学习目标>本文是> > data Science Blogathon的一部分。 内容表>
我们为什么要这样做?您可以从不同的数据集中获取历史比特币价格数据,但是使用API,我们可以访问Live Market Data。
import requests import pandas as pd from dotenv import load_dotenv import os # Load the .env file load_dotenv() def fetch_crypto_data(api_uri): response = requests.get( api_uri, params={ "market": "cadli", "instrument": "BTC-USD", "limit": 5000, "aggregate": 1, "fill": "true", "apply_mapping": "true", "response_format": "JSON" }, headers={"Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} ) if response.status_code == 200: print('API Connection Successful! \nFetching the data...') data = response.json() data_list = data.get('Data', []) df = pd.DataFrame(data_list) df['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(df['TIMESTAMP'], unit='s') return df # Return the DataFrame else: raise Exception(f"API Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
介绍Zenml⚠️如果您是Windows用户,请尝试在系统上安装WSL。 Zenml不支持Windows。
在此项目中,我们将实施使用Zenml的传统管道,并将MLFlow与Zenml集成进行实验跟踪。python 3.12或更高:
您可以从这里获得:https://www.python.org/downloads/import os from pymongo import MongoClient from dotenv import load_dotenv from data.management.api import fetch_crypto_data # Import the API function import pandas as pd load_dotenv() MONGO_URI = os.getenv("MONGO_URI") API_URI = os.getenv("API_URI") client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI, ssl=True, ssl_certfile=None, ssl_ca_certs=None) db = client['crypto_data'] collection = db['historical_data'] try: latest_entry = collection.find_one(sort=[("DATE", -1)]) # Find the latest date if latest_entry: last_date = pd.to_datetime(latest_entry['DATE']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: last_date = '2011-03-27' # Default start date if MongoDB is empty print(f"Fetching data starting from {last_date}...") new_data_df = fetch_crypto_data(API_URI) if latest_entry: new_data_df = new_data_df[new_data_df['DATE'] > last_date] if not new_data_df.empty: data_to_insert = new_data_df.to_dict(orient='records') result = collection.insert_many(data_to_insert) print(f"Inserted {len(result.inserted_ids)} new records into MongoDB.") else: print("No new data to insert.") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
#create a virtual environment python3 -m venv venv #Activate your virtual environmnent in your project folder source venv/bin/activate
#Install zenml pip install zenml #To Launch zenml server and dashboard locally pip install "zenml[server]" #To check the zenml Version: zenml version #To initiate a new repository zenml init #To run the dashboard locally: zenml login --local #To know the status of our zenml Pipelines zenml show #To shutdown the zenml server zenml clean
#Integrating mlflow with ZenML zenml integration install mlflow -y #Register the experiment tracker zenml experiment-tracker register mlflow_tracker --flavor=mlflow #Registering the model deployer zenml model-deployer register mlflow --flavor=mlflow #Registering the stack zenml stack register local-mlflow-stack-new -a default -o default -d mlflow -e mlflow_tracker --set #To view the stack list zenml stack --list
> ingest_data()
函数中,以将其声明为我们训练管道的一步。以同样的方式,我们将在项目体系结构中为每个步骤编写代码并创建管道。bitcoin_price_prediction_mlops/ # Project directory ├── data/ │ └── management/ │ ├── api_to_mongodb.py # Code to fetch data and save it to MongoDB │ └── api.py # API-related utility functions │ ├── pipelines/ │ ├── deployment_pipeline.py # Deployment pipeline │ └── training_pipeline.py # Training pipeline │ ├── saved_models/ # Directory for storing trained models ├── saved_scalers/ # Directory for storing scalers used in data preprocessing │ ├── src/ # Source code │ ├── data_cleaning.py # Data cleaning and preprocessing │ ├── data_ingestion.py # Data ingestion │ ├── data_splitter.py # Data splitting │ ├── feature_engineering.py # Feature engineering │ ├── model_evaluation.py # Model evaluation │ └── model_training.py # Model training │ ├── steps/ # ZenML steps │ ├── clean_data.py # ZenML step for cleaning data │ ├── data_splitter.py # ZenML step for data splitting │ ├── dynamic_importer.py # ZenML step for importing dynamic data │ ├── feature_engineering.py # ZenML step for feature engineering │ ├── ingest_data.py # ZenML step for data ingestion │ ├── model_evaluation.py # ZenML step for model evaluation │ ├── model_training.py # ZenML step for training the model │ ├── prediction_service_loader.py # ZenML step for loading prediction services │ ├── predictor.py # ZenML step for prediction │ └── utils.py # Utility functions for steps │ ├── .env # Environment variables file ├── .gitignore # Git ignore file │ ├── app.py # Streamlit user interface app │ ├── README.md # Project documentation ├── requirements.txt # List of required packages ├── run_deployment.py # Code for running deployment and prediction pipeline ├── run_pipeline.py # Code for running training pipeline └── .zen/ # ZenML directory (created automatically after ZenML initialization)
