup", () => { if(!fromText.value) { toText.value = ""; } });
translateBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { let text = fromText.value.trim(), translateFrom = selectTag[0].value, translateTo = selectTag[1].value; if(!text) return; toText.setAttribute("placeholder", "Translating..."); let apiUrl = `https://api.mymemory.translated.net/get?q=${text}&langpair=${translateFrom}|${translateTo}`; fetch(apiUrl).then(res => res.json()).then(data => { toText.value = data.responseData.translatedText; data.matches.forEach(data => { if(data.id === 0) { toText.value = data.translation; } }); toText.setAttribute("placeholder", "Translation"); }); });
The script allows users to translate text between different languages with a dynamic and interactive interface. Users can select languages, type in their text, translate it with a click, swap languages and text, hear the translation spoken aloud, or copy it to their clipboard.
Enjoy playing with different languages and make your translation journey fun and interactive! ?? Unto the next ?✌?✨
Check it out here
Source code
以上是带 API 的简单语言翻译器的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!