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50个生成AI面试问题 - 分析Vidhya

William Shakespeare
发布: 2025-03-19 11:14:12
729 人浏览过




  • 顶级Genai面试问题
    • 生成的AI面试问题与神经网络有关
    • 生成的AI面试问题与及时工程有关
    • 生成的AI面试问题与抹布有关
    • 生成的AI面试问题与Langchain有关
    • 生成的AI采访问题与L​​lamainDex有关
    • 生成的AI面试问题与微调有关
    • 生成的AI面试问题与SLM有关
    • 生成的AI面试问题与扩散有关
  • 关于生成AI的MCQ
    • 与变压器有关的生成AI的MCQ
    • 与大型语言模型(LLM)有关的生成AI的MCQ
    • 与及时工程有关的生成AI的MCQ







  • 体系结构:与复发性神经网络(RNN)不同,依次对输入序列进行处理,变形金刚通过自我注意力的机制并行处理输入序列。
  • 关键组件:
    • 编码器 - 编码器结构
    • 多头注意层
    • 前馈神经网络
    • 位置编码
  • 自我注意力:此功能使模型能够通过评估各种输入组件处理每个元素的相对相关性来有效捕获远程关系。
  • 并行化:变压器可以同时处理所有输入令牌,与RNN相比,这会加快训练和推理时间。
  • 可伸缩性:与以前的体系结构相比,变形金刚可以更有效地处理更长的序列和更大的数据集。
  • 多功能性:最初是为机器翻译创建的变压器,但现在已针对各种NLP任务(包括计算机视觉应用程序)进行了修改。
  • 影响:基于变压器的模型,包括BERT,GPT和T5,是许多生成AI应用程序的基础,并且在各种语言任务中都损坏了记录。







  • 为每个元素创建了三个矢量:查询(q),键(k)和value(v)。
  • 注意分数是通过使用所有关键向量的查询的点产物来计算的。
  • 这些分数使用SoftMax进行标准化以获得注意力。
  • 最终输出是使用注意力权重的值向量的加权总和。


  • 捕获序列中的远程依赖性。
  • 允许并行计算,使其比复发方法更快。
  • 通过注意力重量提供解释性。



  • 该输入线性地投影到多个查询,键和值向量集。
  • 自我注意事项是在每组中独立执行的。
  • 结果是串联并线性转换以产生最终输出的。


  • 允许模型从不同的角度共同参与信息。
  • 提高模型的表示能力。
  • 稳定注意机制的学习过程。



  • 查询来自一个序列(例如,解码器),而键和值来自另一个序列(例如编码器)。
  • 然后,注意机制与自我注意力相似。


  • 生成输出的每个部分时,模型可以专注于相关的输入部分。
  • 对于机器翻译和文本摘要等任务至关重要。



  • 类似于自我注意力,但掩盖了注意力评分。
  • 面具为未来令牌设置了注意力重量(或很大的负数)。
  • 这样可以确保在生成令牌时,该模型仅考虑以前的令牌。


  • 启用自回归产生。
  • 保持序列的时间顺序。
  • 用于GPT等语言模型。
  • 参加输入序列中的所有位置。
  • 提供了整个输入的全面视图。
  • 对于很长的序列,计算上可能很昂贵。
  • 仅参加当前位置周围的固定尺寸窗口。
  • 长序列更有效。
  • 可以与全球关注相结合,以平衡效率和全面的环境。


  • 定义固定的窗口大小(例如,在当前令牌之前和之后)。
  • 仅在此窗口中计算注意力。
  • 可以使用各种策略来定义本地上下文(固定尺寸的窗口,高斯分布等)。


