本篇文章给大家分享的内容是关于ThinkPHP5中使用 Auth2进行验证的过程分析,有需要的朋友可以参考一下,希望能帮助到大家。
在tp上实现的auth2验证的,在网上发现笔记很少, 不像yii, 故在此发表一下笔记,用来帮助有相关需求的朋友
PS: 鉴于oauth2有四种方案, 本实例是基于 客户端凭证 实现,其他三种就不讲述了
composer require --prefer-dist bshaffer/oauth2-server-php
1) 创建对应的数据表
首先找到 Pdo.php文件,如图:
CREATE TABLE oauth_access_tokens ( access_token varchar(40) NOT NULL, client_id varchar(80) NOT NULL, user_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, expires varchar(19) NOT NULL, scope text, PRIMARY KEY ( access_token ), KEY fk_access_token_oauth2_client_client_id ( client_id ), KEY ix_access_token_expires ( expires ), CONSTRAINT fk_access_token_oauth2_client_client_id FOREIGN KEY ( client_id ) REFERENCES pos_oauth2_client ( client_id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
CREATE TABLE oauth_authorization_codes ( authorization_code varchar(40) NOT NULL, client_id varchar(80) NOT NULL, user_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, redirect_uri text NOT NULL, expires int(11) NOT NULL, scope text, PRIMARY KEY ( authorization_code ), KEY fk_authorization_code_oauth2_client_client_id ( client_id ), KEY ix_authorization_code_expires ( expires ), CONSTRAINT fk_authorization_code_oauth2_client_client_id FOREIGN KEY ( client_id ) REFERENCES pos_oauth2_client ( client_id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
CREATE TABLE oauth_clients ( client_id varchar(80) NOT NULL, client_secret varchar(80) NOT NULL, redirect_uri text NOT NULL, grant_type text, scope text, created_at int(11) DEFAULT NULL, updated_at int(11) DEFAULT NULL, created_by int(11) DEFAULT NULL, updated_by int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( client_id ) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_tokens ( refresh_token varchar(40) NOT NULL, client_id varchar(80) NOT NULL, user_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, expires int(11) NOT NULL, scope text, PRIMARY KEY ( refresh_token ), KEY fk_refresh_token_oauth2_client_client_id ( client_id ), KEY ix_refresh_token_expires ( expires ), CONSTRAINT fk_refresh_token_oauth2_client_client_id FOREIGN KEY ( client_id ) REFERENCES pos_oauth2_client ( client_id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
CREATE TABLE oauth_scopes ( scope text, is_default tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
insert into oauth_clients ( client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, grant_type, scope, created_at, updated_at, created_by, updated_by ) values ('admin','123456','http://','client_credentials',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
在我实际使用中,只使用到这五张表,也就是上面创建的五张表,在这个config里面,剩下的几个选项我是全部 注销掉了的
另外还有一个情况,说明一下: 有可能各位,对数据表设置了表前缀, 也是需要在此进行相关修改的, 比如我创建的,见图:
2) 创建授权文件 Oauth2.php, 名字随便自己取
<?phpnamespace appcommon;/** @author jinyan @create 20180416 */use OAuth2StoragePdo;use thinkConfig; class Oauth2{
/** * @Register new Oauth2 apply * @param string $action * @return boolean|\OAuth2\Server */ function grantTypeOauth2($action=null) { Config::load(APP_PATH.'database.php'); $storage = new Pdo( [ 'dsn' => config('dsn'), 'username' => config('username'), 'password' => config('password') ] ); $server = new \OAuth2\Server($storage, array('enforce_state'=>false)); // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types) $server->addGrantType(new \OAuth2\GrantType\ClientCredentials($storage)); // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens) $server->addGrantType(new \OAuth2\GrantType\AuthorizationCode($storage)); // Add the "User Credentials" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens) $server->addGrantType(new \OAuth2\GrantType\UserCredentials($storage)); return $server; } /** * @校验token值 * @param unknown $server */ protected function checkApiAuthroize($server) { if (!$server->verifyResourceRequest(\OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals())) { $server->getResponse()->send(); exit; } }
} ?>
3) 创建token文件, Access.php
<?phpnamespace apprestfulcontroller;use appcommonOauth2; /** @uathor:jinyan */ class Access extends Oauth2{
protected $_server; /** * @授权配置 */ public function __construct() { return $this->_server = $this->grantTypeOauth2(); } /** * */ private function _token() { // Handle a request for an OAuth2.0 Access Token and send the response to the client $this->_server->handleTokenRequest(\OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals())->send('json', 'oauth2_'); } /** * @get access_token */ public function access_token() { $this->_token(); }
} ?>
那么如何请求一个access_token的值呢? 直接调用这个 acccess_token()的方法即可
request url: http://restful.thinkphp.com/r...
还请得之前创建数据表时,有添加了一条新数据吗? 其作用就是相当于用来获取access_token的账号密码之类的, 记得需要使用 Post方式获取token
{ client_id=admin client_secret=123456 grant_type=client_credentials //这个参数是固定的 }
4) 通过 access_token 获取接口数据 ,Sms.php
<?php namespace apprestfulcontroller; /** Created by PhpStorm. User: Administrator Date: 2018/7/29 Time: 22:02 */ use appcommonOauth2; class Sms extends Oauth2 { protected $_server; /** * @授权配置 */ public function __construct() { $this->_server = $this->grantTypeOauth2(); } public function test() { //access_token验证 $this->checkApiAuthroize($this->_server); echo '成功请求到数据'; } }
三、 测试效果如图:
1)首先不带access_token请求, test()方法:
2)然后请求一个错误的access_token, test()方法
3) 最后,使用一个正确的access_token, test()方法
以上是ThinkPHP5中使用 Auth2进行验证的过程分析的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!