我使用 Go 和 PostgreSQL 构建了一个 API,使用 Google Cloud Run、Cloud Build、Secret Manager 和 ArtifactRegistry 设置了 CI/CD 管道,并将 Cloud Run 实例连接到 CockroachDB。
该API基于游戏《核心危机:最终幻想VII》,模拟“物质融合”。本文的目标受众是只想了解如何构建和部署 API 的开发人员。我还有另一篇文章,其中讨论了我在从事该项目时学到的所有内容、哪些内容不起作用,以及理解和翻译游戏的材质融合规则(链接即将推出)。
3 个端点 - 健康检查 (GET)、所有材料列表 (GET) 和模拟材料融合 (POST)
物质(单数和复数)是一个水晶球,作为魔法的来源。游戏中有 144 种不同的材质,大致分为 4 类:“魔法”、“命令”、“支持”和“独立”。然而,为了弄清楚物质融合的规则,根据它们的融合行为,更容易有32个内部类别,以及这些类别内的8个等级(参见参考资料) .
并且有很多例外,其中一些规则具有 3 层嵌套的 if-else 逻辑。这消除了在数据库中创建一个简单表并将 1000 条规则保存到其中的可能性,或者想出一个公式来规则所有规则的可能性。
brew install postgresql@17
这将安装一大堆 CLI 二进制文件以帮助使用数据库。
可选:将 /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@17/bin 添加到 $PATH 变量。
# create the DB createdb materiafusiondb # step into the DB to perform SQL commands psql materiafusiondb
-- create an SQL user to be used by the Go server CREATE USER go_client WITH PASSWORD 'xxxxxxxx'; -- The Go server doesn't ever need to add data to the DB. -- So let's give it just read permission. CREATE ROLE readonly_role; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO readonly_role; -- This command gives SELECT access to all future created tables. ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO readonly_role; -- If you want to be more strict and give access only to tables that already exist, use this: -- GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO readonly_role; GRANT readonly_role TO go_client;
CREATE TYPE display_materia_type AS ENUM ('Magic', 'Command', 'Support', 'Independent'); CREATE TYPE materia_type AS ENUM ('Fire', 'Ice', 'Lightning', 'Restore', 'Full Cure', 'Status Defense', 'Defense', 'Absorb Magic', 'Status Magic', 'Fire & Status', 'Ice & Status', 'Lightning & Status', 'Gravity', 'Ultimate', 'Quick Attack', 'Quick Attack & Status', 'Blade Arts', 'Blade Arts & Status', 'Fire Blade', 'Ice Blade', 'Lightning Blade', 'Absorb Blade', 'Item', 'Punch', 'SP Turbo', 'HP Up', 'AP Up', 'ATK Up', 'VIT Up', 'MAG Up', 'SPR Up', 'Dash', 'Dualcast', 'DMW', 'Libra', 'MP Up', 'Anything'); CREATE TABLE materia ( id integer NOT NULL, name character varying(50) NOT NULL, materia_type materia_type NOT NULL, grade integer NOT NULL, display_materia_type display_materia_type, description text CONSTRAINT materia_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- The primary key 'id' should auto-increment by 1 for every row entry. CREATE SEQUENCE materia_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE materia_id_seq OWNED BY materia.id; ALTER TABLE ONLY materia ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('materia_id_seq'::REGCLASS);
创建包含表头和数据的 Excel 工作表,并将其导出为 CSV 文件。然后运行命令:
COPY materia(name,materia_type,grade,display_materia_type,description) FROM '<path_to_csv_file>/materiadata.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
使用 autostrada.dev 创建样板代码。添加 api、postgresql、httprouter、env var config、tintedlogging、git、live reload、makefile 的选项。我们最终得到这样的文件结构:
? codebase ├─ cmd │ └─ api │ ├─ errors.go │ ├─ handlers.go │ ├─ helpers.go │ ├─ main.go │ ├─ middleware.go │ └─ server.go ├─ internal │ ├─ database --- db.go │ ├─ env --- env.go │ ├─ request --- json.go │ ├─ response --- json.go │ └─ validator │ ├─ helpers.go │ └─ validators.go ├─ go.mod ├─ LICENSE ├─ Makefile ├─ README.md └─ README.html
HTTP_PORT=4444 DB_DSN=go_client:<password>@localhost:5432/materiafusiondb?sslmode=disable API_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=5 API_CALLS_ALLOWED_PER_SECOND=1
添加 godotenv 库:
go get github.com/joho/godotenv
将以下内容添加到 main.go:
// At the beginning of main(): err := godotenv.Load(".env") // Loads environment variables from .env file if err != nil { // This will be true in prod, but that's fine. fmt.Println("Error loading .env file") } // Modify config struct: type config struct { baseURL string db struct { dsn string } httpPort int apiTimeout int apiCallsAllowedPerSecond float64 } // Modify run() to use the new values from .env: cfg.httpPort = env.GetInt("HTTP_PORT") cfg.db.dsn = env.GetString("DB_DSN") cfg.apiTimeout = env.GetInt("API_TIMEOUT_SECONDS") cfg.apiCallsAllowedPerSecond = float64(env.GetInt("API_CALLS_ALLOWED_PER_SECOND")) // cfg.baseURL = env.GetString("BASE_URL") - not required
样板已经有一个中间件可以从恐慌中恢复。我们将添加另外 3 个:Content-Type 检查、速率限制和 API 超时保护。
go get github.com/didip/tollbooth