  • 降低了长序列的计算复杂性。
  • 可以有效捕获本地模式。
  • 在附近上下文最相关的情况下有用。







  • RNNS过程序列序列较慢。
  • 变形金刚可以更有效地利用现代GPU体系结构,从而导致训练和推理时间明显更快。



  • 由于梯度的消失问题,RNN难以处理长期依赖性。
  • 变形金刚在需要掌握更大上下文的任务上表现更好,因为它们可以轻松捕获两个短距离和远程依赖性。



  • 提供了一种更灵活,更有力的方法来建模数据中的复杂关系。
  • 提供更好的解释性,因为可以看到注意力重量。



  • 允许模型理解序列顺序而不会复发。
  • 在处理可变长度序列方面提供了灵活性。



  • 这种可扩展性导致了许多NLP任务中的最新性能。
  • 已经使越来越大的强大语言模型的发展。



  • 这种转移学习能力彻底改变了NLP,即使特定于任务的数据有限,也可以进行高性能。
  • RNN不会有效地转移到不同的任务。



  • 由于梯度问题,RNN通常会在很长的序列中挣扎。
  • 变形金刚可以更优雅地处理可变长度输入。




  • 体系结构:仅使用变压器的编码部分。
  • 关键功能:双向上下文理解。
  • 培训前任务:掩盖语言建模和下一个句子预测。
  • 应用程序:
    • 问题回答
    • 情感分析
    • 命名实体识别
    • 文本分类
  • 体系结构:仅使用变压器的解码器部分。
  • 关键功能:自回归语言建模。
  • 训练前任务:下一步的标记预测。
  • 应用程序:
    • 文字生成
    • 对话系统
    • 摘要
    • 翻译
  • 体系结构:编码器 - 码头变压器。
  • 关键功能:将所有NLP任务框架为文本到文本问题。
  • 预训练任务:跨越腐败(类似于伯特的蒙版语言建模)。
  • 应用程序:
    • 多任务学习
    • 通过各种NLP任务进行转移学习
  • 体系结构:类似于伯特,但具有优化的培训过程。
  • 关键改进:较长的培训,更大的批次,更多数据。
  • 应用:类似于伯特,但性能提高。
  • 体系结构:基于变形金刚-XL。
  • 关键功能:双向上下文的置换语言建模,没有口罩。
  • 应用:类似于BERT,可能会更好地处理长期依赖性。


答案:大型语言模型(LLM)是一种人工智能(AI)程序,可以识别和生成文本以及其他任务。 LLM经过大量数据的培训,因此名称为“大”。 LLM建立在机器学习的基础上;具体而言,一种称为变压器模型的神经网络。




Q6。 LLM的用途是什么?

答:许多任务可为LLM训练。它们在生成AI中的用途是其最著名的应用程序之一。例如,公开访问的LLM Chatgpt可能会根据用户的输入产生诗歌,论文和其他文本格式。

任何大型复杂的数据集都可以用于培训LLM,包括编程语言。一些LLM可以帮助程序员编写代码。他们可以根据要求编写功能 - 或以某些代码为起点,他们可以完成编写程序。 LLM也可以使用:

  • 情感分析
  • DNA研究
  • 客户服务
  • 聊天机器人
  • 在线搜索

现实世界中LLM的示例包括Chatgpt(来自Openai),Gemini(Google)和Llama(Meta)。 Github的副驾驶是另一个例子,但用于编码而不是自然的人类语言。

Q7。 LLM的一些优点和局限性是什么?


另一方面,LLM可以利用数据分析和自然语言响应来对非结构化的提示或查询提供逻辑响应。 LLM可能会回答一个问题:“历史上四个最伟大的放克乐队是什么?”列出了四个这样的频段,并且对为什么它们是最好的列表,但是标准的计算机程序将无法识别此提示。

但是,LLMS提供的信息的准确性仅与它们消耗的数据一样好。如果给出错误的信息,他们将以误导性信息响应用户查询。 LLMS也会偶尔“幻觉”,在无法提供精确响应时制作事实。例如,2022年新闻媒体快速公司向Chatgpt询问了特斯拉最近的财务季度。尽管Chatgpt以可理解的新闻作品做出了回应,但其中很大一部分信息得到了弥补。





基于Vanilla Transformer模型,编码器构建结构由两个变压器块的堆栈组成 - 一个编码器和解码器。





包括GPT-1,GPT-2和GPT-3在内的GPT系列模型是建立在该体系结构上的代表性语言模型。 GPT-3显示了出色的内在学习能力。







这种方法已用于Switch Transformer和Glam之类的模型中,增加专家数量或总参数大小已显示出显着的性能改善。




  • 利用自我注意事项层来编码输入序列。
  • 为每个令牌生成丰富的上下文嵌入。
  • 针对文本分类和命名实体识别(NER)等任务进行了优化。


  • BERT(来自变形金刚的双向编码器表示):通过在左和右上下文上共同调理上下文方面擅长理解上下文。
  • 罗伯塔(Roberta(Roberta)(可靠地优化了BERT预处理方法):通过优化训练程序以提高性能来增强BERT。
  • Distilbert:Bert的较小,更快,更高效的版本。

Q9。 LLM的幻觉是什么?




















