stock-system/ │ ├── app/ │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── main.py # Entry point of the FastAPI app │ ├── api/ # API related code (routers) │ │ ├── __init__.py │ │ ├── products.py # Routes related to products │ │ ├── inventory.py # Routes related to inventory management │ │ ├── sales.py # Routes related to sales and orders │ │ └── users.py # Routes related to user management │ │ │ ├── core/ # Core settings and configurations │ │ ├── __init__.py │ │ ├── config.py # Configuration settings (DB, API keys, etc.) │ │ └── security.py # Authentication, Authorization, and Security utilities │ │ │ ├── crud/ # CRUD operations for database interactions │ │ ├── __init__.py │ │ ├── crud_product.py # CRUD operations related to products │ │ ├── crud_inventory.py # CRUD operations related to inventory │ │ ├── crud_sales.py # CRUD operations related to sales │ │ └── crud_user.py # CRUD operations related to users │ │ │ ├── db/ # Database-related modules │ │ ├── __init__.py │ │ ├── base.py # SQLAlchemy base for models │ │ ├── session.py # Database session creation │ │ └── models/ # SQLAlchemy models │ │ ├── __init__.py │ │ ├── product.py # Product model │ │ ├── inventory.py # Inventory model │ │ ├── sales.py # Sales/Orders model │ │ └── user.py # User model │ │ │ ├── schemas/ # Pydantic schemas for request/response models │ │ ├── __init__.py │ │ ├── product.py # Product-related schemas │ │ ├── inventory.py # Inventory-related schemas │ │ ├── sales.py # Sales-related schemas │ │ └── user.py # User-related schemas │ │ │ ├── services/ # Additional business logic/services │ │ ├── __init__.py │ │ ├── product_service.py # Logic related to products │ │ ├── inventory_service.py # Logic related to inventory │ │ ├── sales_service.py # Logic related to sales │ │ └── user_service.py # Logic related to users │ │ │ └── utils/ # Utility functions/helpers │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── dependencies.py # Common dependencies for routes │ └── helpers.py # Miscellaneous helper functions │ ├── tests/ # Test cases │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── test_products.py # Tests related to products │ ├── test_inventory.py # Tests related to inventory │ ├── test_sales.py # Tests related to sales/orders │ └── test_users.py # Tests related to users │ ├── alembic/ # Database migrations using Alembic (if needed) │ ├── versions/ # Directory for migration scripts │ └── env.py # Alembic environment configuration │ ├── Dockerfile # Dockerfile for containerizing the application ├── .env # Environment variables file (for secrets and config) ├── .gitignore # Files and directories to ignore in git ├── pyproject.toml # Dependencies and project metadata (or requirements.txt) ├── README.md # Documentation of the project └── uvicorn_config.py # Configuration for running the FastAPI app with Uvicorn