在日常生活中,我们经常对我们的每项活动、情况、愿景、结果、事件等做出决定。我们决定的价值有两个:是或否;真或假;开或关;进行或不进行等。编程不属于任何例外。在编程中,基于我们的核心逻辑和用例,我们需要做出决策,并基于这些决策;我们需要编写相应的代码。作为一种编程语言,Java 也不例外,它允许我们提供一种称为“布尔”的特殊数据类型,以便在代码中使用它们来进行决策。 Java 布尔变量或布尔表达式可以采用两个值之一:true 或 false。
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以下是不同类型的 Java 布尔值:
关于 java 中布尔类型变量的值,您只有两个选择。布尔类型的值为 true 或 false。没有其他可用的选择。 不要急于寻求Java作业或任务的帮助;继续阅读以了解 Java 布尔值。 您需要将关键字 Boolean 与变量名称一起使用,并为其分配值(true 或 false)。
Boolean <variable_name> = <value>, where value is either true or false
boolean bool = true,其中 bool 是变量名称,与 true 关联的值
boolean bool2 = false,其中 bool 是变量名称,与值关联为 false
代码示例 1:
public class BooleanInJava { public static void main(String[] args){ boolean bool = true ; boolean bool2 = false; System.out.println(bool); System.out.println(bool2); } }
如果向布尔类型变量提供 true 或 false 以外的值会怎样?
布尔 bool = 1 ;
布尔 bool2 = 0;
代码示例 2:
public class BooleanInJava { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean bool = 1 ; boolean bool2 = 0; System.out.println(bool); System.out.println(bool2); } }
代码示例 3:
public class BooleanInJava { public static void main(String[] args) { int num1 = 10; int num2 =11; System.out.println(num1 > num2); // returns false, because 11 is higher than 10 System.out.println(num2 > num1); // returns true, because 11 is higher than 10 System.out.println(num1 < num2); // returns true, because 10 is lesser than 11 System.out.println(num2 <num1); // returns false, because 10 is lesser than 11 } }
在本文中,我们将指出布尔运算的工作原理,这意味着我们如何在程序或用例中使用布尔运算的功能。由于布尔值帮助我们做出决策,因此我们可以将此决策逻辑放入条件表达式中,例如:在 while 循环评估或 if-else 决策中。首先,让我们看一下布尔运算符,它将用于从布尔表达式生成布尔值,并最终使用该值进行决策。我们将在这里使用布尔逻辑运算符,它们是: | , & , ^ , ! , || , && , == , != 。让我们使用两个布尔变量 num1 和 num2。
Symbol of Boolean operators | Name of the corresponding Symbol |
| | OR |
& | AND |
^ | XOR |
! | NOT |
!= | NOT EQUAL |
&& | Short circuit AND |
|| | Short circuit OR |
== | EQUAL |
Please check the table for your understanding of how evaluation is happening in Boolean expressions. This understanding is very important to clear your concepts:
Variables/Boolean Expressions | num1 | num2 | num1|num2 | num1&num2 | num1^num2 | !num1 | !num2 |
Values/Result of evaluations |
true | true | true | true | false | false | false |
true | false | true | false | true | false | true | |
false | true | true | false | true | true | false | |
false | false | false | false | false | true |
true |
Code Example 4:
public class BooleanInJava { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean num1 = true; boolean num2 = false; System.out.println("num1|num2 = "+(num1|num2)); System.out.println("num1&num2 = "+(num1&num2)); System.out.println("num1^num2 = "+(num1^num2)); System.out.println("!num1 = "+(!num1)); System.out.println("!num2 = "+(!num2)); } }
Let us see some more code examples.
Code Example 5:
Here we will compare two Boolean variables and assign values to them and then create Boolean expression for those using Boolean operators and then print them to see the final output.
public class BooleanInJava { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean num1 = true; boolean num2 = false; boolean num3=(num1==num2); // Boolean expression evaluating whether values of num1 and num2 are equal or not System.out.println(num1); System.out.println(num2); System.out.println(num3); //will return false as num1 and num2 have different values } }
Code Example 6:
Here we will compare two Boolean objects.
public class BooleanInJava { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean boolObj1=new Boolean("TRUE"); boolean boolObj2=new Boolean("FALSE"); boolean boolObj3=new Boolean("FALSE"); boolean decision=(boolObj1==boolObj2); // evaluating values of boolObj1 and boolObj2 System.out.println("Are the value of boolean objects 1 and 2 equal? "+decision); boolean decision2=(boolObj3==boolObj2); // evaluating values of boolObj2 and boolObj3 System.out.println("Are the value of boolean objects 2 and 3 equal? "+decision2); } }
All of the comparisons and conditions in Java are primarily based on Boolean expressions; hence you need to use them in an effective manner. In this topic, you have learned about many aspects of Boolean values but, you need to use them effectively based on your business/ client requirements and use cases.
以上是Java 布尔值的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!