  • 角色扮演:这个想法是使模型作为指定系统。从而创建量身定制的交互并定位特定结果。这节省了时间和复杂性,但取得了巨大的结果。这可能是担任老师,代码编辑或访调员。
  • 清晰:这意味着消除歧义。有时,在尝试详细的过程中,我们最终包括不必要的内容。简短是实现这一目标的绝佳方法。
  • 规范:这与角色扮演有关,但是这个想法是特定的,并以简化的方向引导,从而避免了分散的输出。
  • 一致性:一致性意味着保持对话中的流量。保持统一的音调以确保可读性。
















答案:检索功能生成(RAG)是优化大型语言模型的输出的过程,因此在产生响应之前,它在其培训数据源之外引用了权威知识库。大型语言模型(LLMS)经过大量数据的培训,并使用数十亿个参数来为诸如回答问题,翻译语言和完成句子的任务生成原始输出。 RAG将LLM的功能扩展到特定领域或组织的内部知识库,而无需重新训练模型。这是提高LLM输出的一种经济高效的方法,因此在各种情况下仍然相关,准确且有用。


答:智能聊天机器人和其他涉及自然语言处理的应用程序(NLP)依靠LLM作为基本人工智能(AI)技术。目的是开发机器人,通过交叉引用可靠的知识源可以在各种情况下响应用户查询。遗憾的是,由于LLM技术的性质,LLM答复变得不可预测。 LLM培训数据还引入了其所拥有的信息且停滞不前的截止日期。


  • 当没有答案时,提出虚假信息。
  • 当用户期望特定的当前响应时,呈现过时或通用信息。
  • 从非授权来源创建响应。
  • 由于术语混乱而产生不准确的响应,其中不同的培训来源使用相同的术语来谈论不同的事情。





  • 具有成本效益的:抹布技术是一种具有成本效益的方法,用于将新数据引入生成的AI模型,从而使其更容易访问和可用。
  • 当前信息: RAG允许开发人员向模型提供最新的研究,统计或新闻,从而增强其相关性。
  • 增强的用户信任: RAG允许模型以源归因提供准确的信息,从而增加用户对生成AI解决方案的信心。
  • 更多的开发人员控制: RAG允许开发人员更有效地测试和改进聊天应用程序,控制信息源,限制敏感信息检索以及如果LLM引用不正确的信息源,则进行故障排除。






  • Langchain简化了开发数据响应应用程序的过程,从而提高了工程效率。
  • 它允许组织为特定于领域的应用程序重新利用语言模型,从而在不进行重新调整或微调的情况下增强模型响应。
  • 它允许开发人员构建参考专有信息,降低模型幻觉并提高响应精度的复杂应用程序。
  • Langchain通过抽象数据源集成的复杂性和提示来简化AI的开发。
  • 它为AI开发人员提供了将语言模型与外部数据源连接起来的工具,使其由活跃的社区提供了开源和支持。
  • Langchain可以免费提供,并提供其他熟练框架的开发人员的支持。





Q22。 LlamainDex如何工作?









Q23。 LLM的微调是什么?

答:虽然预先训练的语言模型令人震惊,但它们并不是任何特定任务中的天生专家。 They may have an incredible grasp of language. Still, they need some LLMs fine-tuning, a process where developers enhance their performance in tasks like sentiment analysis, language translation, or answering questions about specific domains. Fine-tuning large language models is the key to unlocking their full potential and tailoring their capabilities to specific applications

Fine-tuning is like providing a finishing touch to these versatile models. Imagine having a multi-talented friend who excels in various areas, but you need them to master one particular skill for a special occasion. You would give them some specific training in that area, right? That's precisely what we do with pre-trained language models during fine-tuning.

Also Read: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

Q24。 What is the need for fine tuning LLMs?

Answer: While pre-trained language models are remarkable, they are not task-specific by default. Fine-tuning large language models is adapting these general-purpose models to perform specialized tasks more accurately and efficiently. When we encounter a specific NLP task like sentiment analysis for customer reviews or question-answering for a particular domain, we need to fine-tune the pre-trained model to understand the nuances of that specific task and domain.

