《夺宝奇兵与大圆》 为您提供了大量收藏品,但没有一个比在广阔的开放关卡中找到药瓶更有价值的了。在“所有人的补救措施”探索任务中,您将追踪这些重要的物资,并在法西斯分子的眼皮底下抢走它们。
在吉萨寻找 25 个药瓶比梵蒂冈更进一步,这让 Indy 足以解锁 Moxie 和塑造冒险书籍的 2 级升级。将它们交给工人区的卡福尔博士,你就可以提高印第的体力和健康状况。
你的吉泽冒险开始于工人区,你会在这里找到前两个药瓶。然而,值得等待,直到你遇到 Nawal 并 穿上挖掘场服装 ,因为你穿着平常的服装会显得格格不入,并会引起纳粹的咕哝声。
# |
Location Description |
1 |
It's inside the first tent on the left in the restricted area. Since you won’t have the Wehrmacht Outfit this early, you'll need to sneak through a hole in the fencing and stealthily slip into the tent without tipping off the guards. |
2 |
You'll find this one by the entrance to the Sphinx Temple Ruins, which are just north of the Workers Area. |
# |
Location Description |
1 |
In front of the Sphinx's left paw. |
2 |
Head a little up ahead from the entrance to the dig site and look for a crane above. Latch onto its hook with your whip. Ascend, and you'll spot a Medicine Bottle on top of a wooden box. Build some momentum and jump over to the platform with the collectible. |
3 |
Near the back of the Great Sphinx, there's an entrance to a tomb. Enter it, and you'll find the Medicine Bottle. |
# |
Location Description |
1 |
Next to a zipline on the artificial elevation of giant blocks north of the Khentkawes Excavation signpost. |
2 |
East of the signpost, you'll spot a truck in the distance. Check its back to find a Medicine Bottle. |
3 |
Inside a tent overlooking the Tomb of Khentkawes along the road west of the Workers Area. |
4 |
Follow the road west of the signpost to find it in a trench. However, some Nazis guard the area, and you'll need to deal with them before claiming the bottle. |
5 |
Go southwest from the trench until you find a lone tent baking in the heat next to the entrance of a tomb. If it makes it any easier to find, it's directly east of the winding road that leads to the Mortuary Temple Ruins on the map. |
紧邻肯特卡韦斯 (Khentkawes) 发掘地的南边是肯特卡韦斯 (Khentkawes) 墓,里面藏着六个药瓶。这个区域不仅是禁区,而且还布满了守卫,所以要在不被发现的情况下溜进去并不容易。
水站区的一个帐篷内,位于坟墓以西。 |
| 坟墓的东南部有一个小角落。输入它可以在桌子上找到熟睡的敌人旁边的瓶子。 |
| 墓穴东北部帐篷下的桌子上。旁边还有一张纸条,开始了小偷的承诺之谜。 |
4 | 在被洪水淹没的区域前的房间,为王母娘娘实地考察的秘密寻找为电梯供电的发电机。 |
5 |
电梯运行后,将其发送到您下方一层。之后,努力到达最上层,然后呼叫电梯。当它升起时,跳到上面并骑它直到它停下来。 |
6 |
挖掘地点南边,进入废墟并进入内部。您会发现一些脚手架,瓶子就放在其中一个上。您需要从一个脚手架摇摆到另一个才能到达它。 |
# |
Location Description |
1 |
Inside Voss's bedroom in the headquarters building. |
2 |
Behind the locked door on the upper floor of the detention center, where you encounter Voss. You can unlock it with the Wehrmacht Key, which you’ll also find alongside the outfit. |
3 |
Enter the strategy room in the main headquarters. Toward the end, there’s another locked door that uses the same key. |
4 |
East of the headquarters, there’s a small cabin. The Medicine Bottle is inside. |
纳粹车库和休闲区彼此相邻 - 哈夫拉发掘现场以东和Khentkawes 发掘以北。你会在每个区域找到一个药瓶。
# |
Location Description |
1 |
On a desk near the Nazi Cinema in the Recreational Area. |
2 |
Next to the sinks inside the sleeping barracks in the Vehicle Garage. |
# |
Location Description |
1 |
Inside the mess tent, which you'll likely explore if you take on Professor Savage's A Savage Predicament Fieldwork. |
2 |
Found inside a cave to the south of the dig site. It's the same cave you'll escape from after rescuing Sydney for Professor Savage. |
3 |
In a small encampment facing the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. This area is initially guarded by Nazis, but later on replaced by wild dogs after completing the Idol of Ra quest. |
以上是印第安纳琼斯与大圈:Gizeh 药瓶位置指南的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!