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Joseph Gordon-Levitt
发布: 2025-03-23 00:23:10
794 人浏览过

Avowed Nature vs Nurture Quest Guide and Walkthrough

In Avowed's "Nature vs. Nurture" quest, you'll investigate seemingly peaceful xaurips and a series of farm attacks. This guide provides a walkthrough to complete the quest.

Quest Initiation:

Locate Dolina and Masco Laima northeast of the Farmer's Market in Emerald Stair's southeast. Dolina will explain the xaurip's involvement in farm equipment destruction, despite their non-aggressive behavior. She'll ask you to investigate their swamp camp to the northwest.

Investigating the Xaurip Camp:

Travel to the far northwest of the region, near the Grim Wetlands. The xaurips in the camp are passive. Climb the wooden walkway and ledges to access a cave.

Meeting Amadio:

Inside, speak with Amadio. He explains a symbiotic relationship with the xaurips, claiming to protect them while they aid his goals. He believes animancer machines are causing the Dreamscourge and destroying them will prevent further threats.

Decision Point:

Your companions, Marius (agrees with Amadio) and Kai (skeptical), will react to your choice. You can either support Amadio's methods or attack him.

Supporting Amadio:

Agreeing ("You're just trying to protect the land. I support that.") pleases Amadio. Return to Dolina and Masco. You can either truthfully tell them you've called off the rangers or lie. Truthfully calling off the rangers requires Amadio not using animancy deceptively. Dolina will reward you accordingly. Amadio will reward you with Wolf Boots and 254 XP after you inform him the rangers have been called off. Lying will earn you the Ring of Pain Amplification from Dolina.

Attacking Amadio:

Attacking Amadio initiates combat with numerous xaurips (Ravagers, Shaman, Bulwark, Skirmishers) and Amadio himself within the cave.


Supporting Amadio is the peaceful approach, yielding valuable rewards. Attacking him provides combat and loot, but at the cost of a peaceful resolution.

