場合によっては、簡単に共有できるように、アプリのテーブルやデータを PDF として保存する必要があります。 React PDF Renderer を使用すると、React コンポーネントを高品質の PDF に簡単に変換できます。このブログでは、Web コンテンツを共有可能な PDF に簡単に変更する方法を学びます。
React PDF Renderer には独自のコンポーネント セットがあり、通常の React コンポーネントや HTML タグとは少し異なります。ただし、その機能は理解しやすいです。基本を学べば、React PDF Renderer を効率的に使用して React アプリで PDF を作成できるようになります。コードに入る前に、まず React PDF Renderer によって提供される主要コンポーネントを見て、それらがどのように機能するかを確認します。
これらの基本を理解すれば、React コンポーネントを PDF に変換するプロセスを開始する準備が整います。
React PDF Renderer は、React コンポーネントを PDF に変換するためにさまざまなコンポーネントを使用します。主要なコンポーネントとその用途は次のとおりです:
<View style={{ width: 100, height: 50, backgroundColor: 'blue' }} > /* pdf content */ </View>
<Text style={{ fontSize: 14, fontWeight: 'bold', color: 'black' }}> Hello, World! </Text>
<Image src="example.jpg" style={{ width: 200, height: 100 }} />
<Page size="A4" style={{ margin: 10 }}>Page Content</Page>
<Link src="https://example.com" style={{ color: 'blue' }}> Click here </Link>
<Document title="Example Document"> <Page> <Text> Content </Text> </Page> </Document>
これらは、React PDF の操作中に使用される基本コンポーネントです。利用可能な有効なプロパティを含むコンポーネントの完全なリストは、ここで確認できます。
既存のアプリで PDF の構築を開始することも、React PDF 専用のオンライン REPL を使用することもできます。オンライン React PDF REPL の利点は、コードのプレビューを即座に表示できることです。このプレビュー システムがなければ、PDF を表示するたびにダウンロードする必要があります。
そこで、コードの変更を即座にプレビューできるオンライン REPL for React PDF を使用します。このプレビュー機能は、時間を節約し、エラーを早期に発見するのに役立つため、PDF の作成中に役立ちます。ただし、React アプリケーションで React PDF をセットアップする方法についても説明します。
新しい React アプリケーションを作成し、React PDF Renderer をインストールして、それを使用して最初のコード行を作成しましょう。
ターミナルを開き、次のコマンドを実行して、Create React App を使用して新しい React アプリを作成します
npx create-react-app my-react-pdf-app
このコマンドは、基本的な React セットアップを備えた my-react-pdf-app という名前の新しいディレクトリを作成します。
cd my-react-pdf-app
npm を使用して React PDF レンダラー ライブラリをインストールします。
npm install @react-pdf/renderer
新しく作成したプロジェクト (my-react-pdf-app) をお気に入りのコード エディター (VSCode など) で開きます。 MyDocument.js という名前の新しいファイルを src ディレクトリに作成します。
// src/MyDocument.js import React from 'react'; import { Document, Page, Text, View, StyleSheet } from '@react-pdf/renderer'; // Create styles const styles = StyleSheet.create({ page: { flexDirection: 'column', backgroundColor: '#E4E4E4', }, section: { margin: 10, padding: 10, flexGrow: 1, }, }); // Create Document Component const MyDocument = () => ( <Document> <Page size="A4" style={styles.page}> <View style={styles.section}> <Text>Section #1</Text> </View> <View style={styles.section}> <Text>Section #2</Text> </View> </Page> </Document> ); export default MyDocument;
App.js を開き、PDF ドキュメントをレンダリングするように変更します。
// src/App.js import React from 'react'; import { PDFDownloadLink } from '@react-pdf/renderer'; import MyDocument from './MyDocument'; const App = () => ( <div className="App"> <header className="App-header"> <PDFDownloadLink document={<MyDocument />} fileName="mypdf.pdf"> {({ blob, url, loading, error }) => loading ? 'Loading document...' : 'Download PDF now!' } </PDFDownloadLink> </header> </div> ); export default App;
ターミナルを開き、プロジェクト ディレクトリにいることを確認し、開発サーバーを起動します。
npm start
Your default browser should automatically open and navigate to http://localhost:3000, where you will see a link to download the PDF.
But in this blog, we will use an Online Code REPL so that we can see the output instantly. Then, we can use the same code in our React app to download it. Both methods will give the same result.
So, we are going to code this PDF design. With this design, we will understand how all the components work. After that, you can code any PDF design.
So, till now, we understand that there are three major components for React PDF:
This PDF design is also divided into these three main components.
