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哪里可以找到所有《命运 2》10 周年纪念盔甲

发布: 2024-09-11 15:25:51
770 人浏览过

To commemorate a decade of Destiny, Bungie has cooked up something fans have been eager for since the very beginning. This guide covers how to get your hands on the 10th Anniversary armor for Warlocks, Titans, and Hunters in Destiny 2, inspired by concept sets from Destiny’s initial reveal.

Table of contents

  • How to get the 10th Anniversary armor in Destiny 2: All Cayde Stash locations
    • 10th Anniversary helmet location
    • 10th Anniversary chest location
    • 10th Anniversary leg location
    • 10th Anniversary class item location – Warlock bond, Titan mark, Hunter cloak
    • 10th Anniversary gauntlet location

How to get the 10th Anniversary armor in Destiny 2: All Cayde Stash locations

During Destiny’s 10th Anniversary, five chests are hidden throughout The Lost City in the Pale Heart, each containing a piece of the 10th Anniversary armor. These are in the same place for every Class, making it a great way to grab gear with good stats for all of your characters.

If you want to hunt for them yourself, the game will let you know that there is a “Cayde Stash Nearby.” If not, keep reading for the locations of every piece of 10th Anniversary armor.

10th Anniversary helmet location

Where to find all Destiny 2 10th Anniversary armor

From the Lost City landing point, walk forward and up the left set of stairs over to where Cayde stood during the campaign. Behind the boxes awaits Cayde’s Stash, containing the 10th Anniversary helmet.

10th Anniversary chest location

Where to find all Destiny 2 10th Anniversary armor

Wipe your tears at the lack of Cayde, then head through the open door into the old class hall. Stop before the wooded entrance to Micah, then turn around to find a Cayde Stash containing the 10th Anniversary chest piece in the bushes.

10th Anniversary leg location

Where to find all Destiny 2 10th Anniversary armor

Return to the landing platform and look for the floating blocks behind you. Walk in that direction over to a Cabal guard on a blue platform. The Cayde Stash containing the 10th Anniversary legs is on the opposite side, behind the tube.

10th Anniversary class item location – Warlock bond, Titan mark, Hunter cloak

Where to find all Destiny 2 10th Anniversary armor

Head to the opposite side from the stash above, over to the area behind the Post Box. Jump up or use the stairs to reach the platform where the Cabal guard stands, then keep walking to the edge. Hop across to the other side to find Cayde’s Stash containing the 10th Anniversary class item.

10th Anniversary gauntlet location

Where to find all Destiny 2 10th Anniversary armor

Hop down and through the large red open door. Keep going until you reach the area where the Vision of the Traveler collectibles are placed — the Speaker’s room. Open Cayde’s Stash near the window to obtain the 10th Anniversary gauntlets.

Currently, the 10th Anniversary armor consists of regular Legendary gear pieces and does not automatically unlock as Ornaments. However, they do have a guaranteed stat total of at least 66, which is a very nice bonus for such little effort. I hope we can unlock the 10th Anniversary armor as Ornaments soon — Bungie should be looking into this issue and fixing it pronto.

If you’re looking for somewhere to show off your newly acquired good ol’ fashioned armor, check out our guide on the Encore Exotic Mission.

以上是哪里可以找到所有《命运 2》10 周年纪念盔甲的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
