直接在浏览器中运行大型语言模型 (LLM) 为保护隐私的客户端 AI 应用带来了新的可能性。在本博文中,我们将探讨如何使用 WebGPU 和 Hugging Face 的 Transformers.js 库在浏览器中完全运行功能强大的文本到图像生成模型 DeepSeek Janus-Pro-1B。
由于 Transformers.js 和 WebGPU 加速 的优化,专为文本到图像生成等多模态任务设计的 DeepSeek Janus-Pro-1B 现在可以通过基于浏览器的推理访问。
以下示例演示如何在 Web Worker 中加载和运行 DeepSeek Janus-Pro-1B 以进行非阻塞推理。完整的代码可在 GitHub 存储库中找到。
<code class="language-javascript">import { AutoProcessor, MultiModalityCausalLM, BaseStreamer, TextStreamer, InterruptableStoppingCriteria, } from "@huggingface/transformers"; // 定义常量 const IMAGE_GENERATION_COMMAND_PREFIX = "/imagine "; const MAX_NEW_TEXT_TOKENS = 1024; /** * 用于执行 WebGPU 功能检测的辅助函数 */ let fp16_supported = false; async function check() { try { const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(); if (!adapter) { throw new Error("WebGPU 不受支持(未找到适配器)"); } fp16_supported = adapter.features.has("shader-f16"); self.postMessage({ status: "success", data: fp16_supported, }); } catch (e) { self.postMessage({ status: "error", data: e.toString(), }); } } /** * 此类使用单例模式来启用管道延迟加载 */ class ImageGenerationPipeline { static model_id = "onnx-community/Janus-Pro-1B-ONNX"; static async getInstance(progress_callback = null) { this.processor ??= AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(this.model_id, { progress_callback, }); this.model ??= MultiModalityCausalLM.from_pretrained(this.model_id, { dtype: fp16_supported ? { prepare_inputs_embeds: "q4", language_model: "q4f16", lm_head: "fp16", gen_head: "fp16", gen_img_embeds: "fp16", image_decode: "fp32", } : { prepare_inputs_embeds: "fp32", language_model: "q4", lm_head: "fp32", lm_head: "fp32", gen_head: "fp32", gen_img_embeds: "fp32", image_decode: "fp32", }, device: { prepare_inputs_embeds: "wasm", // TODO 当错误修复后使用“webgpu” language_model: "webgpu", lm_head: "webgpu", gen_head: "webgpu", gen_img_embeds: "webgpu", image_decode: "webgpu", }, progress_callback, }); return Promise.all([this.processor, this.model]); } } class ProgressStreamer extends BaseStreamer { constructor(total, on_progress) { super(); this.total = total; this.on_progress = on_progress; this.count = null; this.start_time = null; } put(value) { if (this.count === null) { // 忽略第一批标记(提示) this.count = 0; this.start_time = performance.now(); return; } const progress = ++this.count / this.total; this.on_progress({ count: this.count, total: this.total, progress, time: performance.now() - this.start_time, }); } end() { /* 什么也不做 */ } } const stopping_criteria = new InterruptableStoppingCriteria(); async function generate(messages) { // 对于此演示,我们只响应最后一条消息 const message = messages.at(-1); // 告诉主线程我们已开始 self.postMessage({ status: "start" }); // 加载管道 const [processor, model] = await ImageGenerationPipeline.getInstance(); // 确定用户是否要生成图像或文本 if (message.content.startsWith(IMAGE_GENERATION_COMMAND_PREFIX)) { const text = message.content.replace(IMAGE_GENERATION_COMMAND_PREFIX, ""); const conversation = [ { role: "", // 使用标题大小写 content: text, }, ]; const inputs = await processor(conversation, { chat_template: "text_to_image", }); const callback_function = (output) => { self.postMessage({ status: "image-update", ...output, }); }; const num_image_tokens = processor.num_image_tokens; const streamer = new ProgressStreamer(num_image_tokens, callback_function); const outputs = await model.generate_images({ ...inputs, min_new_tokens: num_image_tokens, max_new_tokens: num_image_tokens, do_sample: true, streamer, }); const blob = await outputs[0].toBlob(); // 将输出发送回主线程 self.postMessage({ status: "image-update", blob, }); } else { const inputs = await processor( message.image ? [ { role: "", content: "<image_placeholder>\n" + message.content, images: [message.image], }, ] : [ { role: "", content: "您是一位乐于助人的助手。以简洁的方式回答用户的问题。", }, { role: "", content: message.content, }, ], ); let startTime; let numTokens = 0; let tps; const token_callback_function = () => { startTime ??= performance.now(); if (numTokens++ > 0) { tps = (numTokens / (performance.now() - startTime)) * 1000; } }; const callback_function = (output) => { self.postMessage({ status: "text-update", output, tps, numTokens, }); }; const streamer = new TextStreamer(processor.tokenizer, { skip_prompt: true, skip_special_tokens: true, callback_function, token_callback_function, }); // 生成响应 const outputs = await model.generate({ ...inputs, max_new_tokens: MAX_NEW_TEXT_TOKENS, do_sample: false, streamer, stopping_criteria, }); } // 告诉主线程我们已完成 self.postMessage({ status: "complete", }); } async function load() { self.postMessage({ status: "loading", data: "正在加载模型...", }); // 加载管道并将其保存以备将来使用。 const [processor, model] = await ImageGenerationPipeline.getInstance((x) => { // 我们还向管道添加进度回调,以便我们可以 // 跟踪模型加载。 self.postMessage(x); }); self.postMessage({ status: "ready" }); } // 侦听来自主线程的消息 self.addEventListener("message", async (e) => { const { type, data } = e.data; switch (type) { case "check": check(); break; case "load": load(); break; case "generate": stopping_criteria.reset(); generate(data); break; case "interrupt": stopping_criteria.interrupt(); break; case "reset": stopping_criteria.reset(); break; } });</code>
在此处查看实时演示:DeepSeek Janus-Pro-1B 浏览器演示。
在浏览器中运行 DeepSeek Janus-Pro-1B 展示了客户端 AI 的潜力。借助 Transformers.js 和 WebGPU 等工具,复杂的模型现在可以在受限环境中高效运行,同时保护用户隐私。
对于开发人员来说,这标志着向去中心化、以用户为中心的 AI 应用的激动人心的转变。深入研究示例代码并开始构建!?
This revised output maintains the original meaning while using different wording and sentence structures. The image remains in its original format and location. The code is also included, though it's a very long code snippet and might benefit from being broken into smaller, more manageable chunks in a real application.
以上是运行DeepSeek Janus-Pro-in浏览器:逐步指南的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!