So, from the above diagram, I hope you understand what we need to build first. First, we will create a document using the
Basic Setup
Start with importing basic things and components we need to use for React PDF.
import React from 'react'; import { Page, Text, View, Document, StyleSheet, Image } from '@react-pdf/renderer';
Document Styling
Now we will style our document. Here, we will set how our entire document looks. We will use StyleSheet.create to define the styles for our PDF components. This is similar to CSS but written in JavaScript objects:
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ page: { padding: 20, backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }, section: { marginBottom: 20 } }); // we will add more style later on.
Here, we will use the page and section styles in our components like this.
<Page style={styles.page}>
Define Data
Define the data you want to display in the PDF document. This data can be dynamic and fetched from an API or a database:
const data = [ { title: 'Attack on Titan', studio: 'Wit Studio', genre: 'Action, Dark Fantasy', releaseDate: '04-07-2013', status: 'Completed', rating: '9.0', cost: '$120' } ];
Create Document Component
Define the MyDocument component which will structure the PDF document. The name can be anything. It is our React component.
const MyDocument = () => { return ( // Our pdf code will be here ); }; export default MyDocument;
The component returns JSX that describes the structure of the PDF document. So, in the return statement, we will start by using our first React PDF component, which is
const MyDocument = () => { return ( <Document> /* Here we will steup our page */ </Document> ); }; export default MyDocument;
This creates a Black PDF Document.
Create PDF Pages
Now, let's start by creating pages for our PDF. Use the
// Create Document Component const MyDocument = () => { return ( <Document> <Page size="A4" style={styles.page}> <View> <Text>Hello</Text> </View> </Page> </Document> ); }; export default MyDocument;
Here, we use the
So, the View component works just like a div. For example, if you want a big box in your PDF divided into specific columns, and you want to give each column a different color, you just need a few View components and some styling. If you need to add text, use the Text component. To add an image, use the Image component. Check the code and output below.
// Create styles const styles = StyleSheet.create({ page: { padding: 20, backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }, section: { marginBottom: 20 }, bigBox: { flexDirection: 'row', marginBottom: 20, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#000', }, column: { flex: 1, padding: 10, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#000', }, column1: { backgroundColor: '#ffcccc', }, column2: { backgroundColor: '#ccffcc', }, column3: { backgroundColor: '#ccccff', }, text: { fontSize: 12, }, image: { width: "auto", height: 100, }, canvas: { width: '100%', height: 100, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#000', backgroundColor: '#e0e0e0', } }); // Create Document Component const MyDocument = () => { return ( <Document> <Page size="A4" style={styles.page}> <View style={[styles.bigBox]}> <View style={[styles.column, styles.column1]}> <Text style={styles.text}>This is a text column</Text> </View> <View style={[styles.column, styles.column2]}> <Image style={styles.image} src="https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/07/24/53/02/360_F_724530208_783brjeXb7pllU2HefNMxNc1TynemreM.jpg" /> </View> <View style={[styles.column, styles.column3]}> <View style={styles.canvas}> <Text style={styles.text}>Canvas section (Placeholder)</Text> </View> </View> </View> </Page> </Document> ); }; export default MyDocument;
Here, each column is given a different background color for visual separation. The first column contains text, the second contains an image, and the third contains a placeholder for a canvas section.
So, for this, we just used the View, Text, and Image components. I hope you now understand that to create any component, we only need a few components to create a PDF in React. Now, let's return to our main design. We will use the same components and add some styling like flex, border styling, font styling, etc.
Let's create the header first. We need to use a View component as the header, apply some styles using flex, and add Image and Text components to it.
// src/MyDocument.js import React from 'react'; import { Page, Text, View, Document, StyleSheet, Image } from '@react-pdf/renderer'; // Create styles const styles = StyleSheet.create({ page: { padding: 20, backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }, section: { marginBottom: 20 }, headerContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: 20 }, headerText: { fontSize: 20, fontWeight: 'bold' }, image: { width: 50, height: 50 }, date: { fontSize: 12, textAlign: 'right' }, }); // Create Document Component const MyDocument = () => { return ( <Document> <Page size="A4" style={styles.page}> <View style={styles.section}> <View style={styles.headerContainer}> <Image style={styles.image} src="https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/thumbnails/013/993/061/small/mugiwara-the-illustration-vector.jpg" /> <Text style={styles.headerText}>Anime Report</Text> <Text style={styles.date}>{new Date().toLocaleDateString()}</Text> </View> </View> </Page> </Document> ); }; export default MyDocument;
You see, it's easy to grasp.
Let's code the table. To create tables using React PDF Renderer, we just need to use flex styling and the View and Text components. Each View component will contain one Text component, but you can add more Text components if needed.
