首页 > php教程 > php手册 > 短信PDU编码类,可以用COMM连MODEM可以方便的发短信.


发布: 2016-06-21 09:06:22
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Option Explicit

Private mvarSMSCLen As Integer '局部复制
Private mvarSMSCType As String '局部复制
Private mvarSMSC As String '局部复制
Private mvarMsgHead As Integer  '局部复制
Private mvarTPMR As Integer '局部复制
Private mvarDestPhoneNumLen As Integer '局部复制
Private mvarDestPhoneNumType As String '局部复制
Private mvarDestPhoneNum As String '局部复制
Private mvarTPPID As Integer '局部复制
Private mvarTPDSC As Integer '局部复制
Private mvarTPVP As Integer '局部复制
Private mvarMSGLen As Integer '局部复制
Private mvarMSGContent As String '局部复制
Private mvarPDULen As Integer '局部复制
Private mvarPDU As String '局部复制
'要引发该事件,请遵循下列语法使用 RaiseEvent:
'RaiseEvent ValidResult[(arg1, arg2, ... , argn)]
Public Event ValidResult(ByVal ErrorCode As Integer, ByVal ErrorString As String)

Public Function genPDU(Optional ByVal SMSContent As String, _
                        Optional ByVal DestNo As String, _
                        Optional ByVal ServiceNo As String) As String

'mvarSMSCLen = 0
'mvarSMSCType = ""
'mvarSMSC = ""
'mvarMsgHead = 11
'mvarTPMR = 0
'mvarDestPhoneNumLen = 0
'mvarDestPhoneNumType = ""
'mvarDestPhoneNum = ""
'mvarTPPID = 0
'mvarTPDSC = 8
'mvarTPVP = 0
'mvarMSGLen = 0
'mvarMSGContent = ""
'mvarPDULen = 0
'mvarPDU = ""

    If Len(SMSContent) > 0 Then
        mvarMSGContent = SMSContent
    End If

    If Len(DestNo) > 0 Then
        mvarDestPhoneNum = DestNo
    End If
    If Len(ServiceNo) > 0 Then
        mvarSMSC = ServiceNo
        If Len(mvarSMSC) > 14 Then
            RaiseEvent ValidResult(7, "SMSC Error!")
            mvarSMSC = "+8613800769500"
        End If
        If Len(mvarSMSC)             RaiseEvent ValidResult(7, "SMSC Error!")
            mvarSMSC = "+8613800769500"
        End If
        mvarSMSC = "+86" & Right(mvarSMSC, 11)
    End If

    If Len(mvarDestPhoneNum) = 0 Then
        genPDU = ""
        RaiseEvent ValidResult(3, "DestPhoneNumber is null!")
        Exit Function
    End If
    If mvarTPDSC 0 And mvarTPDSC 8 Then
        genPDU = ""
        RaiseEvent ValidResult(5, "TP-DCS Error!")
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim ServiceNumPDU As String
    Dim DestPhoneNumPDU As String
    ServiceNumPDU = mvarSMSC
    DestPhoneNumPDU = mvarDestPhoneNum

' msg.DestPhoneNumType 被叫号码类型。有+86时候为"91",否则为"81"

    If Len(mvarSMSC) > 0 Then
        FormatPhoneNum ServiceNumPDU, mvarSMSCType
        mvarSMSCLen = Len(ServiceNumPDU & mvarSMSCType) / 2 '短信息中心地址长度。(短信息中心号码类型 + 短信息中心号码长度 /2 的十六进制表示)
    End If
    mvarDestPhoneNumLen = FormatPhoneNum(DestPhoneNumPDU, mvarDestPhoneNumType) ''被叫号码长度。被叫号码长度的十六进制表示。
    If Len(mvarMSGContent) > 70 Then
        mvarMSGContent = Left(mvarMSGContent, 70)

    End If
'    mvarMSGLen = Len(mvarMSGContent)
    Dim SMSText As String
    SMSText = mvarMSGContent

