Apple\'s new Camera Control button is deemed unrepairable by online teardown experts
Sep 24, 2024 am 06:24 AMTheiPhone 16series got arelativelyglowing review from teardown and repair group iFixit thanks to its newdebond-on-demandbatteries.
However, iFixit did also note that Apple's 'new'Camera Controlbutton complicates things somewhat. Unlike most iPhone parts, the new capacitive key isweldedto the inside of the frame at 2 points: it seems to have its own dedicated integrated circuit for its new functions (which, unfortunately, do not includeTouch ID).
Phone Repair Gurualso found that swapping parts between 2 iPhones with the goal of simulating aCamera Control replacement results in the designation of the entire enclosure of the iPhone as a replacement part in iOS 18's newParts and Service Historysection.
Moreover, Appledoes notsell the Camera Control as a replacement part - but does stock iPhone 16-series enclosures, thereby implying that a user might indeed have to buy a whole new mid-frame for their device should the button break.
Just as well it's covered insapphirecrystal - however, it is an indifferentgradeof the material that can register at a level 5, 6 and 7 as well as 8 as might be expected on the Mohs hardness scale, as reported by notorious device durability vloggerJerryRigEverything.
Accordingly, as recently noted by another online contributorHugh Jeffreys, the iPhone 16's new independent repair-friendlyupgradesmight not be all they are cracked up to be, particularly as they are still at the mercy of Apple and its servers in order to work as intended.
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