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Joseph Gordon-Levitt
发布: 2025-03-24 01:41:09
448 人浏览过


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The Hulk is a Vanguard hero with incredible durability, crowd control, and flexibility. His ability to transition between Bruce Banner, Hero Hulk, and Monster Hulk gives him a unique playstyle that adapts to different phases of the battle. Here’s how to master The Hulk in Marvel Rivals:

Hulk’s Abilities

Bruce Banner (Starting Form)

  • HP: 200

  • Role: Ranged utility and energy generation.

Gamma Ray Gun (Left Click - Primary Fire)

  • Fires rapid energy shots, dealing 60 damage per hit.

  • Ideal for poking enemies and building energy safely from a distance.

Gamma Grenade (Right Click)

  • Throws a grenade that deals 40 AoE damage and knocks enemies airborne.

  • Use for crowd control or gaining vertical mobility.

  • Cooldown: 8 seconds.

Puny Banner (Ultimate Ability)

  • Transforms Banner into Hero Hulk, restoring health and granting invulnerability during the transformation.

Hero Hulk (Second Form)

  • HP: 650

  • Role: Close-range tank with crowd control and team utility.

Heavy Blow (Left Click - Primary Melee Attack)

  • Melee punches dealing 40 damage per hit at two hits per second.

  • Effective for consistent damage in close-range engagements.

Incredible Leap (Passive Ability)

  • Charges a leap to close gaps or reach high ground.

  • Colliding with enemies stuns them, disrupting their movement.

Indestructible Guard (E)

  • Generates shields (250 HP for Hulk, 100 HP for allies) that absorb damage for 2.5 seconds.

  • Converts absorbed damage into ultimate charge, speeding up transformation to Monster Hulk.

  • Cooldown: 12 seconds.

Gamma Burst (Right Click)

  • A ranged clap that deals 70 damage and pierces through enemies.

  • Use to pressure groups or finish off escaping enemies.

  • Cooldown: 8 seconds.

Radioactive Lockdown (Q)

  • Immobilizes enemies for 2 seconds, preventing them from healing or contesting objectives.

  • Excellent for securing objectives or stopping enemy ultimates.

  • Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Monster Hulk (Ultimate Form)

  • HP: 1400

  • Duration: 12 seconds

  • Role: Maximum disruption and damage output.

Enhanced Heavy Blow (Left Click - Primary Attack)

  • Melee attacks deal 70 damage with knock-up effects, creating chaos in team fights.

Gamma Burst (Right Click)

  • Deals 125 damage with a reduced cooldown of 1 second.

  • Perfect for spamming AoE damage during Monster Hulk’s active phase.

World Breaker (Ultimate Ability)

  • Grabs an enemy and slams them into the ground five times, dealing 200 total damage.

  • Grants 30% damage reduction during the animation, making Hulk even harder to kill.

Playstyle and Combos

Bruce Banner Phase

  • Objective: Build energy safely while poking enemies.

  • Combo:

    1. Use Gamma Ray Gun to poke from a safe distance and charge energy.

    2. Deploy Gamma Grenade for crowd control or to gain vertical mobility.

    3. Activate Puny Banner to transform into Hero Hulk when ready to engage directly.

Hero Hulk Phase

  • Objective: Tank damage, control the battlefield, and protect allies.

  • Combo:

    1. Use Incredible Leap to initiate fights and stun priority targets.

    2. Follow up with Heavy Blow for sustained melee damage.

    3. Use Gamma Burst to pressure grouped enemies.

    4. Activate Indestructible Guard to block incoming ultimates and absorb damage, converting it to ultimate charge.

Monster Hulk Phase

  • Objective: Maximize disruption and secure kills in team fights.

  • Combo:

    1. Open with Enhanced Heavy Blow to knock enemies airborne.

    2. Chain Gamma Burst for continuous AoE damage.

    3. Finish with World Breaker to eliminate key targets or stall enemies contesting objectives.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Durability: High HP and shielding abilities make Hulk extremely resilient.

  • Crowd Control: Stuns, knock-ups, and immobilization tools disrupt enemy formations.

  • Team Utility: Shields and disruptive abilities protect allies and create openings.

  • Flexibility: Three forms allow Hulk to adapt to various combat scenarios.


  • Limited Burst Damage: Relies on sustained fights and AoE disruption rather than quick eliminations.

  • Vulnerable to Mobility: Agile heroes like Spider-Man and Black Panther can kite Hulk and avoid his abilities.

  • Skill-Dependent: Requires good positioning and ability timing to maximize effectiveness.

Tips for Success

  1. Prioritize Objectives

    • Use Hulk’s durability and crowd control to contest or secure key objectives.

    • Disrupt enemies with Radioactive Lockdown to prevent them from contesting.

  2. Maximize Shields

    • Time Indestructible Guard to block key ultimates or heavy damage.

    • The more damage you absorb, the faster you’ll charge Monster Hulk.

  3. Rotate Targets

    • Don’t tunnel vision on a single enemy.

    • Use Incredible Leap and Gamma Burst to pressure multiple enemies in team fights.

  4. Save Monster Hulk for Critical Moments

    • Activate Monster Hulk during pivotal team fights or when defending objectives.

    • Use World Breaker to eliminate high-value targets or stall the enemy team.

  5. Adapt to Phases

    • Stay safe and poke as Bruce Banner.

    • Engage and protect as Hero Hulk.

    • Dominate and disrupt as Monster Hulk.