    SMSText = GB2Unicode(SMSText)   '把汉字符转化为UNICODE的HEX编码字符串

    mvarMSGLen = Len(SMSText) \ 2
    If Len(mvarSMSC) = 0 Then
        mvarSMSCLen = 0
        mvarPDU = Int2HexStr(mvarSMSCLen) & Int2HexStr(mvarMsgHead) & Int2HexStr(mvarTPMR) & Int2HexStr(mvarDestPhoneNumLen) & mvarDestPhoneNumType & DestPhoneNumPDU & _
                    Int2HexStr(mvarTPPID) & Int2HexStr(mvarTPDSC) & Int2HexStr(mvarTPVP) & Int2HexStr(mvarMSGLen) & SMSText

        mvarPDULen = Len(mvarPDU) / 2 - 1

        mvarPDU = Int2HexStr(mvarSMSCLen) & mvarSMSCType & ServiceNumPDU & Int2HexStr(mvarMsgHead) & Int2HexStr(mvarTPMR) & Int2HexStr(mvarDestPhoneNumLen) & mvarDestPhoneNumType & DestPhoneNumPDU & _
                    Int2HexStr(mvarTPPID) & Int2HexStr(mvarTPDSC) & Int2HexStr(mvarTPVP) & Int2HexStr(mvarMSGLen) & SMSText

        mvarPDULen = Len(mvarPDU) / 2 - 9   'PDU字符串长度
    End If

    genPDU = mvarPDU
End Function

'Public Property Let PDU(ByVal vData As String)
''Syntax: X.PDU = 5
'    mvarPDU = vData
'End Property

Public Property Get PDU() As String
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.PDU

    Call genPDU
    PDU = mvarPDU
End Property

'Public Property Let PDULen(ByVal vData As Integer)
''Syntax: X.PDULen = 5
'    mvarPDULen = vData
'End Property

Public Property Get PDULen() As Integer
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.PDULen
    PDULen = mvarPDULen
End Property

Public Property Let MSGContent(ByVal vData As String)
'Syntax: X.MSGContent = 5
    mvarMSGContent = vData
    mvarMSGLen = Len(vData) * 2
End Property

Public Property Get MSGContent() As String
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.MSGContent
    MSGContent = mvarMSGContent
End Property

'Public Property Let MSGLen(ByVal vData As String)
''Syntax: X.MSGLen = 5
'    mvarMSGLen = vData
'End Property

Public Property Get MSGLen() As Integer
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.MSGLen
    MSGLen = mvarMSGLen
End Property

Public Property Let TPVP(ByVal vData As Integer)
'Syntax: X.TPVP = 5
    If vData >= 0 And vData         mvarTPVP = vData
        RaiseEvent ValidResult(6, "TP-VP Error!")
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get TPVP() As Integer
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.TPVP
    TPVP = mvarTPVP
End Property

Public Property Let TPDCS(ByVal vData As Integer)
'Syntax: X.TPDSC = 5
    If vData >= 0 And vData         mvarTPDSC = vData
        RaiseEvent ValidResult(5, "TP-DCS Error!")
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get TPDCS() As Integer
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.TPDSC
    TPDCS = mvarTPDSC
End Property

Public Property Let TPPID(ByVal vData As Integer)
'Syntax: X.TPPID = 5
    If vData >= 0 And vData         mvarTPPID = vData
        RaiseEvent ValidResult(4, "TP-PID Error!")
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get TPPID() As Integer
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.TPPID
    TPPID = mvarTPPID
End Property

Public Property Let DestPhoneNum(ByVal vData As String)
'Syntax: X.DestPhoneNum = 5
    If Len(vData) = 0 Then
        RaiseEvent ValidResult(3, "DestPhoneNumber is null!")
        mvarDestPhoneNum = vData
        mvarDestPhoneNumLen = FormatPhoneNum(vData, mvarDestPhoneNumType)
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get DestPhoneNum() As String
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.DestPhoneNum

        DestPhoneNum = mvarDestPhoneNum

End Property

'Public Property Let DestPhoneNumType(ByVal vData As String)
''Syntax: X.DestPhoneNumType = 5
'    mvarDestPhoneNumType = vData
'End Property
Public Property Get DestPhoneNumType() As String
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.DestPhoneNumType
    If Len(mvarDestPhoneNum) = 0 Then
        mvarDestPhoneNumType = "FF"
        Dim str As String
        str = mvarDestPhoneNum
        FormatPhoneNum str, mvarDestPhoneNumType
    End If
    DestPhoneNumType = mvarDestPhoneNumType
End Property