The benefits of fine-tuning are manifold. Firstly, it leverages the knowledge learned during pre-training, saving substantial time and computational resources that would otherwise be required to train a model from scratch. Secondly, fine-tuning allows us to perform better on specific tasks, as the model is now attuned to the intricacies and nuances of the domain it was fine-tuned for.

Q25。 What is the difference between fine tuning and training LLMs?

Answer: Fine-tuning is a technique used in model training, distinct from pre-training, which is the initializing model parameters. Pre-training begins with random initialization of model parameters and occurs iteratively in two phases: forward pass and backpropagation. Conventional supervised learning (SSL) is used for pre-training models for computer vision tasks, such as image classification, object detection, or image segmentation.

LLMs are typically pre-trained through self-supervised learning (SSL), which uses pretext tasks to derive ground truth from unlabeled data. This allows for the use of massively large datasets without the burden of annotating millions or billions of data points, saving labor but requiring large computational resources. Fine-tuning entails techniques to further train a model whose weights have been updated through prior training, tailoring it on a smaller, task-specific dataset. This approach provides the best of both worlds, leveraging the broad knowledge and stability gained from pre-training on a massive set of data and honing the model's understanding of more detailed concepts.

Q26. What are the different types of fine-tuning?

Answer: Fine-tuning Approaches in Generative AI

Supervised Fine-tuning:
  • Trains the model on a labeled dataset specific to the target task.
  • Example: Sentiment analysis model trained on a dataset with text samples labeled with their corresponding sentiment.
Transfer Learning:
  • Allows a model to perform a task different from the initial task.
  • Leverages knowledge from a large, general dataset to a more specific task.
Domain-specific Fine-tuning:
  • Adapts the model to understand and generate text specific to a particular domain or industry.
  • Example: A medical app chatbot trained with medical records to adapt its language understanding capabilities to the health field.
Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tauning (PEFT)

Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) is a method designed to optimize the fine-tuning process of large-scale pre-trained language models by updating only a small subset of parameters. Traditional fine-tuning requires adjusting millions or even billions of parameters, which is computationally expensive and resource-intensive. PEFT techniques, such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA), adapter modules, or prompt tuning, allow for significant reductions in the number of trainable parameters. These methods introduce additional layers or modify specific parts of the model, enabling fine-tuning with much lower computational costs while still achieving high performance on targeted tasks. This makes fine-tuning more accessible and efficient, particularly for researchers and practitioners with limited computational resources.


Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) is a critical process in refining pre-trained language models to perform specific tasks using labelled datasets. Unlike unsupervised learning, which relies on large amounts of unlabelled data, SFT uses datasets where the correct outputs are known, allowing the model to learn the precise mappings from inputs to outputs. This process involves starting with a pre-trained model, which has learned general language features from a vast corpus of text, and then fine-tuning it with task-specific labelled data. This approach leverages the broad knowledge of the pre-trained model while adapting it to excel at particular tasks, such as sentiment analysis, question answering, or named entity recognition. SFT enhances the model's performance by providing explicit examples of correct outputs, thereby reducing errors and improving accuracy and robustness.

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is an advanced machine learning technique that incorporates human judgment into the training process of reinforcement learning models. Unlike traditional reinforcement learning, which relies on predefined reward signals, RLHF leverages feedback from human evaluators to guide the model's behavior. This approach is especially useful for complex or subjective tasks where it is challenging to define a reward function programmatically. Human feedback is collected, often by having humans evaluate the model's outputs and provide scores or preferences. This feedback is then used to update the model's reward function, aligning it more closely with human values and expectations. The model is fine-tuned based on this updated reward function, iteratively improving its performance according to human-provided criteria. RLHF helps produce models that are technically proficient and aligned with human values and ethical considerations, making them more reliable and trustworthy in real-world applications.

Q27. What is PEFT LoRA in Fine tuning?

Answer: Parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) is a method that reduces the number of trainable parameters needed to adapt a large pre-trained model to specific downstream applications. PEFT significantly decreases computational resources and memory storage needed to yield an effectively fine-tuned model, making it more stable than full fine-tuning methods, particularly for Natural Language Processing (NLP) use cases.

Partial fine-tuning, also known as selective fine-tuning, aims to reduce computational demands by updating only the select subset of pre-trained parameters most critical to model performance on relevant downstream tasks. The remaining parameters are “frozen,” ensuring they will not be changed. Some partial fine-tuning methods include updating only the layer-wide bias terms of the model and sparse fine-tuning methods that update only a select subset of overall weights throughout the model.