@Step 装饰器,请查看下面的github链接(步骤文件夹)以浏览管道其他步骤的代码,即数据清洁,功能工程,数据拆分,模型培训和模型评估。>>>>>>>>。
在此步骤中,我们将创建清洁摄入数据的不同策略。我们将在数据中删除不需要的列和缺失值。>import requests
import pandas as pd
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
# Load the .env file
def fetch_crypto_data(api_uri):
response = requests.get(
"market": "cadli",
"instrument": "BTC-USD",
"limit": 5000,
"aggregate": 1,
"fill": "true",
"apply_mapping": "true",
"response_format": "JSON"
headers={"Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"}
if response.status_code == 200:
print('API Connection Successful! \nFetching the data...')
data = response.json()
data_list = data.get('Data', [])
df = pd.DataFrame(data_list)
df['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(df['TIMESTAMP'], unit='s')
return df # Return the DataFrame
raise Exception(f"API Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
import os from pymongo import MongoClient from dotenv import load_dotenv from data.management.api import fetch_crypto_data # Import the API function import pandas as pd load_dotenv() MONGO_URI = os.getenv("MONGO_URI") API_URI = os.getenv("API_URI") client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI, ssl=True, ssl_certfile=None, ssl_ca_certs=None) db = client['crypto_data'] collection = db['historical_data'] try: latest_entry = collection.find_one(sort=[("DATE", -1)]) # Find the latest date if latest_entry: last_date = pd.to_datetime(latest_entry['DATE']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: last_date = '2011-03-27' # Default start date if MongoDB is empty print(f"Fetching data starting from {last_date}...") new_data_df = fetch_crypto_data(API_URI) if latest_entry: new_data_df = new_data_df[new_data_df['DATE'] > last_date] if not new_data_df.empty: data_to_insert = new_data_df.to_dict(orient='records') result = collection.insert_many(data_to_insert) print(f"Inserted {len(result.inserted_ids)} new records into MongoDB.") else: print("No new data to insert.") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
#create a virtual environment python3 -m venv venv #Activate your virtual environmnent in your project folder source venv/bin/activate
#Install zenml pip install zenml #To Launch zenml server and dashboard locally pip install "zenml[server]" #To check the zenml Version: zenml version #To initiate a new repository zenml init #To run the dashboard locally: zenml login --local #To know the status of our zenml Pipelines zenml show #To shutdown the zenml server zenml clean
#Integrating mlflow with ZenML zenml integration install mlflow -y #Register the experiment tracker zenml experiment-tracker register mlflow_tracker --flavor=mlflow #Registering the model deployer zenml model-deployer register mlflow --flavor=mlflow #Registering the stack zenml stack register local-mlflow-stack-new -a default -o default -d mlflow -e mlflow_tracker --set #To view the stack list zenml stack --list
要查看训练管道的仪表板,只需运行run_pipeline.py脚本即可。让我们创建一个run_pipeline.py文件。bitcoin_price_prediction_mlops/ # Project directory ├── data/ │ └── management/ │ ├── api_to_mongodb.py # Code to fetch data and save it to MongoDB │ └── api.py # API-related utility functions │ ├── pipelines/ │ ├── deployment_pipeline.py # Deployment pipeline │ └── training_pipeline.py # Training pipeline │ ├── saved_models/ # Directory for storing trained models ├── saved_scalers/ # Directory for storing scalers used in data preprocessing │ ├── src/ # Source code │ ├── data_cleaning.py # Data cleaning and preprocessing │ ├── data_ingestion.py # Data ingestion │ ├── data_splitter.py # Data splitting │ ├── feature_engineering.py # Feature engineering │ ├── model_evaluation.py # Model evaluation │ └── model_training.py # Model training │ ├── steps/ # ZenML steps │ ├── clean_data.py # ZenML step for cleaning data │ ├── data_splitter.py # ZenML step for data splitting │ ├── dynamic_importer.py # ZenML step for importing dynamic data │ ├── feature_engineering.py # ZenML step for feature engineering │ ├── ingest_data.py # ZenML step for data ingestion │ ├── model_evaluation.py # ZenML step for model evaluation │ ├── model_training.py # ZenML step for training the model │ ├── prediction_service_loader.py # ZenML step for loading prediction services │ ├── predictor.py # ZenML step for prediction │ └── utils.py # Utility functions for steps │ ├── .env # Environment variables file ├── .gitignore # Git ignore file │ ├── app.py # Streamlit user interface app │ ├── README.md # Project documentation ├── requirements.txt # List of required packages ├── run_deployment.py # Code for running deployment and prediction pipeline ├── run_pipeline.py # Code for running training pipeline └── .zen/ # ZenML directory (created automatically after ZenML initialization)
import os import logging from pymongo import MongoClient from dotenv import load_dotenv from zenml import step import pandas as pd # Load the .env file load_dotenv() # Get MongoDB URI from environment variables MONGO_URI = os.getenv("MONGO_URI") def fetch_data_from_mongodb(collection_name:str, database_name:str): """ Fetches data from MongoDB and converts it into a pandas DataFrame. collection_name: Name of the MongoDB collection to fetch data. database_name: Name of the MongoDB database. return: A pandas DataFrame containing the data """ # Connect to the MongoDB client client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = client[database_name] # Select the database collection = db[collection_name] # Select the collection # Fetch all documents from the collection try: logging.info(f"Fetching data from MongoDB collection: {collection_name}...") data = list(collection.find()) # Convert cursor to a list of dictionaries if not data: logging.info("No data found in the MongoDB collection.") # Convert the list of dictionaries into a pandas DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Drop the MongoDB ObjectId field if it exists (optional) if '_id' in df.columns: df = df.drop(columns=['_id']) logging.info("Data successfully fetched and converted to a DataFrame!") return df except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred while fetching data: {e}") raise e @step(enable_cache=False) def ingest_data(collection_name: str = "historical_data", database_name: str = "crypto_data") -> pd.DataFrame: logging.info("Started data ingestion process from MongoDB.") try: # Use the fetch_data_from_mongodb function to fetch data df = fetch_data_from_mongodb(collection_name=collection_name, database_name=database_name) if df.empty: logging.warning("No data was loaded. Check the collection name or the database content.") else: logging.info(f"Data ingestion completed. Number of records loaded: {len(df)}.") return df except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while reading data from {collection_name} in {database_name}: {e}") raise e
class DataPreprocessor: def __init__(self, data: pd.DataFrame): self.data = data logging.info("DataPreprocessor initialized with data of shape: %s", data.shape) def clean_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Performs data cleaning by removing unnecessary columns, dropping columns with missing values, and returning the cleaned DataFrame. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The cleaned DataFrame with unnecessary and missing-value columns removed. """ logging.info("Starting data cleaning process.") # Drop unnecessary columns, including '_id' if it exists columns_to_drop = [ 'UNIT', 'TYPE', 'MARKET', 'INSTRUMENT', 'FIRST_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP', 'LAST_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP', 'FIRST_MESSAGE_VALUE', 'HIGH_MESSAGE_VALUE', 'HIGH_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP', 'LOW_MESSAGE_VALUE', 'LOW_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP', 'LAST_MESSAGE_VALUE', 'TOTAL_INDEX_UPDATES', 'VOLUME_TOP_TIER', 'QUOTE_VOLUME_TOP_TIER', 'VOLUME_DIRECT', 'QUOTE_VOLUME_DIRECT', 'VOLUME_TOP_TIER_DIRECT', 'QUOTE_VOLUME_TOP_TIER_DIRECT', '_id' # Adding '_id' to the list ] logging.info("Dropping columns: %s") self.data = self.drop_columns(self.data, columns_to_drop) # Drop columns where the number of missing values is greater than 0 logging.info("Dropping columns with missing values.") self.data = self.drop_columns_with_missing_values(self.data) logging.info("Data cleaning completed. Data shape after cleaning: %s", self.data.shape) return self.data def drop_columns(self, data: pd.DataFrame, columns: list) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Drops specified columns from the DataFrame. