在本深入指南中,我们将逐步使用 Firebase 和 React 构建实时多人游戏,并使用 Gladiator Taunt Wars 中的详细示例。在这种游戏模式中,玩家进行策略性的嘲讽决斗,轮流选择和回应嘲讽,以减少对手的生命值(HP)。本文将涵盖构建此类游戏的各个方面,包括 Firebase 设置、匹配、游戏状态管理、动画、实时更新和基于 ELO 的排行榜集成。最后,您将深入了解如何实现响应灵敏、引人入胜的实时多人游戏体验。
设置 Firebase 和项目初始化
Firebase 设置
使用 Firestore 和身份验证初始化 Firebase,以进行实时数据处理和玩家验证。这些将为存储和管理比赛数据、玩家信息和实时排行榜更新提供基础。确保您设置 Firestore 规则来限制对比赛数据的访问,仅允许经过身份验证的玩家查看和更新相关信息。
React 项目结构
将您的 React 项目组织成可重用的组件,这些组件将代表每个游戏元素,例如匹配系统、游戏板、排行榜和聊天。按层次结构构建组件,以获得清晰且可维护的架构。
startSearching 函数通过将玩家添加到 Firestore 中的队列来启动匹配过程。如果找到对手,则会创建一个新的比赛文档,存储双方玩家的 ID 并初始化游戏参数。
const startSearching = async () => { const user = auth.currentUser; if (user && db) { try { const matchmakingRef = collection(db, 'tauntWars_matchmaking'); const userDocRef = doc(matchmakingRef, user.uid); await runTransaction(db, async (transaction) => { const userDoc = await transaction.get(userDocRef); if (!userDoc.exists()) { transaction.set(userDocRef, { userId: user.uid, status: 'waiting', timestamp: serverTimestamp() }); } else { transaction.update(userDocRef, { status: 'waiting', timestamp: serverTimestamp() }); } const q = query(matchmakingRef, where('status', '==', 'waiting')); const waitingPlayers = await getDocs(q); if (waitingPlayers.size > 1) { // Pairing logic } }); } catch (error) { setIsSearching(false); } } };
该功能使用 Firestore 交易来确保玩家不会出现双重匹配,否则会破坏匹配系统。 Firebase 的 serverTimestamp 函数在这里很有用,可以确保跨多个时区的时间戳一致。
useEffect(() => { const matchRef = doc(db, 'tauntWars_matches', matchId); const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(matchRef, (docSnapshot) => { if (docSnapshot.exists()) { setMatchData(docSnapshot.data()); if (docSnapshot.data().currentTurn === 'response') { setResponses(getAvailableResponses(docSnapshot.data().selectedTaunt)); } } }); return () => unsubscribe(); }, [matchId]);
Handling Game Phases
Players alternate turns, each choosing a taunt or response. The currentTurn attribute indicates which action phase the game is in. Each action is updated in Firestore, triggering real-time synchronization across both clients. For instance, a player selecting a taunt switches currentTurn to “response,” alerting the opponent to choose a response.
const handleTauntSelection = async (taunt) => { const otherPlayer = currentPlayer === matchData.player1 ? matchData.player2 : matchData.player1; await updateDoc(doc(db, 'tauntWars_matches', matchId), { currentTurn: 'response', turn: otherPlayer, selectedTaunt: taunt.id, }); };
The Timer component restricts the duration of each turn. This timeout function maintains a steady game flow and penalizes players who fail to act in time, reducing their HP.
const Timer = ({ isPlayerTurn, onTimeUp }) => { const [timeLeft, setTimeLeft] = useState(30); useEffect(() => { if (isPlayerTurn) { const interval = setInterval(() => { setTimeLeft(prev => { if (prev <= 1) { clearInterval(interval); onTimeUp(); return 0; } return prev - 1; }); }, 1000); return () => clearInterval(interval); } }, [isPlayerTurn, onTimeUp]); };
const animateAttack = useCallback((attacker, defender) => { const targetX = attacker === 'player1' ? player1Pos.x + 50 : player2Pos.x - 50; const attackerRef = attacker === 'player1' ? player1Ref : player2Ref; attackerRef.current.to({ x: targetX, duration: 0.2, onFinish: () => attackerRef.current.to({ x: player1Pos.x, duration: 0.2 }) }); });
By simulating attacks in this way, we visually indicate the power and result of each taunt or response, creating a more immersive experience.
const ChatBox = ({ matchId }) => { const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { const chatRef = collection(db, 'tauntWars_matches', matchId, 'chat'); const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(chatRef, (snapshot) => { setMessages(snapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.data())); }); return () => unsubscribe(); }, [matchId]); };
Each message is rendered conditionally based on the user’s ID, differentiating sent and received messages with distinct styling.
const EloLeaderboard = () => { const [players, setPlayers] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { const q = query(collection(db, 'users'), orderBy('tauntWars.elo', 'desc'), limit(100)); const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(q, (querySnapshot) => { setPlayers(querySnapshot.docs.map((doc, index) => ({ rank: index + 1, username: doc.data().username, elo: doc.data().tauntWars.elo, }))); }); return () => unsubscribe(); }, []); };
The leaderboard ranks players based on their ELO, providing competitive motivation and a way for players to track their progress.
Technical Challenges and Best Practices
Consistency with Firestore Transactions
Using transactions ensures that simultaneous reads/writes to Firestore maintain data integrity, especially during matchmaking and scoring updates.
Optimizing Real-Time Listeners
Employ listener cleanup using unsubscribe() to prevent memory leaks. Also, limiting queries can help reduce the number of Firestore reads, optimizing costs and performance.
CanvasComponent 根据视口调整其大小,使游戏能够跨设备响应。使用react-konva库可以实现交互元素的稳健渲染,通过动画为玩家提供视觉反馈。
借助 Firebase 和 React,您可以创建适应实时用户操作的快节奏多人游戏体验。 Gladiator Taunt Wars 中的示例演示了如何集成实时更新、安全交易和动态动画来制作引人入胜且具有视觉吸引力的游戏。
为《角斗士之战》构建《角斗士嘲讽战争》是一次收获颇丰的旅程,它将 React、Firebase 和沉浸式游戏机制结合在一起,在一款基于 Web 的游戏中捕捉罗马竞技场战斗的激烈程度。利用 Firebase 的实时 Firestore 数据库、安全身份验证和强大的托管功能,我们能够创建无缝、社区驱动的体验,让玩家可以在战略战斗中进行对决。集成 GitHub Actions 进行持续部署也简化了开发,让我们能够专注于增强游戏玩法和用户交互。
本系列的后续文章将深入探讨使用 Firebase 创建交互式 Web 应用程序的技术细节,包括优化实时数据流、管理复杂的游戏状态以及利用 AI 增强玩家参与度。我们将探索桥接前端和后端服务的最佳实践,以创建响应迅速的实时多人游戏环境。
无论您是开发自己的互动游戏还是对 Gladiators Battle 背后的技术感到好奇,本系列都提供了有关使用 Firebase 构建现代 Web 应用程序的宝贵见解。加入我们,我们将继续将古代历史与尖端技术相融合,为当今的数字世界重新构想角斗士战斗的刺激。
探索角斗士之战:潜入罗马世界,体验策略和战斗 https://gladiatorsbattle.com
查看我们的 GitHub:查看我们的代码库和贡献:https://github.com/HanGPIErr/Gladiators-Battle-Documentation。
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以上是使用 React 和 Firebase 构建实时多人游戏:角斗士嘲讽战争的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!