战锤 40,000 中有大量星际战士战团。 其中大多数都是正常的、符合法典的战团;这意味着它们的功能相似,并且共享许多相同的单元和设备选项。然而,也有少数异常战团,他们的基因种子会引起明显的突变,并且遵循自己独特的信条和战斗策略。w
在桌面上,圣血天使是快速移动、专注于近战的星际战士版本,在某些方面类似于黑色圣堂武士和太空野狼。 他们专注于跳跃背包单位,使他们能够按照他们的条件快速与敌人交战,而不受地形的阻碍。 他们还利用了标志性的死亡连,嗜血狂战士,他们完全迷失在战团的诅咒中,并且非常难以杀死。
如果你想扮演圣吉列斯之子,你需要遵循一些简单的规则。 你军队中的所有东西都必须有“血天使”关键字,并且你不能使用其他章节中的任何单位。 遵循这些规则,您可以使用圣血天使的三个独特分遣队,以及一堆特殊单位和战具选项。
圣血天使的命名角色每一个都有悠久的历史,没有一个可以被低估。 他们中的大多数人都希望尽可能多地进行近战战斗,并且许多人显着增强了他们领导的部队。
但丁总司令 |
圣血天使战团长不会安于现状。他可以在近距离造成重大伤害,并为跳跃背包单位提供一些有用的增益:将他与血腥守卫或带跳跃背包的突击调解者配对并观看火花飞舞。 |
冷酷者阿斯托拉斯 |
一名携带跳跃包的牧师,手持一把非常大的斧头。 只能领导同样拥有跳跃包的死亡连部队,但他将他们的杀伤力一路提升,给予他们毁灭性的伤害冲锋,甚至让他们有机会死后再次战斗。他还可以在近战中与敌人角色决斗,这要归功于他的斧头拥有精确。 |
勒马特 |
失落者守护者可以对抗阿斯托拉斯的无情侵略。 他还被限制加入跳跃背包死亡连单位,并且他使他所在的单位受到的伤害减少并且获得致命命中。 他还带了一把致命的手枪来消灭剩下的一切。 |
首席图书馆员墨菲斯顿 |
墨菲斯顿绝对是近战中的怪物,但你需要仔细选择你的交战对象。这是因为他无法加入部队,所以他必须依靠孤独特工来避免伤害。他是一个全面的威胁,在远程使用令人讨厌的心灵攻击,在近战中使用他标志性的原力剑维塔鲁斯。有策略地使用他,你的对手将会对一个小图书管理员能造成如此大的伤害感到震惊。 |
圣吉列诺 |
圣血天使在近战方面非常熟练,甚至他们的原体的鬼魂仍然可以击倒。圣吉列诺是Close战斗中的绝对混合者,在深度打击方面拥有独特的特点:虽然他可以正常出现,当友方单位被冲锋时他也可以自发加入战斗,允许他出现在你的对手的回合并可能通过他的干扰拯救一个有价值的单位。 |
Sanguinary Priest |
A more melee-capable Apothecary with the same nasty pistol as Chaplains like Lemartes, the Blood Angels version can’t resurrect fallen models but instead gives his unit Feel No Pain and a bonus to AP in melee. |
Blood Angels Captain |
Very similar to a standard Captain, except with the ability to swap his Bolt Pistol for an Inferno Pistol – aka a pocket-sized Melta – and the option to use a Master-crafted Chainsword, which is decent against hordes. If those options don’t interest you, consider taking a regular Captain instead. |
Death Company Captain |
Sadly, not even heroes of the Chapter are immune to the Black Rage – though it does make for a nasty close combat unit on the tabletop. Losing Rites of Battle and Finest Hour in their madness, Death Company Captains instead give their Death Company brothers Scouts if they’re on foot, which can help them get into Engagement Range sooner. The Captain can also re-roll failed Hits in melee, and has a chance to deal Mortal Wounds when he dies in close combat. |
突击调解小队 |
虽然不是圣血天使特有的单位,但突击调解者因其在战斗中留下的Close廉价、可靠的单位来粉碎面孔而受到特别提及。确保给他们提供交通工具,以便他们可以跟上你的跳跃背包小队的步伐。 |
Death Company Marines |
A gathering of battle-brothers who have fallen to the Black Rage, they come in three varieties – this is the default, melee version. Functionally an upgrade over the Assault Intercessors, they come with built-in re-rolls to Hit, Sustained Hits, and Feel No Pain, but cannot claim Objectives unless they have a Chaplain with them. |
Death Company Marines with Bolt Rifles |
The ranged version of the above unit, they lose Sustained Hits and Feel No Pain for free Overwatch and Heroic Interventions, along with the ability to deal modest damage at range. A situational side-grade to regular Intercessors. |