Additive fine-tuning adds extra parameters or layers to the model, freezes the existing pre-trained weights, and trains only those new components. This approach helps retain stability of the model by ensuring that the original pre-trained weights remain unchanged. While this can increase training time, it significantly reduces memory requirements because there are far fewer gradients and optimization states to store. Further memory savings can be achieved through quantization of the frozen model weights.

Adapters inject new, task-specific layers added to the neural network and train these adapter modules in lieu of fine-tuning any of the pre-trained model weights. Reparameterization-based methods like Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) leverage low-rank transformation of high-dimensional matrices to capture the underlying low-dimensional structure of model weights, greatly reducing the number of trainable parameters. LoRA eschews direct optimization of the matrix of model weights and instead optimizes a matrix of updates to model weights (or delta weights), which is inserted into the model.

Q28。 When to use Prompt Engineering or RAG or Fine Tuning?

Answer: Prompt Engineering: Used when you have a small amount of static data and need quick, straightforward integration without modifying the model. It is suitable for tasks with fixed information and when context windows are sufficient.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): Ideal when you need the model to generate responses based on dynamic or frequently updated data. Use RAG if the model must provide grounded, citation-based outputs.

Fine-Tuning: Choose this when specific, well-defined tasks require the model to learn from input-output pairs or human feedback. Fine-tuning is beneficial for personalized tasks, classification, or when the model's behavior needs significant customization.

50个生成AI面试问题 - 分析Vidhya

Generative AI Interview Questions Related to SLMs

Q29。 What are SLMs (Small Language Models)?

Answer: SLMs are essentially smaller versions of their LLM counterparts. They have significantly fewer parameters, typically ranging from a few million to a few billion, compared to LLMs with hundreds of billions or even trillions. This differ

  • Efficiency: SLMs require less computational power and memory, making them suitable for deployment on smaller devices or even edge computing scenarios. This opens up opportunities for real-world applications like on-device chatbots and personalized mobile assistants.
  • Accessibility: With lower resource requirements, SLMs are more accessible to a broader range of developers and organizations. This democratizes AI, allowing smaller teams and individual researchers to explore the power of language models without significant infrastructure investments.
  • Customization: SLMs are easier to fine-tune for specific domains and tasks. This enables the creation of specialized models tailored to niche applications, leading to higher performance and accuracy.

问题30。 How do SLMs work?

Answer: Like LLMs, SLMs are trained on massive datasets of text and code. However, several techniques are employed to achieve their smaller size and efficiency:

  • Knowledge Distillation: This involves transferring knowledge from a pre-trained LLM to a smaller model, capturing its core capabilities without the full complexity.
  • Pruning and Quantization: These techniques remove unnecessary parts of the model and reduce the precision of its weights, respectively, further reducing its size and resource requirements.
  • Efficient Architectures: Researchers are continually developing novel architectures specifically designed for SLMs, focusing on optimizing both performance and efficiency.

Q31. Mention some examples of small language models?

Answer: Here are some examples of SLMs:

  • GPT-2 Small: OpenAI's GPT-2 Small model has 117 million parameters, which is considered small compared to its larger counterparts, such as GPT-2 Medium (345 million parameters) and GPT-2 Large (774 million parameters).点击这里
  • DistilBERT: DistilBERT is a distilled version of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) that retains 95% of BERT's performance while being 40% smaller and 60% faster. DistilBERT has around 66 million parameters.
  • TinyBERT: Another compressed version of BERT, TinyBERT is even smaller than DistilBERT, with around 15 million parameters.点击这里

While SLMs typically have a few hundred million parameters, some larger models with 1-3 billion parameters can also be classified as SLMs because they can still be run on standard GPU hardware. Here are some of the examples of such models:

  • Phi3 Mini: Phi-3-mini is a compact language model with 3.8 billion parameters, trained on a vast dataset of 3.3 trillion tokens. Despite its smaller size, it competes with larger models like Mixtral 8x7B and GPT-3.5, achieving notable scores of 69% on MMLU and 8.38 on MT-bench.点击这里。
  • Google Gemma 2B: Google Gemma 2B is a part of the Gemma family, lightweight open models designed for various text generation tasks. With a context length of 8192 tokens, Gemma models are suitable for deployment in resource-limited environments like laptops, desktops, or cloud infrastructures.
  • Databricks Dolly 3B: Databricks' dolly-v2-3b is a commercial-grade instruction-following large language model trained on the Databricks platform. Derived from pythia-2.8b, it's trained on around 15k instruction/response pairs covering various domains. While not state-of-the-art, it exhibits surprisingly high-quality instruction-following behavior.点击这里。

Q32。 What are the benefits and drawbacks of SLMs?

