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在 JavaScript 中,事件循环是一个基本概念,它管理代码的执行顺序、收集进程、将指令放入排队的子任务中并高效地运行异步操作。以下是事件循环工作原理的快速分解:
此事件循环不断检查调用堆栈。 JavaScript 代码的执行将继续,直到调用堆栈为空。
事件处理是构建 JavaScript 应用程序的一个非常重要的部分。在这样的应用程序中,我们可能需要将多个事件与 UI 组件相关联。
UI 中有一个按钮,可帮助在表格中填充最新的体育新闻。现在这需要您:
这 3 个进程以同步方式链接在一起。现在,反复按下按钮意味着多次 API 调用 - 导致 UI 被阻塞相当长的时间 - 看似滞后的用户体验。
这是 Debouncing 和 Throttling 等方法的一个很好的用例。对于此类触发一系列复杂事件的事件 - 我们可以使用此类操作来限制调用 API 的次数,或者一般意义上 - 限制我们处理事件的速率。
let debounceTimer; // Timer reference const handleOnPressKey = () => { console.log("Key pressed and debounce period elapsed!"); }; const debouncedKeyPress = () => { // Clear any existing timer clearTimeout(debounceTimer); // Start a new debounce timer debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => { handleOnPressKey(); // Execute the function after cooldown }, 2000); // Cooldown period of 2000ms }; // Attach debouncedKeyPress to keypress events document.getElementById("input").addEventListener("keypress", debouncedKeyPress);
let throttleTimer; // Timer reference const handleOnScroll = () => { console.log("Scroll event processed!"); }; const throttledScroll = () => { if (!throttleTimer) { handleOnScroll(); // Execute the function immediately throttleTimer = setTimeout(() => { throttleTimer = null; // Reset timer after cooldown }, 2000); // Cooldown period of 2000ms } }; // Attach throttledScroll to scroll events document.addEventListener("scroll", throttledScroll);
让我们快速看一下 HTML 代码,然后再进入更关键的 script.js
我们使用 TailwindCSS 来快速设计样式。您可以在此处查看他们的文档 Tailwind 文档 - 它对于制作快速原型非常有帮助
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Event Loop Practice</title> <!-- Tailwind CSS CDN --> <script src=""></script> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <style> /* Tailwind Extensions (Optional for Customizations) */ body { font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h3> Why Use Fuse.js? </h3> <p>Fuse.js is a lightweight, customizable library for fuzzy searching. It handles typos and partial matches, offers high performance for large datasets, and has an intuitive API. This will help enhance your search functionality with flexible, user-friendly search experiences. Additionally, this provides you with a CDN link, so it can work right of the bat, no imports or local storage required.</p> <h2>Now let's Code in the Real Deal - The JS</h2> <h4> 1. Task Array and Variables </h4> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">const tasks = new Array ( "Complete Blog on Throttling + Debouncing", "Make a list of 2025 Resolutions", ); let fuse = undefined; let debounceTimer; let throttleTimer;
本节初始化任务数组并声明 Fuse.js、防抖计时器和节流计时器的变量。为了这个项目,我们已经硬编码了一些任务
现在让我们构建 onSubmit 函数。一旦用户单击“提交”箭头,就会触发此功能。它阻止默认表单提交,检索输入值,清除输入字段,将新任务添加到任务数组,并更新任务列表。
let debounceTimer; // Timer reference const handleOnPressKey = () => { console.log("Key pressed and debounce period elapsed!"); }; const debouncedKeyPress = () => { // Clear any existing timer clearTimeout(debounceTimer); // Start a new debounce timer debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => { handleOnPressKey(); // Execute the function after cooldown }, 2000); // Cooldown period of 2000ms }; // Attach debouncedKeyPress to keypress events document.getElementById("input").addEventListener("keypress", debouncedKeyPress);
let throttleTimer; // Timer reference const handleOnScroll = () => { console.log("Scroll event processed!"); }; const throttledScroll = () => { if (!throttleTimer) { handleOnScroll(); // Execute the function immediately throttleTimer = setTimeout(() => { throttleTimer = null; // Reset timer after cooldown }, 2000); // Cooldown period of 2000ms } }; // Attach throttledScroll to scroll events document.addEventListener("scroll", throttledScroll);
updateList() 函数通过循环遍历任务数组并为每个任务创建列表项来呈现任务列表。每个列表项都包含一个项目符号点和任务文本。
现在我们需要确保列表在第一次加载页面后得到更新。我们还希望在页面加载时初始化 Fuse.js - 并将任务数组与其关联。请记住,我们希望在下拉列表中呈现来自此任务数组的建议。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Event Loop Practice</title> <!-- Tailwind CSS CDN --> <script src=""></script> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <style> /* Tailwind Extensions (Optional for Customizations) */ body { font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h3> Why Use Fuse.js? </h3> <p>Fuse.js is a lightweight, customizable library for fuzzy searching. It handles typos and partial matches, offers high performance for large datasets, and has an intuitive API. This will help enhance your search functionality with flexible, user-friendly search experiences. Additionally, this provides you with a CDN link, so it can work right of the bat, no imports or local storage required.</p> <h2>Now let's Code in the Real Deal - The JS</h2> <h4> 1. Task Array and Variables </h4> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">const tasks = new Array ( "Complete Blog on Throttling + Debouncing", "Make a list of 2025 Resolutions", ); let fuse = undefined; let debounceTimer; let throttleTimer;
const onSubmit = (event) => { //Prevent default event.preventDefault(); const text = document.getElementById("input").value.trim(); document.getElementById("input").value = ""; tasks.push(text); updateList(); }
现在我们需要确保在每个“输入”中我们都会搜索列表以在下拉列表中显示建议。这有 3 个部分:
const updateList = () => { const lists = document.getElementById("taskList"); lists.innerHTML = ""; //Loop through all elements in tasks tasks.forEach(task => { const taskElement = document.createElement("li"); taskElement.classList.add("flex", "items-center", "space-x-2"); //Add Bullet Point Element const bullet = document.createElement("span"); bullet.classList.add("h-2", "w-2", "bg-blue-500", "rounded-full"); //Add Span Tag const taskText = document.createElement("span"); taskText.textContent = task; taskElement.appendChild(bullet); taskElement.appendChild(taskText); lists.appendChild(taskElement); }) }
const init = () => { console.log("Initializing..."); //Update and render the list updateList(); //Initialize Fuse with the updated array try{ fuse = new Fuse(tasks, { includeScore: true, threshold: 0.3 //For sensitivity }) } catch(e) { console.log("Error initializing Fuse:"+ fuse); } }
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init);
到目前为止:每次您输入内容时,下拉列表都会更新 - 在更庞大的 UI 中,我们不希望出现这种体验
在庞大的 UI 中每次击键时更新下拉列表可能会导致性能问题,从而导致延迟和糟糕的用户体验。频繁的更新可能会压垮事件循环,导致处理其他任务的延迟。
去抖动确保函数仅在自上次调用以来经过指定时间后才被调用。这对于搜索输入字段等场景非常有用,在这些场景中我们希望等待用户完成输入后再进行 API 调用。
//Utility function to search within already entered values const searchTasks = (query) => { const result =; const filteredTasks = => result.item) updateDropdown(filteredTasks); }
const updateDropdown = (tasks) => { const dropdown = document.getElementById("dropdown"); dropdown.innerHTML = ""; if(tasks.length === 0) { = "none"; return; } tasks.forEach(task => { const listItem = document.createElement("li"); listItem.textContent = task; listItem.addEventListener("click", () => { document.getElementById("input").value = task; = "none"; }) dropdown.appendChild(listItem); }); = "block"; }
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