我想分享我处理级联表单字段的 3 种方法。
react-native-element-dropdown react-native-paper
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { View, Text, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity } from "react-native"; import { Dropdown } from "react-native-element-dropdown"; export default function App() { return ( <View> <p>ZDropDown is a custom component. </p> <h3> Sample data </h3> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">const listCountry = [ { countryId: "1", name: "india" }, { countryId: "2", name: "uk" }, { countryId: "3", name: "canada" }, { countryId: "4", name: "us" }, ]; const listSate = [ { stateId: "1", countryId: "1", name: "state1_india" }, { stateId: "4", countryId: "2", name: "state1_uk" }, { stateId: "7", countryId: "3", name: "state1_canada" }, { stateId: "10", countryId: "4", name: "state1_us" }, ]; const listCity = [ { cityId: "1", stateId: "1", countryId: "1", name: "city1_state1_country1", }, { cityId: "6", stateId: "2", countryId: "1", name: "city6_state2_country1", }, { cityId: "7", stateId: "3", countryId: "1", name: "city7_state3_country1", }, { cityId: "23", stateId: "8", countryId: "3", name: "city23_state8_country3", }, { cityId: "30", stateId: "10", countryId: "4", name: "city30_state10_country4", }, { cityId: "35", stateId: "12", countryId: "4", name: "city35_state12_country4", }, { cityId: "36", stateId: "12", countryId: "4", name: "city36_state12_country4", }, ];
第一种方法中我们使用了 4 个状态变量,但这里我们使用 4 个普通变量(3 个用于下拉,1 个用于焦点字段)和一个用于切换和触发状态效果(刷新页面)的状态变量。
var country = { list: [], selectedCountry: {}, selectedValue: null, }; var state = { list: [], selectedState: {}, selectedValue: null, }; var city = { list: [], selectedCity: {}, selectedValue: null, }; var focusField = ''; export default function App() { const [refreshPage, setRefreshPage] = useState(false); return ( <View> <p>Focus and Blur events get triggered more than onChange event so it is better to maintain a separate variable to represent the focus field and avoid data mess up situations. </p> <h3> Load Country </h3> <p>Load country dropdown from the sample data. (you can use api call)<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">export default function App() { . . . const loadCountry = () => { // load data from api call country.list = [...listCountry]; // switching value will refresh the ui setRefreshPage(!refreshPage); }; useEffect(() => { loadCountry(); }, []); return ( . . . )
const changeFocusField = (fld = '') => { focusField = fld; setRefreshPage(!refreshPage); };
<Text>Country</Text> <ZDropDown . . . isFocus={focusField === 'country'} onFocus={() => changeFocusField('country')} onBlur={() => changeFocusField('')} onChange={null} /> <Text>State</Text> <ZDropDown . . . isFocus={focusField === 'state'} onFocus={() => changeFocusField('state')} onBlur={() => changeFocusField('')} onChange={null} /> <Text>City</Text> <ZDropDown . . . isFocus={focusField === 'city'} onFocus={() => changeFocusField('city')} onBlur={() => changeFocusField('')} onChange={null} />
在选择的国家/地区,我们需要根据所选国家/地区加载相应的州 STATES。
<Text>Country</Text> <ZDropDown . . . onChange={(item) => { country.selectedCountry = item; country.selectedValue = item.countryId; focusField = ''; loadState(); }} />
您看到第一种方法的区别了吗?之前更新了 3 个状态变量,但这里只更新了 1 个状态变量。
const loadState = async () => { state = { list: [], selectedState: {}, selectedValue: null }; city = { list: [], selectedCity: {}, selectedValue: null }; const arr = listSate.filter( (ele) => ele.countryId === country.selectedValue ); if (arr.length) { state.list = arr; } refreshPage(!refreshPage); };
<Text>State</Text> <ZDropDown . . . onChange={(item) => { state.selectedValue = item.stateId; state.selectedState = item; changeFocusField(''); loadCity(); }} />
const loadCity = async () => { city = { list: [], selectedCity: {}, selectedValue: null }; const arr = listCity.filter((ele) => ele.stateId === state.selectedValue); if (arr.length) city.list = arr; setRefreshPage(!refreshPage); };
. . . const resetForm = () => { country = {list: [...listCountry],selectedCountry: {}, selectedValue: null}; state = { list: [], selectedState: {}, selectedValue: null }; city = { list: [], selectedCity: {}, selectedValue: null }; focusField = ''; setRefreshPage(!refreshPage); }; . . . <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => resetForm()}> <h3> Warning </h3> <p>We have to show a warning msg if the parent field value is null. For that we are using SnackBar component from paper.<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">import { Snackbar } from "react-native-paper"; . . . var snackMsg = ''; export default function App() { . . . const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); const onToggleSnackBar = () => setVisible(!visible); const onDismissSnackBar = () => setVisible(false); . . . return ( <View> <p>We moved snackMsg to ordinary variable from state variable.</p> <p>Since State and City fields have parent field, they have to be validated.<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"> <Text>State</Text> <ZDropDown onFocus={() => { focusField('state'); if (!country.selectedValue) { snackMsg = 'Select country'; onToggleSnackBar(); changeFocusField('country'); } }} . . . /> <Text>City</Text> <ZDropDown onFocus={() => { focusField('city'); if (!country.selectedValue) { snackMsg = 'Select country'; onToggleSnackBar(); changeFocusField('country'); } else if (!state.selectedValue) { snackMsg = 'Select state'; onToggleSnackBar(); changeFocusField('state'); } }} . . . />
以上是级联形式 React Native 改进的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!