Death Company Marines with Jump Packs |
Here’s where things get interesting – a direct upgrade to Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, they swap the Sustained Hits for re-rolls to Charge, which is super useful. Combine them with a Death Company Captain (or one of your named Chaplains) for a flying meteor of death. |
Sanguinary Guard |
Super expensive, but very powerful. A premium bodyguard unit for any Character attached to them, they clean house in melee while being surprisingly hard to kill. |
即使是圣血天使的载具也喜欢开得快,这应该不足为奇。 确保不要让他们陷入不必要的战斗,当你的步兵冲锋时,他们会很好地支持他们。
Baal Predator |
Your version of the classic battle tank. Can re-roll Advance rolls, which is good, because nearly every weapon it carries has the Assault rule. Good for mobile anti-Infantry shooting, but you’ll need something else for anti-tank. |
Death Company Dreadnought |
Everything you love about Brutalis Dreadnoughts, now with extra brutality! Keeps the Feel No Pain and Hit re-rolls from the Infantry Death Company (along with their inability to capture Objectives without a Chaplain nearby) and gains the ability to make a free move toward any enemy unit that injures him in the Shooting Phase. |
即使在圣血天使中,各个战斗连也会以不同的方式发动战争,以您定制的分遣队为代表。 你仍然可以使用所有标准的星际战士分遣队,但你可能会发现这些将更能发挥你独特单位的优势。
Detachment Name |
Description |
Suggested Units |
Liberator Assault Group |
Simple, straightforward, and well-rounded. This Detachment makes you better at the thing you wanted to be doing anyways: destroying the enemies of The Emperor in close combat. | Any, Chaplains |
The Lost Brethren |
When too many of your brethren have fallen to the Black Rage, there is only one solution: send them all running at the nearest enemy, so they can finally find peace in death. | Chaplains, Death Company Captains, Death Company Marines |
Angelic Host |
Exemplifying the speed and grace for which the Chapter is well-known, the Angelic Host makes your Jump Pack units even more mobile and deadly. | Sanguinary Guard, Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, Death Company Marines with Jump Packs |
战团的历史和独特的单位都在你的脑海中记忆犹新,是时候召集圣血天使参战了。 这些军队的设计目的是强调其分遣队的优势,但发挥圣血天使的方式有如战场上的血滴一样多。前进吧,圣吉列斯之子,让群星染红。
跳跃调解者可以从桌子上的预备队或开始,并尝试向隐藏的有价值单位冲锋。 渗透者会抓住棋盘侧面或后面的一个目标,否认敌人的储备并向附近徘徊的任何东西开枪。角斗士枪骑兵是你的主要反坦克,而辩护者则在后面缓慢前进用于备份和部落清理。
这份军队名单的重点是机动性以及在正确的时间出现在正确的地点,不断重新定位并占领不设防的目标。 但丁和血腥守卫将是对手的头号目标,因此当他们在棋盘上移动时,你必须保护好他们。两个跳跃调解者单位将尽其所能,侦察兵则将竭尽全力。当你的天使清理天空时,他们会潜入目标。
巴尔掠食者是这里唯一无法将自己从棋盘上移开重新定位的单位,但它通过在整个地方推进并粉碎任何附近的步兵来弥补这一点。 抑制器是你唯一真正的反坦克,所以你必须小心地管理它们,并利用你的机动性来调整视线,避免被从空中炸飞。
以上是战锤 40,000:圣血天使军队指南的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!