在2024年8月,Openai宣布了其API的强大新功能 - 结构化输出。顾名思义,使用此功能,您可以确保LLM仅以指定的格式生成响应。此功能将使需要精确数据格式的应用程序变得更加容易。
# List of hotel reviews reviews = [ "The room was clean and the staff was friendly.", "The location was terrible and the service was slow.", "The food was amazing but the room was too small.", ] # Classify sentiment for each review and print the results for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: Positive Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: Negative Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: The sentiment of the review is neutral.
def classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review): """Sentiment classifier with Structured Outputs""" ... # Classify sentiment for each review with Structured Outputs for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"positive"} Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"negative"} Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"neutral"}
3。验证安装:创建一个简单的python脚本以验证安装: >运行脚本以确保正确设置所有内容。您应该在终端中看到模型的响应。
>: sentimentResponse是一个pydantic模型,它定义了输出的预期结构。
如果您注意到,而不是使用client.chat.completions.create,我们使用的是client.beta.chat.completions.parse方法。 .parse()是专门为结构化输出编写的聊天完成API中的一种新方法。
如您所见,我们有一个sentermentresponse类的实例。这意味着我们可以使用.sentiment属性以字符串而不是字典访问情感: >
简而言之,通过嵌套pydantic模型,您可以定义处理层次数据并为复杂输出执行特定结构的复杂模式。 >新语言模型的广泛特征之一是函数调用(也称为工具调用)。此功能使您可以将语言模型连接到用户定义的功能,从而有效地(模型)访问外部世界。
>重要的是,使用结构化输出,使用OpenAI模型使用函数调用变得更加容易。过去,您将传递给OpenAI模型的功能将需要编写复杂的JSON模式,并用类型提示概述每个功能参数。这是一个示例: >即使get_current_weather函数具有两个参数,其JSON模式也变得巨大且容易出错。
这是如何将此工具作为请求的一部分使用: >由于上面的查询是“东京的天气是什么?”,我们在返回消息对象的tool_calls中看到了一个电话。
>由我们通过提供的参数调用该函数: 如果您希望该模型生成该功能的参数并同时调用它,则您正在寻找AI代理。 >
使用OpenAI结构化输出 在使用结构化输出时,请记住许多最佳实践和建议。在本节中,我们将概述其中的一些。
是,是的,结构性输出可以简化函数,以简化函数 虽然功能强大,结构化的输出可能会限制AI的灵活性,并且需要仔细的模式设计才能平衡结构,并在输出中及时详细介绍详细信息。# List of hotel reviews
reviews = [
"The room was clean and the staff was friendly.",
"The location was terrible and the service was slow.",
"The food was amazing but the room was too small.",
# Classify sentiment for each review and print the results
for review in reviews:
sentiment = classify_sentiment(review)
print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly.
Sentiment: Positive
Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow.
Sentiment: Negative
Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small.
Sentiment: The sentiment of the review is neutral.
>要使用结构化输出,您需要使用Pydantic模型来定义预期的输出结构。 Pydantic是Python的数据验证和设置管理库,它允许您使用Python型注释来定义数据模型。然后可以使用这些模型来强制执行OpenAI模型生成的输出的结构。
这是一个示例pydantic模型,用于指定我们的评论情感分类器的格式:def classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review):
"""Sentiment classifier with Structured Outputs"""
# Classify sentiment for each review with Structured Outputs
for review in reviews:
sentiment = classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review)
print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
然后,我们编写了一个使用.parse()助手方法的新功能:Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly.
Sentiment: {"sentiment":"positive"}
Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow.
Sentiment: {"sentiment":"negative"}
Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small.
Sentiment: {"sentiment":"neutral"}
$ pip install -U openai
# List of hotel reviews
reviews = [
"The room was clean and the staff was friendly.",
"The location was terrible and the service was slow.",
"The food was amazing but the room was too small.",
# Classify sentiment for each review and print the results
for review in reviews:
sentiment = classify_sentiment(review)
print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
在某些情况下,您可能需要定义涉及嵌套数据的更复杂的输出结构。 Pydantic允许您相互嵌套模型,使您能够创建可以处理各种用例的复杂模式。在处理层次数据时,或者需要为复杂输出执行特定结构时,这特别有用。
首先,我们为地址和用户信息定义了pydantic模型:Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly.
Sentiment: Positive
Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow.
Sentiment: Negative
Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small.
Sentiment: The sentiment of the review is neutral.
> UserInfo是一种pydantic模型,其中包含地址对象列表,以及用户名称,电子邮件和电话号码的字段。
接下来,我们使用这些嵌套的pydantic模型来在OpenAI API调用中强制执行输出结构:
def classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review):
"""Sentiment classifier with Structured Outputs"""
# Classify sentiment for each review with Structured Outputs
for review in reviews:
sentiment = classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review)
print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly.
Sentiment: {"sentiment":"positive"}
Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow.
Sentiment: {"sentiment":"negative"}
Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small.
Sentiment: {"sentiment":"neutral"}
# List of hotel reviews
reviews = [
"The room was clean and the staff was friendly.",
"The location was terrible and the service was slow.",
"The food was amazing but the room was too small.",
# Classify sentiment for each review and print the results
for review in reviews:
sentiment = classify_sentiment(review)
print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly.
Sentiment: Positive
Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow.
Sentiment: Negative
Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small.
Sentiment: The sentiment of the review is neutral.
def classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review):
"""Sentiment classifier with Structured Outputs"""
# Classify sentiment for each review with Structured Outputs
for review in reviews:
sentiment = classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review)
print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly.
Sentiment: {"sentiment":"positive"}
Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow.
Sentiment: {"sentiment":"negative"}
Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small.
Sentiment: {"sentiment":"neutral"}
$ pip install -U openai
$ export OPENAI_API_KEY='your-api-key'
在本教程中,我们学会了如何使用新的OpenAI API功能开始:结构化输出。我们已经看到该特征是如何迫使语言模型以我们指定的格式产生输出。我们已经学会了如何将其与函数调用结合使用,并探索了一些最佳实践来充分利用该功能。>使用OpenAI API课程