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使用 Linq、Criteria API 和 Query Over 扩展 NHibernate 的 Ardalis.Specification

发布: 2024-09-18 11:52:24
452 人浏览过

Extending Ardalis.Specification for NHibernate with Linq, Criteria API, and Query Over

Ardalis.Specification 是一个功能强大的库,支持查询数据库的规范模式,主要为 Entity Framework Core 设计,但在这里我将演示如何扩展 Ardalis.Specification 来使用NHibernate 也是一种 ORM。

这篇博文假设您对 Ardalis.Specification 有一定的经验,并且希望在使用 NHibernate 的项目中使用它。如果您还不熟悉 Ardalis.Specification,请参阅文档以了解更多信息。

首先,NHibernate 中有三种不同的内置方法来执行查询

  • Linq 查询(使用 IQueryable)
  • 标准 API
  • 查询结束

我将介绍如何扩展 Ardalis.Specification 来处理所有 3 种方式,但由于 Linq to Query 也可以像 Entity Framework Core 一样与 IQueryable 配合使用,因此我将首先介绍该选项。

Linq 查询

在创建连接关系时,Entity Framework Core 和 NHIbernate 之间存在细微差别。在 Entity Framework Core 中,我们在 IQueryable 上有扩展方法: Include 和 ThenInclude (这些也是 Ardalis.Specification 中使用的方法名称)。

Fetch、FetchMany、ThenFetch 和 ThenFetchMany 是 IQueryable 上执行连接的 NHibernate 特定方法。 IEvaluator 为我们提供了使用 NHibernate 时调用正确扩展方法所需的可扩展性。

添加 IEvaluator 的实现,如下所示:

public class FetchEvaluator : IEvaluator
   private static readonly MethodInfo FetchMethodInfo = typeof(EagerFetchingExtensionMethods)

   private static readonly MethodInfo FetchManyMethodInfo = typeof(EagerFetchingExtensionMethods)

   private static readonly MethodInfo ThenFetchMethodInfo
       = typeof(EagerFetchingExtensionMethods)

   private static readonly MethodInfo ThenFetchManyMethodInfo
       = typeof(EagerFetchingExtensionMethods)

    public static FetchEvaluator Instance { get; } = new FetchEvaluator();

    public IQueryable<T> GetQuery<T>(IQueryable<T> query, ISpecification<T> specification) where T : class
        foreach (var includeInfo in specification.IncludeExpressions)
            query = includeInfo.Type switch
                IncludeTypeEnum.Include => BuildInclude<T>(query, includeInfo),
                IncludeTypeEnum.ThenInclude => BuildThenInclude<T>(query, includeInfo),
                _ => query

        return query;

    public bool IsCriteriaEvaluator { get; } = false;

    private IQueryable<T> BuildInclude<T>(IQueryable query, IncludeExpressionInfo includeInfo)
        _ = includeInfo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(includeInfo));

        var methodInfo = (IsGenericEnumerable(includeInfo.PropertyType, out var propertyType)
            ? FetchManyMethodInfo 
            : FetchMethodInfo);

       var method = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(includeInfo.EntityType, propertyType);

       var result = method.Invoke(null, new object[] { query, includeInfo.LambdaExpression });
        _ = result ?? throw new TargetException();

        return (IQueryable<T>)result;

    private IQueryable<T> BuildThenInclude<T>(IQueryable query, IncludeExpressionInfo includeInfo)
        _ = includeInfo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(includeInfo));
        _ = includeInfo.PreviousPropertyType ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(includeInfo.PreviousPropertyType));

        var method = (IsGenericEnumerable(includeInfo.PreviousPropertyType, out var previousPropertyType)
            ? ThenFetchManyMethodInfo
            : ThenFetchMethodInfo);

        IsGenericEnumerable(includeInfo.PropertyType, out var propertyType);

        var result = method.MakeGenericMethod(includeInfo.EntityType, previousPropertyType, propertyType)
            .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, includeInfo.LambdaExpression });