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with the specified columns removed. """ logging.info("Dropping columns: %s", columns) return data.drop(columns=columns, errors='ignore') def drop_columns_with_missing_values(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Drops columns with any missing values from the DataFrame. Parameters: data: pd.DataFrame The DataFrame from which columns with missing values will be removed. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with columns containing missing values removed. """ missing_columns = data.columns[data.isnull().sum() > 0] if not missing_columns.empty: logging.info("Columns with missing values: %s", missing_columns.tolist()) else: logging.info("No columns with missing values found.") return data.loc[:, data.isnull().sum() == 0]
>import requests import pandas as pd from dotenv import load_dotenv import os # Load the .env file load_dotenv() def fetch_crypto_data(api_uri): response = requests.get( api_uri, params={ "market": "cadli", "instrument": "BTC-USD", "limit": 5000, "aggregate": 1, "fill": "true", "apply_mapping": "true", "response_format": "JSON" }, headers={"Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} ) if response.status_code == 200: print('API Connection Successful! \nFetching the data...') data = response.json() data_list = data.get('Data', []) df = pd.DataFrame(data_list) df['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(df['TIMESTAMP'], unit='s') return df # Return the DataFrame else: raise Exception(f"API Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
import os from pymongo import MongoClient from dotenv import load_dotenv from data.management.api import fetch_crypto_data # Import the API function import pandas as pd load_dotenv() MONGO_URI = os.getenv("MONGO_URI") API_URI = os.getenv("API_URI") client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI, ssl=True, ssl_certfile=None, ssl_ca_certs=None) db = client['crypto_data'] collection = db['historical_data'] try: latest_entry = collection.find_one(sort=[("DATE", -1)]) # Find the latest date if latest_entry: last_date = pd.to_datetime(latest_entry['DATE']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: last_date = '2011-03-27' # Default start date if MongoDB is empty print(f"Fetching data starting from {last_date}...") new_data_df = fetch_crypto_data(API_URI) if latest_entry: new_data_df = new_data_df[new_data_df['DATE'] > last_date] if not new_data_df.empty: data_to_insert = new_data_df.to_dict(orient='records') result = collection.insert_many(data_to_insert) print(f"Inserted {len(result.inserted_ids)} new records into MongoDB.") else: print("No new data to insert.") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
@Step装饰。我们加载了基于pipeline_name的部署服务W.R.T和step_name,我们的部署模型可以处理新数据的预测查询。 > line 现有_services = mlflow_model_deployer_component.find_model_server()
preditionor()#create a virtual environment python3 -m venv venv #Activate your virtual environmnent in your project folder source venv/bin/activate
该函数通过MLFlowDeploymentservice和新数据采用MLFlow部署模型。进一步处理数据以匹配模型的预期格式以进行实时推断。 为了可视化连续部署和推理管道,我们需要运行run_deployment.py脚本,在此将定义部署和预测配置。 (请在下面给出的github中检查run_deployment.py代码)。>
#Install zenml pip install zenml #To Launch zenml server and dashboard locally pip install "zenml[server]" #To check the zenml Version: zenml version #To initiate a new repository zenml init #To run the dashboard locally: zenml login --local #To know the status of our zenml Pipelines zenml show #To shutdown the zenml server zenml clean
连续部署管道 - 输出
