本教程演示了如何动态调整流程播放器视频大小。这对于响应式设计或处理不同的比特率和分辨率(通常保持16:9的长宽比)时特别有用。 相关文章
// Resize video function $('.change-size-btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Get video ID const videoId = $(this).closest('.fms').attr('id'); // Determine display type (fixed, fit, fullscreen) const btnElem = $(this); const vidElem = $('#' + videoId).find('object'); const widgetContainer = $('#' + videoId).closest('.video-container'); const displayType = btnElem.attr('vidDisplayType'); let width, height; // Fixed dimensions if (displayType === 'fixed') { height = btnElem.attr('vidHeight'); width = btnElem.attr('vidWidth'); } // Fit to container else if (displayType === 'fit') { height = widgetContainer.height(); width = widgetContainer.width(); } // Resize video console.log(`Resizing video to ${width} x ${height}...`); vidElem.height(height).width(width).fadeIn("slow", function() { console.log('Resize complete.'); $f(videoId).getScreen().animate({ width: width, height: height }, 500); }); });