'Public Property Let DestPhoneNumLen(ByVal vData As String)
''Syntax: X.DestPhoneNumLen = 5
'    mvarDestPhoneNumLen = vData
'End Property
Public Property Get DestPhoneNumLen() As Integer
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.DestPhoneNumLen
    If Len(DestPhoneNum) = 0 Then
        mvarDestPhoneNumLen = 0
        Dim str As String
        str = DestPhoneNum
        mvarDestPhoneNumLen = FormatPhoneNum(str, mvarDestPhoneNumType)
    End If
    DestPhoneNumLen = mvarDestPhoneNumLen
End Property

Public Property Let TPMR(ByVal vData As Integer)
'Syntax: X.TPMR = 5
    If vData >= 0 And vData         mvarTPMR = vData
        RaiseEvent ValidResult(2, "TP-MR Error!")
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get TPMR() As Integer
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.TPMR
    TPMR = mvarTPMR
End Property

Public Property Let MsgHead(ByVal vData As Integer)
'Syntax: X.MsgHead = 5
    If vData >= 0 And vData         mvarMsgHead = vData
        RaiseEvent ValidResult(1, "MsgHead Error!")
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get MsgHead() As Integer
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.MsgHead
    MsgHead = mvarMsgHead
End Property

Public Property Let SMSC(ByVal vData As String)
'Syntax: X.SMSC = 5
    If Len(vData) = 0 Then
        mvarSMSCLen = 0
        mvarSMSC = vData
        If Len(vData) > 14 Then
            RaiseEvent ValidResult(7, "SMSC Error!")
            vData = "+8613800769500"
        End If
        If Len(vData)             RaiseEvent ValidResult(7, "SMSC Error!")
            vData = "+8613800769500"
        End If
        vData = "+86" & Right(vData, 11)
        mvarSMSC = vData
        mvarSMSCLen = FormatPhoneNum(vData, mvarSMSCType) / 2
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get SMSC() As String
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.SMSC
    SMSC = mvarSMSC
End Property

'Public Property Let SMSCType(ByVal vData As String)
''Syntax: X.SMSCType = 5
'    mvarSMSCType = vData
'End Property

Public Property Get SMSCType() As String
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.SMSCType
    If Len(SMSC) = 0 Then
        mvarSMSCType = "FF"
        Dim str As String
        str = SMSC
        FormatPhoneNum str, mvarSMSCType
    End If
    SMSCType = mvarSMSCType
End Property

'Public Property Let SMSCLen(ByVal vData As String)
''Syntax: X.SMSCLen = 5
'    mvarSMSCLen = vData
'End Property
Public Property Get SMSCLen() As Integer
'Syntax: Debug.Print X.SMSCLen
    If Len(SMSC) = 0 Then
        mvarSMSCLen = 0
        Dim str As String
        str = SMSC
        FormatPhoneNum str, mvarSMSCType
        mvarSMSCLen = Len(mvarSMSCType & str) / 2
    End If
    SMSCLen = mvarSMSCLen
End Property

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
mvarSMSCLen = 0
mvarSMSCType = ""
mvarSMSC = ""
mvarMsgHead = 17
mvarTPMR = 0
mvarDestPhoneNumLen = 0
mvarDestPhoneNumType = ""
mvarDestPhoneNum = ""
mvarTPPID = 0
mvarTPDSC = 8
mvarTPVP = 255
mvarMSGLen = 0
mvarMSGContent = ""
mvarPDULen = 0
mvarPDU = ""

'    Msg.MsgHead = "11"   '文件头字节 (header byte, 是一种 bitmask) 。这里 11 指正常地发送短信息。
'    Msg.TPMR = "00"         '信息参考号。( TP-MR )
'    Msg.TPPID = "00"    '‘一般都是 00 ,表示点到点的标准短信
'    Msg.TPVP = "FF"   '‘有效期 (TP-VP), 短信的有效时间 ,00或FF表示有效
'    Msg.TPDSC = "08"    '用户信息编码方式 (TP-DCS) , 7-bit 编码( 08 : UCS2 编码 汉字一般为08)
End Sub