        _ = result ?? throw new TargetException();

        return (IQueryable<T>)result;

    private static bool IsGenericEnumerable(Type type, out Type propertyType)
        if (type.IsGenericType && (type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>)))
            propertyType = type.GenericTypeArguments[0];

            return true;

        propertyType = type;

        return false;

接下来我们需要配置 ISpecificationEvaluator 以使用我们的 FetchEvaluator(和其他评估器)。我们添加一个实现 ISpecificationEvaluator ,如下所示,并在构造函数中配置评估器。 WhereEvaluator、OrderEvaluator 和 PaginationEvaluator 都在 Ardalis.Specification 中,并且在 NHibernate 中也能很好地工作。

public class LinqToQuerySpecificationEvaluator : ISpecificationEvaluator
    private List<IEvaluator> Evaluators { get; } = new List<IEvaluator>();

    public LinqToQuerySpecificationEvaluator()
        Evaluators.AddRange(new IEvaluator[]

    public IQueryable<TResult> GetQuery<T, TResult>(IQueryable<T> query, ISpecification<T, TResult> specification) where T : class
        if (specification is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(specification));
        if (specification.Selector is null && specification.SelectorMany is null) throw new SelectorNotFoundException();
        if (specification.Selector is not null && specification.SelectorMany is not null) throw new ConcurrentSelectorsException();

        query = GetQuery(query, (ISpecification<T>)specification);

        return specification.Selector is not null
            ? query.Select(specification.Selector)
            : query.SelectMany(specification.SelectorMany!);

    public IQueryable<T> GetQuery<T>(IQueryable<T> query, ISpecification<T> specification, bool evaluateCriteriaOnly = false) where T : class
        if (specification is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(specification));

        var evaluators = evaluateCriteriaOnly ? Evaluators.Where(x => x.IsCriteriaEvaluator) : Evaluators;

        foreach (var evaluator in evaluators)
           query = evaluator.GetQuery(query, specification);

        return query;

现在我们可以在我们的存储库中创建对 LinqToQuerySpecificationEvaluator 的引用,可能如下所示:

public class Repository : IRepository
    private readonly ISession _session;
    private readonly ISpecificationEvaluator _specificationEvaluator;

    public Repository(ISession session)
        _session = session;
        _specificationEvaluator = new LinqToQuerySpecificationEvaluator();

    ... other repository methods

    public IEnumerable<T> List<T>(ISpecification<T> specification) where T : class
        return _specificationEvaluator.GetQuery(_session.Query<T>().AsQueryable(), specification).ToList();

    public IEnumerable<TResult> List<T, TResult>(ISpecification<T, TResult> specification) where T : class
        return _specificationEvaluator.GetQuery(_session.Query<T>().AsQueryable(), specification).ToList();

    public void Dispose()


就是这样。现在,我们可以在规范中使用 Linq to Query,就像我们通常使用 Ardalis 一样。规范:

public class TrackByName : Specification<Core.Entitites.Track>
    public TrackByName(string trackName)
        Query.Where(x => x.Name == trackName);

现在我们已经介绍了基于 Linq 的查询,让我们继续处理 Criteria API 和 Query Over,这需要不同的方法。

在 NHibernate 中混合 Linq、Criteria 和 Query Over

由于 Criteria API 和 Query Over 有自己的实现来生成 SQL,并且不使用 IQueryable,因此它们与 IEvaluator 接口不兼容。我的解决方案是在这种情况下避免对这些方法使用 IEvaluator 接口,而是关注规范模式的好处。但我也希望能够混搭
我的解决方案中包含 Linq to Query、Criteria 和 Query Over(如果您只需要其中一种实现,您可以根据您的最佳需求进行挑选)。


