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带有 Beta Hub 证书的免费 Web 编程课程

Patricia Arquette
发布: 2024-10-09 08:08:31
941 人浏览过

Beta Hub 提供免费的在线 Web 编程课程,旨在通过 HTML 和 CSS 语言教授编程基础知识,让学生从头开始创建自己的网站。




Beta Hub 提供免费的在线 Web 编程课程,教授使用 HTML 和 CSS 语言进行编程的基础知识。

Curso De Programação Web Gratuito Com Certificado Da Beta Hub



课程分为两个模块:Web 编程和人工智能。在课程中,参与者将在实践中学习,开发他们的第一个网络项目。



  • 年龄:16至18岁。
  • 可用性:每天至少投入 1 小时的学习时间,并在规定的时间参加现场会议。
  • 无需先验知识。
  • 技术要求:访问具有互联网连接的计算机。


除了录制的课程外,网络编程课程还提供现场指导、Discord 会议和实践练习的日历。

注册后,学生将通过 WhatsApp 收到一个介绍课程主题的快速挑战链接,该链接必须在注册的最后一天之前提交。不要错过注册并开始 Web 开发培训的机会!


  • 使用良好的市场实践,使用 HTML 和 CSS 创建 Web 界面;
  • 用Javascript创建交互界面;
  • 使用生成式人工智能实现最佳结果的概念和主要技巧。 你可能喜欢 Curso De Programação Web Gratuito Com Certificado Da Beta Hub 带有 Beta Hub 证书的免费 Web 编程课程 Curso De Programação Web Gratuito Com Certificado Da Beta Hub 来自 Nic.br 的关于人工智能和道德的免费活动 Curso De Programação Web Gratuito Com Certificado Da Beta Hub Ka Solution 的免费 AWS AI 从业者网络研讨会 Curso De Programação Web Gratuito Com Certificado Da Beta Hub 洛克大学的免费内容营销课程 ## 网页编程

Web 编程是用于创建和开发网站和 Web 应用程序的一组实践和技术。

This field involves both client-side (front-end) and server-side (back-end) development, allowing users to interact with platforms in a dynamic and efficient way.

Programming Languages

To become a web programmer, it is essential to master some programming languages. The most common include:

  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The markup language that structures web content. It is the basis of any website, defining elements such as texts, images and links.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Used to style the appearance of HTML content. CSS allows developers to control colors, fonts, layouts, and more, providing a compelling visual experience.
  • JavaScript: A programming language that allows you to add interactivity and dynamism to web pages. With JavaScript, you can create animations, interactive forms and even games.

Front-end and Back-end development

Web development is generally divided into two main areas:


Refers to the part of the website that users see and interact with. It's where HTML, CSS and JavaScript come together to create an attractive and functional interface.


It deals with the part of the website that users do not see, but which is essential for the system to function.

The back-end involves servers, databases and application logic, generally using languages ​​such as PHP, Python, Ruby or Java.

Tools and Frameworks

Web programmers use various tools and frameworks to facilitate development. Some of the most popular include:

  • React : A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, widely used in front-end development.
  • Node.js: A server-side JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to create scalable web applications.
  • Bootstrap: A CSS framework that helps you create responsive and modern layouts faster and easier.

The Future of Web Programming

With the advancement of technology, web programming continues to evolve. Trends such as the development of progressive applications (PWAs), the integration of artificial intelligence and the use of APIs are shaping the future of the web.

For aspiring programmers, this means the opportunities for learning and growth are endless.

Beta Hub

Beta Hub is an innovative educational platform that offers free online courses aimed at developing technological skills.

Focusing especially on programming and web development, Beta Hub seeks to democratize access to knowledge, providing tools and resources so that anyone can learn and stand out in the job market.

Courses Offered

Beta Hub offers a variety of courses that cater to different levels of knowledge and areas of interest.

Among the most popular courses, the following stand out:

  • Web Programming.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Mobile Development..

Flexibility and Accessibility

One of Beta Hub's main differentiators is the flexibility it offers its students. Classes can be attended at any time, allowing everyone to study at their own pace and according to their availability.

All courses are free, ensuring that knowledge is accessible to everyone, regardless of financial situation.

Registration link ⬇️

Registration for the Web Programming Course must be made on the Beta Hub website.

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