While Apple highlights recent AI additions to Siri—such as chatbot-like interactions for information retrieval, list creation, and smart home control, along with ChatGPT integration—these are incremental improvements.事实证明,在WWDC 2024上承诺的重大大修(具有AI驱动的个性化)比预期的更具挑战性。这一下一代Siri被证明是能够在各种应用程序和设备上找到信息,在沟通中理解上下文,并直接与应用程序进行交互,同时保持用户隐私。
提醒您苹果的WWDC 2024音调:
延迟并不是Apple独有的;许多科技公司对AI可交付成果过度宣传。复杂的AI的发展,特别是对于像Siri(13岁)这样的旧系统的发展,提出了巨大的挑战。 Ensuring the reliability and accuracy of an AI assistant that accesses personal data, such as emails and messages, is paramount.
An Apple spokesperson stated to Daring Fireball:
"Siri helps users quickly find information and complete tasks. In the last six months, we've enhanced conversational capabilities, introduced features like 'type to Siri' and product knowledge, and integrated ChatGPT. We're also developing a more具有增强的上下文意识和交叉应用功能的个性化SIRI。延迟延迟的频率很少发生,这是间接发生的 - 主要发射事件从挫折中省略了产品。但是,当前的AI市场强调快速进步和公众的看法需要采取更积极的方法。延迟公告与一次波动的交易周相吻合,强调了公开交易的科技公司向AI增长的压力。否则,2026年9月与iOS 20的发布更有可能。