Answer: One benefit of Small Language Models (SLMs) is that they may be trained on relatively small datasets. Their low size makes deployment on mobile devices easier, and their streamlined structures improve interpretability.

The capacity of SLMs to process data locally is a noteworthy advantage, which makes them especially useful for Internet of Things (IoT) edge devices and businesses subject to strict privacy and security requirements.

However, there is a trade-off when using small language models. SLMs have more limited knowledge bases than their Large Language Model (LLM) counterparts because they were trained on smaller datasets. Furthermore, compared to larger models, their comprehension of language and context is typically more restricted, which could lead to less precise and nuanced responses.

Generative AI Interview Questions Related to Difussion


Answer: The idea of the diffusion model is not that old. In the 2015 paper called “Deep Unsupervised Learning using Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics”, the Authors described it like this:

The essential idea, inspired by non-equilibrium statistical physics, is to systematically and slowly destroy structure in a data distribution through an iterative forward diffusion process. We then learn a reverse diffusion process that restores structure in data, yielding a highly flexible and tractable generative model of the data.

The diffusion process is split into forward and reverse diffusion processes. The forward diffusion process turns an image into noise, and the reverse diffusion process is supposed to turn that noise into the image again.

Q34. What is the forward diffusion process?

Answer: The forward diffusion process is a Markov chain that starts from the original data x and ends at a noise sample ε. At each step t, the data is corrupted by adding Gaussian noise to it. The noise level increases as t increases until it reaches 1 at the final step T.

Q35. What is the reverse diffusion process?

Answer: The reverse diffusion process aims to convert pure noise into a clean image by iteratively removing noise. Training a diffusion model is to learn the reverse diffusion process to reconstruct an image from pure noise. If you guys are familiar with GANs, we're trying to train our generator network, but the only difference is that the diffusion network does an easier job because it doesn't have to do all the work in one step. Instead, it uses multiple steps to remove noise at a time, which is more efficient and easy to train, as figured out by the authors of this paper.

Q36. What is the noise schedule in the diffusion process?

Answer: The noise schedule is a critical component in diffusion models, determining how noise is added during the forward process and removed during the reverse process. It defines the rate at which information is destroyed and reconstructed, significantly impacting the model's performance and the quality of generated samples.

A well-designed noise schedule balances the trade-off between generation quality and computational efficiency. Too rapid noise addition can lead to information loss and poor reconstruction, while too slow a schedule can result in unnecessarily long computation times. Advanced techniques like cosine schedules can optimize this process, allowing for faster sampling without sacrificing output quality. The noise schedule also influences the model's ability to capture different levels of detail, from coarse structures to fine textures, making it a key factor in achieving high-fidelity generations.

Q37. What are Multimodal LLMs?

Answer: Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems known as multimodal large language models (LLMs) can interpret and produce various data types, including text, images, and even audio. These sophisticated models combine natural language processing with computer vision and occasionally audio processing capabilities, unlike standard LLMs that only concentrate on text. Their adaptability enables them to carry out various tasks, including text-to-image generation, cross-modal retrieval, visual question answering, and image captioning.

The primary benefit of multimodal LLMs is their capacity to comprehend and integrate data from diverse sources, offering more context and more thorough findings. The potential of these systems is demonstrated by examples such as DALL-E and GPT-4 (which can process images). Multimodal LLMs do, however, have certain drawbacks, such as the demand for more complicated training data, higher processing costs, and possible ethical issues with synthesizing or modifying multimedia content. Notwithstanding these difficulties, multimodal LLMs mark a substantial advancement in AI's capacity to engage with and comprehend the universe in methods that more nearly resemble human perception and thought processes.

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MCQs on Generative AI

MCQs on Generative AI Related to Transformers

Q38. What is the primary advantage of the transformer architecture over RNNs and LSTMs?

