Learn why the sum, average or count are not showing in the Excel status bar and how to quickly resolve this.
Excel not displaying sum, average or count in the status bar can be a frustrating issue, especially when you rely on these calculations for your work. There are several potential causes for this problem, and in this article, we will explore the common issues and provide solutions to get the necessary calculations back on track.
Reasons: There are two main reasons why Excel may not display the sum or average in the status bar - numbers formatted as text and the Sum/Average options not selected in the customized status bar settings.
Solutions: Convert numbers stored as text to numbers and select Sum and Average in the status bar options.
The Excel status bar is designed to show the sum and average for numeric data. So, if you're experiencing issues with an Excel sheet not showing sum or average in the status bar for selected cells, one common cause is numbers formatted as text. This can happen due to various reasons, such as using apostrophes, applying the Text format, or utilizing Text functions.
To resolve this issue, you need to convert text-formatted values back to numbers.
Another reason why the sum and average may not be shown in the Excel status bar is due to the customization settings. It is possible that the Average and Sum options have been disabled, causing them not to appear in the status bar statistics.
To check and enable the Average and Sum options in the status bar customization, do the following:
For more information, see Customizing Excel status bar.
Reason: The Count option is not ticked in the customized status bar.
Solution: Select Count in the status bar options.
When Excel is not showing the count in the status bar, it's most likely because this option has been deselected in the customized status bar settings.
By default, the Excel status bar includes the count of non-empty cells in the selected range. However, if you have customized the status bar settings or unintentionally deselected the Count option, the count will not be shown.
To resolve this issue and make the count appear in the status bar, this is what you need to do:
Once you have enabled the Count option, the Excel status bar will start displaying the count of selected cells accurately again.
Reason: hidden or filtered cells
Solution: Unhide any hidden rows and clear any filters in the selected range.
If you notice that the count, sum, or average displayed in the status bar is incorrect or unexpected, it may be due to hidden or filtered rows within the selected range. Excel may exclude those cells from calculations, leading to inaccurate results in the status bar.
To address this issue and ensure the correct calculations are displayed, do the following:
Now that no hidden rows, columns, or filters are in the selected range, accurate and reliable calculations will be displayed in the Excel status bar again.
If none of the above solutions resolve your status bar issue, there may be a technical problem with Excel itself. Sometimes, outdated versions or corrupted installations can cause unexpected behavior.
Here are some troubleshooting steps to address these issues:
Hopefully, our guidelines have helped you resolve the issue of Excel not displaying the sum, average, or count in the status bar, and you can enjoy the convenience of accurate statistics right at your fingertips again.