Private Function Int2HexStr(ByVal arg0 As Integer) As String
    Dim strChar As String
    strChar = ""
    strChar = Hex(arg0)
    If Len(strChar)     Int2HexStr = strChar
End Function

'由于位置上略有处理,实际号码应为: 8613805515500( 字母 F 意指长度减 1),
'这是作者所在地 GSM 短信息中心的号码。 ( 号码处理方法为 , 如果为 +86 开始 , 将 + 号去掉 ,
'然后判断是否为偶数 , 不是在末尾补 F, 然后将奇数位和偶数位互换 )

Public Function FormatPhoneNum(ByRef phoneNum As String, ByRef tonNpiFlag As String) As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim iAsc As Integer
    Dim strChar As String
'        If Len(phoneNum) = 14 Then
'            If Left(phoneNum, 3) = "+86" Then
'                phoneNum = Right(phoneNum, 11)
'            Else
'                If Len(phoneNum) 11 Then
'                    FormatSMSC = 0
'                    Exit Function
'                End If
'            End If
'        End If
        If Len(phoneNum)             FormatPhoneNum = 0
            Exit Function
        End If
             If Left(phoneNum, 3) = "+86" Then
                phoneNum = Right(phoneNum, 13)
                tonNpiFlag = "91"
'                If Len(phoneNum) 11 Then
'                    FormatSMSC = 0
'                    Exit Function
'                End If
                tonNpiFlag = "81"
            End If
        For i = 1 To Len(phoneNum)
            strChar = Mid(phoneNum, i, 1)
            iAsc = Asc(strChar)
            If iAsc > 57 Or iAsc                 FormatPhoneNum = 0
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next i
        If Len(phoneNum) Mod 2 0 Then
            phoneNum = phoneNum & "F"
        End If
        Dim strTmp2, strTmp1 As String
        strTmp1 = ""
        For i = 1 To Len(phoneNum) Step 2
            strTmp2 = Mid(phoneNum, i, 2)
            strTmp1 = strTmp1 & Right(strTmp2, 1) & Left(strTmp2, 1)
        Next i
        phoneNum = strTmp1
    FormatPhoneNum = Len(phoneNum) - 1
End Function

Public Function GB2Unicode(ByVal strGB As String) As String

    Dim byteA()         As Byte
    Dim i               As Integer
    Dim strTmpUnicode   As String
    Dim strA            As String
    Dim strB            As String

    On Error GoTo ErrorUnicode
    i = LenB(strGB)
    ReDim byteA(1 To i)
    For i = 1 To LenB(strGB)
        strA = MidB(strGB, i, 1)
        byteA(i) = AscB(strA)
    Next i
    strTmpUnicode = ""
    For i = 1 To UBound(byteA) Step 2
        strA = Hex(byteA(i))
        If Len(strA)         strB = Hex(byteA(i + 1))
        If Len(strB)         strTmpUnicode = strTmpUnicode & strB & strA
    Next i
    GB2Unicode = strTmpUnicode
    Exit Function

'    MsgBox "错误:" & Err & "." & vbCrLf & Err.Description
    RaiseEvent ValidResult(Err.Number, Err.Description)
    GB2Unicode = ""
End Function


Dim sms1 As New SMSPDUClass

    sms1.DestPhoneNum = "13922992078"
    sms1.SMSC = "+861380076950011"
    sms1.MSGContent = "aa"

   SendSms sms1.pdu,sms1.pduleni

Public Function SendSms(ByVal strSMSPdu As String, ByVal SMSLen As Integer) As Boolean
    With MSComm1
        If .PortOpen = True Then
'            Debug.Print Now()
            If SMSLen > 5 Then
                .Output = "AT+CMGF=0" & vbCr
                .Output = "AT+CMGS=" & SMSLen & vbCr
                SendSms = False
                Exit Function
            End If
            If Len(strSMSPdu) = 0 Then
                SendSms = False
                Exit Function
            End If
'            Debug.Print Now()
            Dim i As Long
            For i = 0 To 10000 Step 1
'            Debug.Print Now()
            .Output = strSMSPdu & Chr(26)
            SendSms = True
'             Debug.Print Now()
                SendSms = False
                Exit Function
        End If

    End With
End Function