A. Better handling of long-range dependencies

B. Lower computational cost

C. Smaller model size

D. Easier to interpret

Answer: A. Better handling of long-range dependencies

Q39。 In a transformer model, what mechanism allows the model to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence?

A. Convolution

B. Recurrence

C. Attention

D. Pooling

Answer: C. Attention

Q40. What is the function of the positional encoding in transformer models?

A. To normalize the inputs

B. To provide information about the position of words

C. To reduce overfitting

D. To increase model complexity

Answer: B. To provide information about the position of words

MCQs on Generative AI Related to Large Language Models (LLMs)

Q41. What is a key characteristic of large language models?

A. They have a fixed vocabulary

B. They are trained on a small amount of data

C. They require significant computational resources

D. They are only suitable for translation tasks

Answer: C. They require significant computational resources

Q42。 Which of the following is an example of a large language model?

A. VGG16

B. GPT-4

C. ResNet


Answer: B. GPT-4

Q42。 Why is fine-tuning often necessary for large language models?

A. To reduce their size

B. To adapt them to specific tasks

C. To speed up their training

D. To increase their vocabulary

Answer: B. To adapt them to specific tasks

MCQs on Generative AI Related to Prompt Engineering

Q43. What is the purpose of temperature in prompt engineering?

A. To control the randomness of the model's output

B. To set the model's learning rate

C. To initialize the model's parameters

D. To adjust the model's input length

Answer: A. To control the randomness of the model's output

Q44。 Which of the following strategies is used in prompt engineering to improve model responses?

A. Zero-shot prompting

B. Few-shot prompting

C. A和B


Answer: C. Both A and B

Q45. What does a higher temperature setting in a language model prompt typically result in?

A. More deterministic output

B. More creative and diverse output

C. Lower computational cost

D. Reduced model accuracy

Answer: B. More creative and diverse output

MCQs on Generative AI Related to Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAGs)

Q46. What is the primary benefit of using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) models?

A. Faster training times

B. Lower memory usage

C. Improved generation quality by leveraging external information

D. Simpler model architecture

Answer: C. Improved generation quality by leveraging external information

Q47. In a RAG model, what is the role of the retriever component?

A. To generate the final output

B. To retrieve relevant documents or passages from a database

C. To preprocess the input data

D. To train the language model

Answer: B. To retrieve relevant documents or passages from a database

Q48. What kind of tasks are RAG models particularly useful for?

A. Image classification

B. Text summarization

C. Question answering

D. Speech recognition

Answer: C. Question answering

MCQs on Generative AI Related to Fine-Tuning

Q49. What does fine-tuning a pre-trained model involve?

A. Training from scratch on a new dataset

B. Adjusting the model's architecture

C. Continuing training on a specific task or dataset

D. Reducing the model's size

Answer: C. Continuing training on a specific task or dataset

Q50. Why is fine-tuning a pre-trained model often more efficient than training from scratch?

A. It requires less data

B. It requires fewer computational resources

C. It leverages previously learned features


Answer: D. All of the above

Q51. What is a common challenge when fine-tuning large models?

A. Overfitting

B. Underfitting

C. Lack of computational power

D. Limited model size

Answer: A. Overfitting

MCQs on Generative AI Related to Stable Diffusion

Q52. What is the primary goal of stable diffusion models?

A. To enhance the stability of training deep neural networks

B. To generate high-quality images from text descriptions

C. To compress large models

D. To improve the speed of natural language processing

Answer: B. To generate high-quality images from text descriptions

Q53. In the context of stable diffusion models, what does the term 'denoising' refer to?

A. Reducing the noise in input data

B. Iteratively refining the generated image to remove noise

C. Simplifying the model architecture

D. Increasing the noise to improve generalization

Answer: B. Iteratively refining the generated image to remove noise

Q54. Which application is stable diffusion particularly useful for?

A. Image classification

B. Text generation

C. Image generation

D. Speech recognition

Answer: C. Image generation


In this article, we have seen different interview questions on generative AI that can be asked in an interview. Generative AI now spans a lot of industries, from healthcare to entertainment to personal recommendations. With a good understanding of the fundamentals and a strong portfolio, you can extract the full potential of generative AI models. Although the latter comes from practice, I'm sure prepping with these questions will make you thorough for your interview. So, all the very best to you for your upcoming GenAI interview!

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