The Main Structure
This code will create a table in a PDF document.
<View style={styles.table}> {/* Table Header */} <View style={styles.tableRow}> {/* Each Column Header */} <View style={styles.tableColHeader}> <Text style={styles.tableCellHeader}>Title</Text> </View> {/* More column headers... */} </View> {/* Table Rows */} {data.map((item, index) => ( <View style={styles.tableRow} key={index}> {/* Each Column in a Row */} <View style={styles.tableCol}> <Text style={styles.tableCell}>{item.title}</Text> </View> {/* More columns... */} </View> ))} </View>
Table Container
<View style={styles.table}>
This View acts as the main container for the entire table. The styles.table style will define how the table is displayed, like borders, padding, etc.
Table Header Row
<View style={styles.tableRow}>
This View represents a row in the table. The styles.tableRow style will apply to both the header row and each data row.
Column Headers
<View style={styles.tableColHeader}> <Text style={styles.tableCellHeader}>Title</Text> </View>
Each View inside the header row is a column header. The styles.tableColHeader style will define how the header cells look, such as their background color, borders, and text alignment. The Text component inside it contains the column's title and uses the styles.tableCellHeader style for text styling. Repeat this for each column header (e.g., Title, Studio, Genre, Release Date, Status, Rating, Cost).
Data Rows
{data.map((item, index) => ( <View style={styles.tableRow} key={index}> {/* Columns for each row */} </View> ))}
Here, we use the map function to loop over an array called data. For each item in the array, it creates a new row in the table. The key attribute helps React manage the list of items efficiently.
Columns in Data Rows
<View style={styles.tableCol}> <Text style={styles.tableCell}>{item.title}</Text> </View>
Each View inside the data row is a column. The styles.tableCol style will define the appearance of the cells in the data rows, and the Text component inside displays the actual data. The styles.tableCell style is applied to the text for consistent styling. Repeat this for each column in the data row (e.g., item.title, item.studio, item.genre, item.releaseDate, item.status, item.rating, item.cost).
Table Code
// React PDF Renderer Component import React from 'react'; import { Page, Text, View, Document, StyleSheet } from '@react-pdf/renderer'; // Create styles const styles = StyleSheet.create({ // after date styling.... table: { display: "table", width: "auto", borderStyle: "solid", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#bfbfbf' }, tableRow: { flexDirection: "row" }, tableColHeader: { width: "15%", borderStyle: "solid", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#bfbfbf', backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0' }, tableCol: { width: "15%", borderStyle: "solid", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#bfbfbf' }, tableCellHeader: { margin: 5, fontSize: 10, fontWeight: "bold" }, tableCell: { margin: 5, fontSize: 10 }, footerContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 20 }, footerText: { fontSize: 12 }, totalCost: { fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 'bold' } }); const data = [ { title: 'Attack on Titan', studio: 'Wit Studio', genre: 'Action, Dark Fantasy', releaseDate: '04-07-2013', status: 'Completed', rating: '9.0', cost: '$120' }, // You can add more or fetch data from an API or database ]; // Create Document Component const MyDocument = () => (); export default MyDocument; /* After header code */ <View style={styles.table}> <View style={styles.tableRow}> Title Studio Genre Release Date Status Rating {data.map((item, index) => ( Cost ))} {item.title} {item.studio} {item.genre} {item.releaseDate} {item.status} {item.rating} {item.cost}
Here, we've created a simple table with headers and data rows. Each item in the data array becomes a row in the table, and each property of the item becomes a cell in that row. The styling makes sure the table looks neat and professional in the PDF document.
Now, at the end, we can code a footer. The code below creates a footer with an image and a text displaying the total cost.
// style code after table styles... footerContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 20 }, footerText: { fontSize: 12 }, totalCost: { fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 'bold' } //... After table code add footer <View style={styles.footerContainer}> <Image style={styles.image} src="https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/thumbnails/013/993/061/small/mugiwara-the-illustration-vector.jpg" /> <Text style={styles.totalCost}>Total Cost: ${calculateTotalCost()}</Text> </View>
This View acts as the main container for the footer. The styles.footerContainer style defines how the footer is displayed, including its layout, padding, margin, and alignment. The Image component displays an image, while the Text component shows the total cost.
In this blog, we covered how to use React PDF Renderer to convert React components into high-quality PDFs. We covered the key components, including Document, Page, View, Text, Image, and Link, and explained their uses and styling. We covered, creating a basic PDF document, adding pages, styling, and building complex structures like tables and footers. By following this, you can easily transform your web content into shareable PDFs using React.
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官方 React PDF 渲染器文档
React PDF 渲染器 NPM
以上是如何使用 React JS 创建 PDF的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!