- Open Steam: Launch the Steam client on your computer.
- Access Steam Settings: Click on "Steam" in the top left corner of the client window, and then select "Settings."
- Navigate to In-Game: In the Settings menu, find and click on the "In-Game" tab.
- Disable the Overlay: Locate the "Steam Overlay enabled" option.取消选中旁边的盒子。这将禁用所有游戏的覆盖层。您可能需要重新启动Steam或游戏才能生效。
Disabling the Steam Overlay can improve game performance, although the extent of the improvement varies greatly depending on your system specifications and the game you're playing. Steam叠加层是一个在后台运行的单独的过程,消耗了CPU和RAM等系统资源。对于低端系统,或尤其要求的游戏,禁用覆盖层可以释放资源,并导致每秒帧的明显增加(FPS)或减少口吃。但是,对于运行较少要求的高端系统,性能影响可能可以忽略不计甚至无法检测到。从本质上讲,这是潜在的性能助推器,但不能保证。
- Locate the Game in your Library: Find the specific game in your Steam library.
- Access Game Properties: Right-click on the game's title and select "Properties."
- Navigate to the General Tab: In the game's Properties window, click on the "General" tab.
- Disable the Overlay (Game Specific): Uncheck the box labeled "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game."这将仅禁用该特定游戏的覆盖层。除非您单独将每个游戏都禁用,否则其他游戏仍将启用覆盖层。
重新启用蒸汽覆盖与禁用它一样容易。 Follow the same steps as outlined in "How to Turn Off Steam Overlay," but this time, check the "Steam Overlay enabled" box in the In-Game settings.如果您为特定游戏选择性地禁用它,请按照“我可以选择性地禁用特定游戏的Steam叠加层?”中的步骤。并检查该游戏属性中的“启用蒸汽叠加”框。如果更改没有立即生效,请记住重新启动Steam或游戏。