,使用 $('。class','#class-container')。css('color','#123456' <code> array.join()
用于字符串串联而不是 string.concat()
。 String.concat()
creates new string copies, impacting performance.
Event Handling Optimization: Employ return false
within event handlers or utilize event.stopPropagation()
to prevent unnecessary event propagation.
最小化DOM操纵:减少修改DOM的次数。 Batch changes whenever possible to minimize reflows and repaints.
Debounce and Throttle: For events triggered frequently (like scrolling or resizing), use debouncing or throttling techniques to limit the rate of function execution.
Asynchronous Operations: Utilize异步操作(承诺,异步/等待)避免在等待长期运行任务时阻止主线程。
with document.querySelector("#class");
or explore lightweight jQuery alternatives like Cash.
Leverage Resources: Utilize cheat sheets and library references to optimize your code and avoid unnecessary trial-and-error.这节省了时间并间接提高性能。
本文已通过Jacob Jackson的贡献进行了更新。雅各布是网络开发人员,技术作家,自由职业者和开源贡献者。