注意: 定义这些类的程序集需要对 NHibernate 的引用,因为我们为 Criteria 和 QueryOver 定义操作,这可以在 NHibernate

public class CriteriaSpecification<T> : Specification<T>
    private Action<ICriteria>? _action;
    public Action<ICriteria> GetCriteria() => _action ?? throw new NotSupportedException("The criteria has not been specified. Please use UseCriteria() to define the criteria.");
    protected void UseCriteria(Action<ICriteria> action) => _action = action;

public class CriteriaSpecification<T, TResult> : Specification<T, TResult>
    private Action<ICriteria>? _action;
    public Action<ICriteria> GetCriteria() => _action ?? throw new NotSupportedException("The criteria has not been specified. Please use UseCriteria() to define the criteria.");
    protected void UseCriteria(Action<ICriteria> action) => _action = action;

public class QueryOverSpecification<T> : Specification<T>
    private Action<IQueryOver<T, T>>? _action;
    public Action<IQueryOver<T, T>> GetQueryOver() => _action ?? throw new NotSupportedException("The Query over has not been specified. Please use the UseQueryOver() to define the query over.");
    protected void UseQueryOver(Action<IQueryOver<T, T>> action) => _action = action;

public class QueryOverSpecification<T, TResult> : Specification<T, TResult>
    private Func<IQueryOver<T, T>, IQueryOver<T, T>>? _action;
    public Func<IQueryOver<T, T>, IQueryOver<T, T>> GetQueryOver() => _action ??  throw new NotSupportedException("The Query over has not been specified. Please use the UseQueryOver() to define the query over.");
    protected void UseQueryOver(Func<IQueryOver<T, T>, IQueryOver<T, T>> action) => _action = action;

然后我们可以在存储库中使用模式匹配来更改使用 NHibernate 进行查询的方式

public IEnumerable<T> List<T>(ISpecification<T> specification) where T : class
    return specification switch
        CriteriaSpecification<T> criteriaSpecification => 
                .Apply(query => criteriaSpecification.GetCriteria().Invoke(query))

        QueryOverSpecification<T> queryOverSpecification => 
                .Apply(queryOver => queryOverSpecification.GetQueryOver().Invoke(queryOver))

        _ => _specificationEvaluator.GetQuery(_session.Query<T>().AsQueryable(), specification).ToList()

public IEnumerable<TResult> List<T, TResult>(ISpecification<T, TResult> specification) where T : class

    return specification switch
        CriteriaSpecification<T, TResult> criteriaSpecification => 
                .Apply(query => criteriaSpecification.GetCriteria().Invoke(query))

        QueryOverSpecification<T, TResult> queryOverSpecification =>
                .Apply(queryOver => queryOverSpecification.GetQueryOver().Invoke(queryOver))

        _ => _specificationEvaluator.GetQuery(_session.Query<T>().AsQueryable(), specification).ToList()


public static class QueryExtensions
    public static T Apply<T>(this T obj, Action<T> action)
        return obj;

    public static TResult Apply<T, TResult>(this T obj, Func<T, TResult> func)
        return func(obj);


注意: 定义这些类的程序集需要对 NHibernate 的引用,因为我们定义 Criteria 的操作,可以在 NHibernate

public class TrackByNameCriteria : CriteriaSpecification<Track>
    public TrackByNameCriteria(string trackName)
        this.UseCriteria(criteria => criteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq(nameof(Track.Name), trackName)));


注意: 定义这些类的程序集需要对 NHibernate 的引用,因为我们定义 QueryOver 的操作,可以在 NHibernate

public class TrackByNameQueryOver : QueryOverSpecification<Track>
    public TrackByNameQueryOver(string trackName)
        this.UseQueryOver(queryOver => queryOver.Where(x => x.Name == trackName));

通过扩展 NHibernate 的 Ardalis.Specification,我们解锁了在单个存储库模式中使用 Linq to Query、Criteria API 和 Query Over 的能力。这种方法为 NHibernate 用户提供了高度适应性和强大的解决方案

以上是使用 Linq、Criteria API 和 Query Over 扩展 NHibernate 的 Ardalis.Specification的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
