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使用 Python Django 框架和 Htmx 构建单一产品商店

发布: 2024-09-12 10:15:45
491 人浏览过

这是使用 Django、htmx 和 Stripe 创建单一产品电子商务网站的两部分系列中的第一部分。在这一部分中,我们将启动 Django 项目并将其与 htmx 集成。

在第二部分中,我们将使用 Stripe 处理订单。


为什么选择 Django、htmx 和 Stripe?

我们将使用 Django、htmx 和 Stripe 来创建我们的网站,因为:

  • Django 是一个 Python Web 框架,具有出色的 ORM、模板和路由系统。它有一些开箱即用的功能(如身份验证)和多个在线可用的开源包。我们将使用 Django 来构建网站。
  • htmx 是一个 JavaScript 库,只需使用 html 属性即可为您的网站带来现代感 - 您实际上不必编写任何 JavaScript(当然您可以)。我们将使用 htmx 为我们的页面提供一些交互性。
  • Stripe 是一个具有出色 API 的支付平台 — 它可以处理付款和信用卡信息。它还与 Google 和 Apple Pay 完美集成。我们将使用 Stripe 来促进产品付款。


  • 用户访问我们的网站,可以看到有关我们产品的一些信息,包括其价格和描述。
  • 一旦用户点击“购买”按钮,他们就会被重定向到 Stripe 的结帐会话。
  • 如果付款成功,他们会再次重定向到我们的网站。我们保存他们的订单信息,并向客户和所有员工用户发送确认电子邮件,通知他们最近的购买。

现在让我们配置 Django 项目,创建初始视图,并使用 htmx 构建购买表单。

配置您的 Django Python 项目

要设置我们的项目,我们需要创建一个虚拟环境,激活它并安装所需的软件包。然后我们可以创建 Django 项目和 Django 应用程序。



python -m venv .venv

以下是我们在 Linux/Mac 上激活它的方法:

source .venv/bin/activate

在 Windows 上:




pip install django stripe django-htmx python-dotenv


  • 姜戈
  • Stripe 可与 stripe API 配合使用。
  • django-htmx,它提供了一些与 htmx 一起使用的辅助功能。
  • python-dotenv 从 .env 文件加载环境变量。

创建 Django 项目

在与我们的虚拟环境相同的目录中,我们创建一个名为 ecommerce_site 的 Django 项目:

django-admin startproject ecommerce_site .

在 Django 中,由一个或多个“应用程序”组织代码是一种很好的做法。每个应用程序都是一个执行特定操作的包。一个项目可以有多个应用程序,但对于这个简单的商店,我们可以只拥有一个包含大部分代码的应用程序 - 我们的电子商务平台的视图、表单和模型。让我们创建它并将其称为电子商务:

python manage.py startapp ecommerce

并将此应用程序添加到 ecommerce_site/settings.py 中的 INSTALLED_APPS 中:

# ecommerce_site/settings.py

    # ... the default django apps
    "ecommerce", # ⬅️ new


├── .venv/  # ⬅️ the virtual environment
├── ecommerce_site/ # ⬅️ the django project configuration
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── asgi.py
│   ├── settings.py
│   ├── urls.py
│   └── wsgi.py
├── ecommerce/ # ⬅️ our app setup
│     ├── templates/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── admin.py
│   ├── apps.py
│   ├── models.py
│   ├── tests.py
│   └── views.py
└── manage.py


现在我们已经配置了项目,我们需要创建一些基本布局。在 templates 目录中,添加一个 base.html 文件 - 所有其他模板都将从该模板继承。添加用于用户交互的 htmx、用于基本样式的 mvp.css 以及 Django 生成的消息到模板:

<!-- ecommerce/templates/base.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>One-Product E-commerce Site</title>

    <!-- include htmx ⬇️ -->

    <!-- include mvp.css ⬇️ -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/mvp.css" />
  <body hx-headers='{"X-CSRFToken": "{{ csrf_token }}"}' hx-boost="true">
      <h1>One-Product E-commerce Site</h1>
        {% if messages %} {% for message in messages %}
        <p><mark>{{ message }}</mark></p>
        {% endfor %} {% endif %}
      {% block content %} {% endblock %}

在同一个 templates 目录中为我们的主页视图创建一个 home.html 模板。它应该扩展 base.html 并仅填充其内容部分。

<!-- ecommerce/templates/home.html -->

{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}
<section>{% include "product.html" %}</section>
{% endblock %}

在此模板中,我们包含了product.html 模板。 Product.html 将呈现有关我们产品的一些详细信息和占位符图像。让我们在同一个 templates 目录中创建它:

<!-- ecommerce/templates/product.html -->
  <img src="https://picsum.photos/id/30/400/250" alt="mug" />
  <h3>mug<sup>on sale!</sup></h3>
  <p>mugs are great - you can drink coffee on them!</p>
  <button type="submit" id="submit-btn">Buy</button>


在 ecommerce/views.py 中,我们将创建将渲染主页模板的视图:

# ecommerce/views.py

from django.shortcuts import render

def home(request):
    return render(request, 'home.html')

并将其添加到 ecommerce_site/urls.py 中的 urlpatterns 中:

# ecommerce_site/urls.py

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from ecommerce import views # ⬅️ new

urlpatterns = [
    path("admin/", admin.site.urls),
    path("", views.home, name="home"), # ⬅️ new


python manage.py runserver


Build a One-Product Shop With the Python Django Framework and Htmx

It might feel like overkill to add a dedicated product.html template instead of just the product details in the home.html template, but product.html will be useful for the htmx integration.