func (app *application) contentTypeCheck(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "application/json" { app.unsupportedMediaType(w, r) return } next.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } func (app *application) rateLimiter(next http.Handler) http.Handler { limiter := tollbooth.NewLimiter(app.config.apiCallsAllowedPerSecond, nil) limiter.SetIPLookups([]string{"X-Real-IP", "X-Forwarded-For", "RemoteAddr"}) return tollbooth.LimitHandler(limiter, next) } func (app *application) apiTimeout(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { timeoutDuration := time.Duration(app.config.apiTimeout) * time.Second ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(r.Context(), timeoutDuration) defer cancel() r = r.WithContext(ctx) done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { next.ServeHTTP(w, r) close(done) }() select { case <-done: return case <-ctx.Done(): app.gatewayTimeout(w, r) return } }) }
中间件需要添加到路由中。它们可以添加到所有路由,也可以添加到特定路由。在我们的例子中,仅 POST 请求需要 Content-Type 检查(即强制输入标头包含 Content-Type: application/json)。所以修改routes.go如下:
func (app *application) routes() http.Handler { mux := httprouter.New() mux.NotFound = http.HandlerFunc(app.notFound) mux.MethodNotAllowed = http.HandlerFunc(app.methodNotAllowed) // Serve the Swagger UI. Uncomment this line later // mux.Handler("GET", "/docs/*any", httpSwagger.WrapHandler) mux.HandlerFunc("GET", "/status", app.status) mux.HandlerFunc("GET", "/materia", app.getAllMateria) // Adding content-type check middleware to only the POST method mux.Handler("POST", "/fusion", app.contentTypeCheck(http.HandlerFunc(app.fuseMateria))) return app.chainMiddlewares(mux) } func (app *application) chainMiddlewares(next http.Handler) http.Handler { middlewares := []func(http.Handler) http.Handler{ app.recoverPanic, app.apiTimeout, app.rateLimiter, } for _, middleware := range middlewares { next = middleware(next) } return next }
func (app *application) unsupportedMediaType(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { message := fmt.Sprintf("The %s Content-Type is not supported", r.Header.Get("Content-Type")) app.errorMessage(w, r, http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType, message, nil) } func (app *application) gatewayTimeout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { message := "Request timed out" app.errorMessage(w, r, http.StatusGatewayTimeout, message, nil) }
/api/dtos.go :
package main // MateriaDTO provides Materia details - Name, Description and Type (Magic / Command / Support / Independent) type MateriaDTO struct { Name string `json:"name" example:"Thunder"` Type string `json:"type" example:"Magic"` Description string `json:"description" example:"Shoots lightning forward dealing thunder damage."` } // StatusDTO provides status of the server type StatusDTO struct { Status string `json:"Status" example:"OK"` } // ErrorResponseDTO provides Error message type ErrorResponseDTO struct { Error string `json:"Error" example:"The server encountered a problem and could not process your request"` }
brew install postgresql@17
# create the DB createdb materiafusiondb # step into the DB to perform SQL commands psql materiafusiondb
32 种 MateriaType 的完整列表可以在此处找到。
-- create an SQL user to be used by the Go server CREATE USER go_client WITH PASSWORD 'xxxxxxxx'; -- The Go server doesn't ever need to add data to the DB. -- So let's give it just read permission. CREATE ROLE readonly_role; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO readonly_role; -- This command gives SELECT access to all future created tables. ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO readonly_role; -- If you want to be more strict and give access only to tables that already exist, use this: -- GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO readonly_role; GRANT readonly_role TO go_client;
