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Mary-Kate Olsen
发布: 2025-03-23 02:14:08
887 人浏览过

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2’s side quests offer a unique blend of the bizarre and captivating. "Thou Art But Dust…" is a prime example, tasking you with bone collection and pyramid construction within a creepy ossuary. While the task sounds unsettling, the experience is well worth the effort.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Thou Art But Dust Quest Walkthrough

To begin this unusual quest, locate Brother Morticius, the blind caretaker of the Sedletz ossuary, at Sedletz Monastery (east of Old Kutna). The quest's conclusion holds a surprising twist involving the caretaker. This guide provides a complete walkthrough.

Starting "Thou Art But Dust…"

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Thou Art But Dust Quest Walkthrough

Initiate the quest by speaking with Brother Morticius at Sedletz Monastery. He'll request your assistance in collecting bones and cleaning the chapel.

Collecting Bones and Building Pyramids

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Thou Art But Dust Quest Walkthrough

Inside the chapel, numerous bones are scattered. Interact with each pile, selecting the "collect" option. Clean the area and gather bones from the shelves as well.

Once the chapel is cleared, interact with the central trapdoor. This will lead you underground. Gather additional bones along the way. Two bone piles are in the eastern room; two more are in the southern room.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Thou Art But Dust Quest Walkthrough

A door leads back outside, but first, collect bones from the room to your left. Return to the chapel and construct three bone pyramids.

You'll likely have extra bones, but these will vanish from your inventory after pyramid construction.

Finally, seek out Brother Morticius. He won't be in his usual spot. Instead, speak with the gravedigger to uncover a surprising revelation and conclude the quest.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Thou Art But Dust Quest Walkthrough

