掌握Rarity的秘密6个在Monster Hunter Wilds中的特殊物品
Monster Hunter Wilds拥有各种各样的物品,许多物品是从怪物那里获得的,并用于制作武器和装甲。其他的是在环境中发现的,用于制作药水和增益。稀有6个特殊物品是最难以捉摸的,并且收集十个解锁了Eastlands成就的著名探险家。 This guide details the location and acquisition of each of these rare finds.

- 大风芦荟
- 雷鸣般的富尔古特
- 永恒的猩红色琥珀
- 昆斯布室花粉
- 笨重的宝藏
- 反会其质量
- 大金斯刻尔花瓶
- 定时持续的wylk宝石
- 夜花花粉
- 创世纪蛋白石
- Wyvernsprout


- Great Windward Aloe: Found in the Windward Plains during the Plenty weather, specifically during a Great Windward Succulent Emergence event. Botantis技能提高了产量。

- Thundering Fulgurite: Located in the Windward Plains during the Sandtide weather, only appearing during a Thundering Fulgurite Emergence event.需要在帐篷里等待环境的倾向。

- Eternal Scarlet Amber: Found on Colossal Amber deposits in the Scarlet Forest during the Colossal Amber Emergence event, which typically occurs during the Fallow weather.

- Queensbloom Pollen: Harvested from Rafflesia Blooms in the Scarlet Forest.这些花朵仅在盛大的天气中出现,通常在白天一次或两个。使用Minimap过滤器找到它们。

- Bulky Treasure: Found in the Scarlet Forest during the Bountiful Treasure Emergence event, which occurs only during the Plenty weather.

- Antimite Mass: Exclusive to the Oilwell Basin, appearing during a Giant Hopper Crystal Emergence event, most common during the Plenty weather.

- Large Goldenscale Vase: Located in the Iceshard Cliffs at the Remarkable Relic gathering point during a Remarkable Relic Emergence event, most frequent during the Plenty weather.

- Time-honed Wylk Gem: Found in the Windward Plains, Oilwell Basin, and Ruins of Wyveria near the Landspine during a Wylky Crystal Outcrop Emergence event.这个事件可能在休耕和倾向天气中发生。

- Nightflower Pollen: Harvested from Ephemeral Blooms in the Windward Plains and Scarlet Forest during a Full Moon at night. Botantis技能不会影响此项目。

- Genesis Opal: Found in the Windward Plains, Oilwell Basin, and Ruins of Wyveria from Magnificent Fossils during a Magnificent Fossil Emergence event.在休耕和倾向天气中常见。

- Wyvernsprout: Obtained from a rare Carrion Mushroom that sometimes spawns from the decaying carcass of a small monster.


以上是Monster Hunter Wilds:每一个稀有6个特殊物品以及在哪里可以找到它们的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!