嘿,开发者们! ?
如果您最近一直在关注开发工具,您可能已经注意到围绕 Cursor 的讨论,尤其是与 Claude 3.5 Sonnet 搭配使用时。
今天,我想分享如何在 Cursor/ VS Code IDE 中获得您选择的任何 LLM 的无限上下文窗口,并向您展示一些实际示例,说明为什么您可能想要这样做。
Cursor 本质上是 VS Code 的增强版,内置了 AI 功能。但是当您添加 Pieces 作为扩展时,您将获得全新级别的功能。让我向您展示这种组合如何解决真正的开发人员问题。
// Instead of being limited by free API calls, with Pieces you get: - Unlimited access to Claude 3.5 Sonnet - GPT-4 - Gemini 1.5 Pro
# Pieces supports local LLMs like: - Llama 3 - Phi-3 - Mistral # Perfect for when you're: - Working on airgapped systems - Dealing with sensitive code - On a spotty internet connection
假设您正在开发一个 React 组件,并且需要理解一些复杂的逻辑:
function ComplexComponent({ data }) { // With Pieces Code Lens, you'll see: // [Comment] [Explain] buttons right above this function const processedData = useMemo(() => { // Complex data transformation return data.map(item => /* complex logic */); }, [data]); return <div>{/* rendering logic */}</div>; }
// You're reviewing a PR and see this code: interface UserData { id: string; preferences: { theme: 'light' | 'dark'; notifications: boolean; }; } // With Pieces Live Context, you can: // 1. See related PR discussions // 2. Access previous implementations // 3. View relevant documentation // All without leaving your editor!
// Found a useful utility function? Save it with context: const debounce = (func, wait) => { let timeout; return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => func.apply(this, args), wait); }; }; // Pieces saves: // - The code // - Language detection // - Related context // - Usage examples // All searchable and accessible right from Cursor!
结合 Pieces 的功能:
// In Cursor chat: "Explain the implementation in @utils/auth.js and show similar patterns from my saved Pieces snippets"
# In Cursor chat: "Create a React component similar to the authentication form I saved in Pieces last week"
Cursor 和 Pieces 的结合满足了所有这些需求,创建了一个既强大又实用的开发环境。
通过将 Cursor 的 AI 功能与 Pieces 的增强功能相结合,您可以获得:
如果您觉得这有用,请记得为该存储库加注星标!欢迎在下面的评论中分享您自己的使用 Cursor with Pieces 的技巧。 ?
以上是Cursor PiecesOS = 无限上下文窗口的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!