define('max', 2);
mysql教程_connect('localhost', 'your mysql username', 'your mysql password');
mysql_select_db('your mysql database');
switch ($_post['action']) {
case 'upload':
$file = $_files['file']['tmp_name'];
$filename = $_files['file']['name'];
if($file) {
$max = max * 1024 * 1024;
$q = mysql_query("select * from `uploads` order by `batch` desc limit 1");
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
$batch = $r['batch'];
if($filename == '') {
$zip = zip_open($file);
if ($zip) {
while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
$size = zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry);
$name = zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
$type = substr(strrchr($name, '.'), 1);
if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
$content = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
if ($size > $max) {
header('location: ./?error=4');
$error = true;
if ($type == 'gif' && $error) {
$error = false;
if ($type == 'png' && $error) {
$error = false;
if ($type == 'jpg' && $error) {
$error = false;
if ($type == 'jpeg' && $error) {
$error = false;
if ($error) {
header('location: ./?error=2');
} else {
$id = 1;
$batch2 = $batch + 1;
while (file_exists("uploads/$id/$name")) {
$fp = @fopen("uploads/$id/$name", "w");
if (@fwrite($fp, $content)) {
$q = mysql_query("insert into `uploads` (`file`, `batch`) values ('uploads/$id/$name', '$batch2')");
$id = mysql_insert_id();
} else {
header('location: ./?error=3');
header('location: ./?batch=' . $batch2);
} else {
if (filesize($file) > $max) {
header('location: ./?error=4');
$error = true;
if (@imagecreatefromjpeg($file) && $error) {
$error = false;
if (@imagecreatefromgif($file) && $error) {
$error = false;
if (@imagecreatefrompng($file) && $error) {
$error = false;
if ($error) {
header('location: ./?error=2');
} else {
$id = 1;
$batch = $batch + 1;
while (file_exists("uploads/$id/$filename")) {
if (@move_uploaded_file($file, "uploads/$id/$filename")) {
$q = mysql_query("insert into `uploads` (`file`, `batch`) values ('uploads/$id/$filename', '$batch')");
$id = mysql_insert_id();
header('location: ./?image=' . $id);
} else {
header('location: ./?error=3');
} else {
header('location: ./?error=1');
header('content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');
function rewrite ($buffer) {
$host = $_server['http_host'];
$path = dirname($_server['php_self']);
$absolute = "http://$host$path/";
return preg_replace('#(href|src|action)="/#', "1="$absolute", $buffer);
jpegr - share photos instantly

// recently uploaded query
//$q = mysql_query('select * from `uploads` order by `id` desc limit 15');
$q = mysql_query('select count(`id`) as `count` from `uploads`');
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
images hosted
if ($_get['p'] == 'help') {
how do i upload an image?
just use the quick upload form on the top, or goto the home page to upload an image.
what does "you must select a file to upload!" mean?
this means that you clicked upload without selecting an image file.
what does "that is a not a valid jpeg, gif, or png image." mean?
this means that you uploaded a file, but it was not a jpeg, gif, or png image.
what does "there was a problem with the server, and we were unable to upload your image." mean?
this means your file was accepted, but it did not get saved, you will need to try again, or upload another image.
what does "the file you selected was too big, mb is the maximum." mean?
this means that you tried to upload a file that was too big.
} elseif ($_get['p'] == 'terms-of-service') {
terms of service
when you upload to jpegr you agree to the following;
- you will not use jpegr to upload pornographic content, any violation of this agreement may result in ban, and immediate removal of content.
- you will not abuse jpegr's upload form.
- any violation may result in permanent ban.
} else {
if (is_numeric($_get['image'])) {
$q = mysql_query("select * from `uploads` where `id` = '$_get[image]'");
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
$root_ = 'http://' . $_server['http_host'] . dirname($_server['php_self']) . '/';
here is your image
if (is_numeric($_get['batch'])) {
$q = mysql_query("select * from `uploads` where `batch` = '$_get[batch]'");
viewing batch #
to view an image in full size, just click it.
while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
![image #<?php echo $r['id']; ?>](<?php%20echo%20%24r%5B'file'%5D;%20?>)
beta image slideshow
share this batch with your friends
upload an image or photo
mysql_connect('localhost', 'your mysql username', 'your mysql password');
mysql_select_db('your mysql database');
if ($_get['delete']) {
$sql = "select * from `uploads` where `id` = '$_get[delete]'";
$q = mysql_query($sql);
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
unlink($_server['document_root'] . '/' . $r['file']);
$sql = "delete from `uploads` where `id` = '$_get[delete]'";
$q = mysql_query($sql);
header('location: ' . $_server['http_referer']);
jpegr administration
$sql = 'select ceil(count(`id`) / 20) as `count` from `uploads`';
$q = mysql_query($sql);
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
$pages = $r['count'];
$offset = ($_get['page'] > 0 && $_get['page'] for ($i = 1; $i $class = ($_get['page'] == $i || $i == 1 && !$_get['page']) ? ' class="current"' : ' class="page"';
id |
filename |
action |
$sql = "select * from `uploads` order by `id` desc limit $offset,20";
$q = mysql_query($sql);
while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
view, "?');">delete
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