#Integrating mlflow with ZenML zenml integration install mlflow -y #Register the experiment tracker zenml experiment-tracker register mlflow_tracker --flavor=mlflow #Registering the model deployer zenml model-deployer register mlflow --flavor=mlflow #Registering the stack zenml stack register local-mlflow-stack-new -a default -o default -d mlflow -e mlflow_tracker --set #To view the stack list zenml stack --list
bitcoin_price_prediction_mlops/ # Project directory ├── data/ │ └── management/ │ ├── api_to_mongodb.py # Code to fetch data and save it to MongoDB │ └── api.py # API-related utility functions │ ├── pipelines/ │ ├── deployment_pipeline.py # Deployment pipeline │ └── training_pipeline.py # Training pipeline │ ├── saved_models/ # Directory for storing trained models ├── saved_scalers/ # Directory for storing scalers used in data preprocessing │ ├── src/ # Source code │ ├── data_cleaning.py # Data cleaning and preprocessing │ ├── data_ingestion.py # Data ingestion │ ├── data_splitter.py # Data splitting │ ├── feature_engineering.py # Feature engineering │ ├── model_evaluation.py # Model evaluation │ └── model_training.py # Model training │ ├── steps/ # ZenML steps │ ├── clean_data.py # ZenML step for cleaning data │ ├── data_splitter.py # ZenML step for data splitting │ ├── dynamic_importer.py # ZenML step for importing dynamic data │ ├── feature_engineering.py # ZenML step for feature engineering │ ├── ingest_data.py # ZenML step for data ingestion │ ├── model_evaluation.py # ZenML step for model evaluation │ ├── model_training.py # ZenML step for training the model │ ├── prediction_service_loader.py # ZenML step for loading prediction services │ ├── predictor.py # ZenML step for prediction │ └── utils.py # Utility functions for steps │ ├── .env # Environment variables file ├── .gitignore # Git ignore file │ ├── app.py # Streamlit user interface app │ ├── README.md # Project documentation ├── requirements.txt # List of required packages ├── run_deployment.py # Code for running deployment and prediction pipeline ├── run_pipeline.py # Code for running training pipeline └── .zen/ # ZenML directory (created automatically after ZenML initialization)
现在,您需要在命令行中复制并粘贴上述MLFLOW UI链接并运行它。
import os import logging from pymongo import MongoClient from dotenv import load_dotenv from zenml import step import pandas as pd # Load the .env file load_dotenv() # Get MongoDB URI from environment variables MONGO_URI = os.getenv("MONGO_URI") def fetch_data_from_mongodb(collection_name:str, database_name:str): """ Fetches data from MongoDB and converts it into a pandas DataFrame. collection_name: Name of the MongoDB collection to fetch data. database_name: Name of the MongoDB database. return: A pandas DataFrame containing the data """ # Connect to the MongoDB client client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = client[database_name] # Select the database collection = db[collection_name] # Select the collection # Fetch all documents from the collection try: logging.info(f"Fetching data from MongoDB collection: {collection_name}...") data = list(collection.find()) # Convert cursor to a list of dictionaries if not data: logging.info("No data found in the MongoDB collection.") # Convert the list of dictionaries into a pandas DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Drop the MongoDB ObjectId field if it exists (optional) if '_id' in df.columns: df = df.drop(columns=['_id']) logging.info("Data successfully fetched and converted to a DataFrame!") return df except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred while fetching data: {e}") raise e @step(enable_cache=False) def ingest_data(collection_name: str = "historical_data", database_name: str = "crypto_data") -> pd.DataFrame: logging.info("Started data ingestion process from MongoDB.") try: # Use the fetch_data_from_mongodb function to fetch data df = fetch_data_from_mongodb(collection_name=collection_name, database_name=database_name) if df.empty: logging.warning("No data was loaded. Check the collection name or the database content.") else: logging.info(f"Data ingestion completed. Number of records loaded: {len(df)}.") return df except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while reading data from {collection_name} in {database_name}: {e}") raise e
> Sparlit是一个令人惊叹的开源,基于Python的框架,用于创建Interactive UI,我们可以使用Sparlit快速构建Web应用程序,而无需知道后端或前端开发。首先,我们需要在系统上安装精简。