Java 中的关联是两个类之间通过其对象建立的关系或连接。关联表示一个类了解另一个类并持有对另一个类的引用;它可以被描述为“has-a”关系,因为它在 Java 中通过使用实例字段来实现。关联关系可以是双向的,因为每个类都相互引用。关联关系是否代表对象之间如何联系?他们如何相互沟通?他们如何使用彼此的功能?关联关系可以有四种类型:一对一、多对一、一对多和多对多。
class Customer{ int cid; String cname; Order ordering; }
以下是 Java 中关联的不同示例。
package demo; import*; class Department { private String dname; public void setDepartmentName(String cname) { this.dname = cname; } public String getDepartmentName() { return this.dname; } } class Emp { public String ename; public void setEmployeeName(String ename) { this.ename = ename; } public String getEmployeeName() { return this.ename; } } class demo { public static void main (String[] args) { Department d = new Department(); Department d1 = new Department(); Emp e = new Emp(); Emp e1 = new Emp(); d.setDepartmentName("Sales"); d1.setDepartmentName("Accounting"); e.setEmployeeName("John"); e1.setEmployeeName("Joseph"); System.out.println(e.getEmployeeName() + " is working in " + d.getDepartmentName() + "."); System.out.println(e1.getEmployeeName() + " is working in " + d1.getDepartmentName() + "."); } }
在上面的代码中,Company 和 Employee 两个类通过它们的对象表示一对多的关系,因为 Company 类可以有多个员工。
import*; import java.util.*; class Customer { String cname; int cid ; String type; public static int cpp=0,ccod=0; Customer(String cname, int cid, String type) { this.cname = cname; this.cid = cid; this.type = type; if(type=="prepaid") cpp++; else ccod++; } } class Order { String type; //list of customer Objects associated with customer class as with its Object(s). */ private List<Customer> customers; public void setCustomers(String type, List<Customer> customers) { this.type = type; this.customers = customers; } public List<Customer> getCustomers() { return customers; } } class OnlineStore { // list of order Objects which associated with order as with its objects. private List<Order> orders; public void setnoCustomer( List<Order> orders) { this.orders = orders; } // count total customers of all orders in a given purchases public int getnoCustomer() { int noOfOrders = 0; List<Customer> customers; for(Order dept : orders) { customers = dept.getCustomers(); for(Customer s : customers) { noOfOrders++; } } return noOfOrders; } } class demo { public static void main (String[] args) { Customer c1 = new Customer("Mia", 1, "prepaid"); Customer c2 = new Customer("Priya", 2, "prepaid"); Customer c3 = new Customer("John", 1, "COD"); Customer c4 = new Customer("Rahul", 2, "COD"); List <Customer> cu1 = new ArrayList<Customer>(); cu1.add(c1); cu1.add(c2); // making a List of COD Customers List <Customer> cu2 = new ArrayList<Customer>(); cu2.add(c3); cu2.add(c4); Order pp = new Order(); pp.setCustomers("prepaid", cu1); Order cod = new Order(); cod.setCustomers("COD", cu2); List <Order> orders = new ArrayList<Order>(); orders.add(pp); orders.add(cod); // creating an OnlineStore instance. OnlineStore purchase = new OnlineStore(); purchase.setnoCustomer(orders); System.out.print("Number of Customers placed order are : "); System.out.println(purchase.getnoCustomer()); System.out.print("Number of Customers placed prepaid order are : "); System.out.println(Customer.cpp); System.out.print("Number of Customers placed cod order are : "); System.out.println(Customer.cpp); } }
如上面的代码所示,在线商店没有。预付和货到付款等订单。每种类型的订单都没有。客户数量、有关对象的 OnlineStore 类,或者没有。 Order 类的对象。 onlineStore 类通过其 Objects 和 Order 类与 Order 类关联。它还引用 Customer 类的对象,这意味着它通过其对象与 Customer 类相关,表示 Has-A 关系。
class Car { private String color; private int wheels; public void carFeatures() { System.out.println("The color of the car is "+color + " and number of wheels are " + wheels); } public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color; } public void setwheels(int wheels) { this.wheels = wheels; } } class Maruti extends Car { public void setStart() { MarutiEngine e = new MarutiEngine();; } } class MarutiEngine extends Maruti { public void run() { System.out.println("Engine is running..."); } public void stop() { System.out.println("Engine is not running... "); } } public class demo { public static void main(String[] args) { Maruti m1 = new Maruti(); m1.setwheels(4); m1.setColor("White"); m1.carFeatures(); m1.setStart(); } }
如上面的代码所示,Car是Maruti类的超类,这意味着Car可以没有。 Maruti 汽车,Maruti 使用 MarutiEngine 作为其部件;如果Maruti不存在,那么MarutiEngine也不会退出。因此 Maruti 和 MarutiEngine 类描述了组合关系。
Java 中关联的使用:
在 Java 中,您可以通过设置对象来建立关联,即两个类之间的关系。关联的形式有聚合和组合。 Java 中关联的主要目的是为了代码的可重用性。