CREATE TYPE display_materia_type AS ENUM ('Magic', 'Command', 'Support', 'Independent'); CREATE TYPE materia_type AS ENUM ('Fire', 'Ice', 'Lightning', 'Restore', 'Full Cure', 'Status Defense', 'Defense', 'Absorb Magic', 'Status Magic', 'Fire & Status', 'Ice & Status', 'Lightning & Status', 'Gravity', 'Ultimate', 'Quick Attack', 'Quick Attack & Status', 'Blade Arts', 'Blade Arts & Status', 'Fire Blade', 'Ice Blade', 'Lightning Blade', 'Absorb Blade', 'Item', 'Punch', 'SP Turbo', 'HP Up', 'AP Up', 'ATK Up', 'VIT Up', 'MAG Up', 'SPR Up', 'Dash', 'Dualcast', 'DMW', 'Libra', 'MP Up', 'Anything'); CREATE TABLE materia ( id integer NOT NULL, name character varying(50) NOT NULL, materia_type materia_type NOT NULL, grade integer NOT NULL, display_materia_type display_materia_type, description text CONSTRAINT materia_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- The primary key 'id' should auto-increment by 1 for every row entry. CREATE SEQUENCE materia_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE materia_id_seq OWNED BY materia.id; ALTER TABLE ONLY materia ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('materia_id_seq'::REGCLASS);
COPY materia(name,materia_type,grade,display_materia_type,description) FROM '<path_to_csv_file>/materiadata.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
更新 api/helpers.go:
? codebase ├─ cmd │ └─ api │ ├─ errors.go │ ├─ handlers.go │ ├─ helpers.go │ ├─ main.go │ ├─ middleware.go │ └─ server.go ├─ internal │ ├─ database --- db.go │ ├─ env --- env.go │ ├─ request --- json.go │ ├─ response --- json.go │ └─ validator │ ├─ helpers.go │ └─ validators.go ├─ go.mod ├─ LICENSE ├─ Makefile ├─ README.md └─ README.html
HTTP_PORT=4444 DB_DSN=go_client:<password>@localhost:5432/materiafusiondb?sslmode=disable API_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=5 API_CALLS_ALLOWED_PER_SECOND=1
添加 Swagger 库:
go get github.com/joho/godotenv
// At the beginning of main(): err := godotenv.Load(".env") // Loads environment variables from .env file if err != nil { // This will be true in prod, but that's fine. fmt.Println("Error loading .env file") } // Modify config struct: type config struct { baseURL string db struct { dsn string } httpPort int apiTimeout int apiCallsAllowedPerSecond float64 } // Modify run() to use the new values from .env: cfg.httpPort = env.GetInt("HTTP_PORT") cfg.db.dsn = env.GetString("DB_DSN") cfg.apiTimeout = env.GetInt("API_TIMEOUT_SECONDS") cfg.apiCallsAllowedPerSecond = float64(env.GetInt("API_CALLS_ALLOWED_PER_SECOND")) // cfg.baseURL = env.GetString("BASE_URL") - not required
在处理程序、DTO 和模型文件中,添加 Swagger 文档的注释。请参阅此了解所有选项。
go get github.com/didip/tollbooth
这将创建一个 api/docs 文件夹,其中包含可用于 Go、JSON 和 YAML 的定义。
要测试它,请启动本地服务器并打开 http://localhost:4444/docs。
func (app *application) contentTypeCheck(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "application/json" { app.unsupportedMediaType(w, r) return } next.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } func (app *application) rateLimiter(next http.Handler) http.Handler { limiter := tollbooth.NewLimiter(app.config.apiCallsAllowedPerSecond, nil) limiter.SetIPLookups([]string{"X-Real-IP", "X-Forwarded-For", "RemoteAddr"}) return tollbooth.LimitHandler(limiter, next) } func (app *application) apiTimeout(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { timeoutDuration := time.Duration(app.config.apiTimeout) * time.Second ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(r.Context(), timeoutDuration) defer cancel() r = r.WithContext(ctx) done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { next.ServeHTTP(w, r) close(done) }() select { case <-done: return case <-ctx.Done(): app.gatewayTimeout(w, r) return } }) }
brew install postgresql@17
# create the DB createdb materiafusiondb # step into the DB to perform SQL commands psql materiafusiondb
-- create an SQL user to be used by the Go server CREATE USER go_client WITH PASSWORD 'xxxxxxxx'; -- The Go server doesn't ever need to add data to the DB. -- So let's give it just read permission. CREATE ROLE readonly_role; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO readonly_role; -- This command gives SELECT access to all future created tables. ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO readonly_role; -- If you want to be more strict and give access only to tables that already exist, use this: -- GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO readonly_role; GRANT readonly_role TO go_client;
这将使 Cloud Build 在构建开始之前在我们的项目中创建文件 certs/root.crt,以便 Dockerfile 可以访问它,即使我们从未将其推送到我们的 Github 存储库。
就是这样。尝试推送提交并检查构建是否触发。 Cloud Run 仪表板将显示您托管的 Go 服务器的 URL。
有关“为什么你做了 X 而不是 Y?”的问题读这个。
以上是使用 Go、PostgreSQL、Google Cloud 和 CockroachDB 构建 API的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!