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课程 Python 人力资源和薪资入门

发布: 2024-09-12 10:16:13
984 人浏览过

Lesson  Getting Started with Python for HR & Payroll

Welcome to the first lesson of Python from 0 to Hero! This series is tailored specifically for those working in Human Resources or Payroll Processing who want to harness the power of Python to automate tasks, manage data, and streamline processes.

In this lesson, we’re going to start with the basics: setting up Python, understanding Python’s syntax, and writing our first script that’s relevant to HR or payroll tasks.

1. Setting Up Python

First things first, we need to set up Python on your computer. Don’t worry, the process is simple!

Steps to Install Python:

  1. Head over to the official Python website and download the latest version for your operating system.

  2. During installation, check the box that says “Add Python to PATH”. This ensures you can run Python from your terminal or command prompt.

  3. After installation, open your terminal (Command Prompt on Windows, or Terminal on Mac/Linux) and type:

   python --version

This will confirm that Python was installed correctly. You should see something like Python 3.x.x.

Setting Up Your Code Editor

You’ll need a text editor or an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to write and run your Python scripts. Here are two great options:

  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code): It’s lightweight and flexible. Be sure to install the Python extension for VS Code to make coding easier.
  • PyCharm: A dedicated Python IDE with powerful features for larger projects.

For this tutorial, we’ll assume you’re using VS Code, but you can choose whichever one you prefer.

2. Python Syntax Basics for HR/Payroll Tasks

Python’s syntax is simple and readable, which makes it an excellent choice for tasks like automating payroll calculations or handling employee data. Let’s look at the basics.


In Python, variables are containers for data. Unlike languages like C# or Java, you don’t need to declare the variable type (like int or string)—Python figures it out for you.

Example: Suppose you’re tracking the number of employees in a company.

# Storing the number of employees
number_of_employees = 150

Print Statement

To display information, we use the print() function. For example, let’s print the number of employees:

print(f"The company has {number_of_employees} employees.")


The company has 150 employees.

Basic Math Operations for Salary Calculations

Python can easily perform calculations, which is useful in payroll processing. Let’s calculate the monthly salary for an employee based on their annual salary.

# Annual salary
annual_salary = 60000

# Calculate monthly salary
monthly_salary = annual_salary / 12

print(f"The monthly salary is ${monthly_salary:.2f}")


The monthly salary is $5000.00


Comments in Python start with a #. Use them to explain what your code does, making it easier for others (or yourself) to understand later.

# This is a comment explaining the purpose of the code

3. Writing Your First Python Script for Payroll

Now, let's apply what we’ve learned by writing a Python script to calculate the gross salary of an employee. The script will ask for the employee’s hourly rate and hours worked in a month, then calculate the gross salary.

Example: Gross Salary Calculator

  1. Open your code editor (VS Code or another).
  2. Create a new file called salary_calculator.py.
  3. Write the following code:
# Ask for the employee's hourly wage
hourly_wage = float(input("Enter the employee's hourly wage: "))

# Ask for the total hours worked in the month
hours_worked = float(input("Enter the total hours worked in the month: "))

# Calculate the gross salary
gross_salary = hourly_wage * hours_worked

# Display the result
print(f"The employee's gross salary for the month is: ${gross_salary:.2f}")

Running the Script

To run the script:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the folder where your salary_calculator.py file is saved.
  2. Type:
   python salary_calculator.py
  1. The script will ask for the employee's hourly wage and hours worked. Once you provide those inputs, it will calculate and display the gross salary.

Example run:

Enter the employee's hourly wage: 25
Enter the total hours worked in the month: 160
The employee's gross salary for the month is: $4000.00

This is a simple yet practical example of how Python can be used in everyday HR and payroll operations.


In this first lesson, we covered:

  • 安装 Python 并设置开发环境。
  • Python 的基本语法,包括变量、打印语句和注释。
  • 编写并运行第一个与工资相关的 Python 脚本来计算员工的总工资。

这只是开始!在人力资源和薪资流程自动化方面,从处理员工数据到生成报告,Python 可以提供很多功能。在下一课中,我们将深入研究条件语句循环,这将帮助您向脚本添加更多逻辑。

敬请关注,并随时在评论中分享您的想法或问题。我在这里帮助您完成 Python 中从 0 到 Hero 的旅程!

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