使用 Python 和 SQL 时,通常会遇到需要执行存储在外部脚本中的 SQL 查询的情况。这个过程包括读取脚本,将其分解为单独的查询,然后逐个执行它们。
import sqlite3 from sqlite3 import OperationalError conn = sqlite3.connect('csc455_HW3.db') c = conn.cursor() # Open and read the file as a single buffer fd = open('ZooDatabase.sql', 'r') sqlFile = fd.read() fd.close() # all SQL commands (split on ';') sqlCommands = sqlFile.split(';') # Execute every command from the input file for command in sqlCommands: # This will skip and report errors # For example, if the tables do not yet exist, this will skip over # the DROP TABLE commands try: c.execute(command) except OperationalError, msg: print "Command skipped: ", msg
此代码有效地将 SQL 脚本读取为字符串,拆分将其分解为单独的命令,并使用 c.execute() 执行它们。但是,提供的代码片段中的其余代码不完整,需要修改以处理特定于表的查询。
for table in ['ZooKeeper', 'Animal', 'Handles']: result = c.execute("SELECT ANAME,zookeepid FROM ANIMAL, HANDLES WHERE AID=ANIMALID;") rows = result.fetchall() print("\n--- TABLE", table, "\n") for desc in result.description: print(desc[0].rjust(22, ' '), end=", ") # Print column names print() for row in rows: for value in row: print(str(value).rjust(22, ' '), end=", ") # Print each value print()
以上是如何在 Python 中从外部脚本执行 SQL 查询并处理特定于表的查询?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!