协程通过提高可读性和效率来简化异步编程。将线程视为高速公路上的单辆汽车,每辆汽车都占用空间和资源。相比之下,协程就像拼车 - 多个任务有效地共享资源。
要开始在 Android 项目中使用协程,请将这些依赖项添加到您的 build.gradle 文件中:
dependencies { implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.7.1" implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.7.1" }
class WeatherService { fun updateWeather() { lifecycleScope.launch { // Simulating weather API call val weather = fetchWeatherData() updateUI(weather) } } private suspend fun fetchWeatherData(): Weather { delay(1000) // Simulate network delay return Weather(temperature = 25, condition = "Sunny") } }
class StockPortfolio { suspend fun fetchPortfolioValue() { val stocksDeferred = async { fetchStockPrices() } val cryptoDeferred = async { fetchCryptoPrices() } // Wait for both results val totalValue = stocksDeferred.await() + cryptoDeferred.await() println("Portfolio value: $totalValue") } }
class NewsActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) lifecycleScope.launch { val news = newsRepository.fetchLatestNews() newsAdapter.submitList(news) } } }
class UserViewModel : ViewModel() { private val _userData = MutableLiveData<User>() fun loadUserData() { viewModelScope.launch { try { val user = userRepository.fetchUserDetails() _userData.value = user } catch (e: Exception) { // Handle error } } } }
class ImageProcessor { fun processImage(bitmap: Bitmap) { lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) { // CPU-intensive image processing val processed = applyFilters(bitmap) withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { // Update UI with processed image imageView.setImageBitmap(processed) } } } suspend fun downloadImage(url: String) { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // Network operation to download image val response = imageApi.fetchImage(url) saveToDatabase(response) } }
class DataManager { private val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception -> println("Caught $exception") } fun fetchData() { lifecycleScope.launch(exceptionHandler) { try { val result = riskyOperation() processResult(result) } catch (e: NetworkException) { showError("Network error occurred") } catch (e: DatabaseException) { showError("Database error occurred") } } } }
Flow 非常适合处理数据流,而 StateFlow 非常适合管理 UI 状态:
class SearchViewModel : ViewModel() { private val _searchResults = MutableStateFlow<List<SearchResult>>(emptyList()) val searchResults: StateFlow<List<SearchResult>> = _searchResults.asStateFlow() fun search(query: String) { viewModelScope.launch { searchRepository.getSearchResults(query) .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .catch { e -> // Handle errors } .collect { results -> _searchResults.value = results } } } }
class OrderProcessor { suspend fun processOrder(orderId: String) = coroutineScope { val orderDeferred = async { fetchOrderDetails(orderId) } val inventoryDeferred = async { checkInventory(orderId) } val paymentDeferred = async { processPayment(orderId) } try { val order = orderDeferred.await() val inventory = inventoryDeferred.await() val payment = paymentDeferred.await() finalizeOrder(order, inventory, payment) } catch (e: Exception) { // If any operation fails, all others are automatically cancelled throw OrderProcessingException("Failed to process order", e) } } }
Kotlin 协程提供了一种强大而直观的方法来处理 Android 开发中的异步操作。通过理解这些核心概念和模式,您可以编写更高效、可维护且健壮的应用程序。请记住始终考虑适合您的特定用例的范围、调度程序和错误处理策略。
掌握协程的关键是练习 - 开始在您的项目中实现它们,尝试不同的模式,并随着您理解的增长逐渐构建更复杂的实现。
以上是掌握 Kotlin 协程的综合指南的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!