Add the Form and Use Htmx

Great! We now have a view that looks good. However, it doesn’t do much yet. We'll add a form and set up the logic to process our product purchase. Here’s what we want to do:

  1. Allow the user to select how many products (mugs) they want to buy.
  2. When the user clicks “Buy”, make a POST request to a different view called purchase in the backend using hx-post.
  3. In that view, validate the form and wait for 2 seconds to simulate the Stripe integration (we'll cover this in the second part of this guide).
  4. Replace the form content with the purchase view response.
  5. While the order is processing, show a loading message and disable the “Buy” button, so that the user doesn’t accidentally make multiple orders.

Let's go step by step.

1: Add a Quantity Order Form

Let’s first create and add a simple order form to our view allowing a user to select the number of mugs they want. In ecommerce/forms.py, add the following code:

# ecommerce/forms.py

from django import forms

class OrderForm(forms.Form):
        quantity = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, max_value=10, initial=1)

In ecommerce/views.py, we can initialize the form in the home view:

# ecommerce/views.py

from ecommerce.forms import OrderForm # ⬅️ new

def home(request):
    form = OrderForm() # ⬅️ new - initialize the form
    return render(request, "home.html", {"form": form}) # ⬅️ new - pass the form to the template

And render it in the template:

<!-- ecommerce/templates/product.html -->

<form method="post">
  <!-- Same product details as before, hidden for simplicity -->

  <!-- render the form fields ⬇️ -->
  {{ form }}

  <!-- the same submit button as before ⬇️ -->
  <button type="submit" id="submit-btn">Buy</button>

2: Make a POST Request To a Different View

When the user clicks "Buy", we want to process the corresponding POST request in a dedicated view to separate the different logic of our application. We will use htmx to make this request. In the same ecommerce/templates/product.html template, let's extend the form attributes:

<!-- ecommerce/templates/product.html -->

<!-- add the hx-post html attribute ⬇️ -->
<form method="post" hx-post="{% url 'purchase' %}">
  <!-- Same product details as before, hidden for simplicity -->

  {{ form }}
  <button type="submit" id="submit-btn">Buy</button>

With this attribute, htmx will make a POST request to the purchase endpoint and stop the page from reloading completely. Now we just need to add the endpoint.

3: Create the Purchase View

The purchase view can be relatively simple for now:

# ecommerce/views.py
import time # ⬅️ new

# new purchase POST request view ⬇️
def purchase(request):
    form = OrderForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        quantity = form.cleaned_data["quantity"]
        # TODO - add stripe integration to process the order
        # for now, just wait for 2 seconds to simulate the processing
    return render(request, "product.html", {"form": form})

In this view, we validate the form, extract the quantity from the cleaned data, and simulate Stripe order processing. In the end, we return the same template (product.html). We also need to add the view to the urlpatterns:

# ecommerce_site/urls.py

# ... same imports as before

urlpatterns = [
    path("admin/", admin.site.urls),
    path("", views.home, name="home"),
    path("purchase", views.purchase, name="purchase"),  # ⬅️ new

We now need to tell htmx what to do with this response.

4: Replace the Form Content With the Purchase View Response

Htmx has a hx-swap attribute which replaces targeted content on the current page with a request's response.
In our case, since the purchase view returns the same template, we want to swap its main element — the


<!-- ecommerce/templates/product.html -->

<!-- add the hx-swap html attribute ⬇️ -->
<form method="post" hx-post="{% url 'purchase' %}" hx-swap="outerHTML">
  <!-- Same product details as before, hidden for simplicity -->

  {{ form }}
  <button type="submit" id="submit-btn">Buy</button>

The value outerHTML will replace the entire target element with the response from the purchase view. By default, the htmx target is the same element making the call — in our case, the element.

5: Tell Htmx What to Do When the Request Is Triggered

htmx provides some helper utilities for when a request is processing. In our case, we want to:

  • Disable the "Buy" button (to avoid a form re-submission) by using the hx-disabled-elt attribute.
  • Show a loading message on the screen by using the htmx-indicator class. This class changes its element's opacity when the request is triggered.
<!-- ecommerce/templates/product.html -->

<!-- add the hx-disabled-elt html attribute ⬇️ -->
  hx-post="{% url 'purchase' %}"
  <!-- Same product details as before, hidden for simplicity -->

  {{ form }}
  <button type="submit" id="submit-btn">Buy</button>

  <!-- add a loading message with the htmx-indicator class ⬇️ -->
  <p class="htmx-indicator"><small>Getting your mug ready...</small></p>

Once the customer clicks the "Buy" button, htmx will disable that same button (identifiable by its submit-btn id), and show a loading message by changing the opacity of the p.htmx-indicator element.

The Result

Jump over to the browser.

You can see the final result in this GitHub repository.

It doesn’t do much else yet. But, if form validation fails, errors will display directly on the form, without the need to refresh the entire page. If the form succeeds, we will process the Stripe order accordingly. We'll see how to do this in the second part of this guide.

Wrapping Up

We've now set up the basics for our one-product ecommerce site. We've configured our Django project, integrated it with htmx to give our site some interactivity, and set up a basic order form for our product.

In the second part of this guide, we'll handle orders with Stripe, save the results in our database, and notify users after a successful purchase.

Until then, happy coding!

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以上是使用 Python Django 框架和 Htmx 构建单一产品商店的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
